Chapter Eight: First Fight

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    ''We're not alone." Clarke's words raced through my mind with every beat of my heart. We were all running now, as fast as we could away from the river. With every step I took, I felt overwhelming regret with leaving Jasper behind to whatever threw those spears. I could hear the others panting beside me, their footfalls causing the dead leaves to crackle. I heard a grunt and stopped, whirling around to see that Monty had tripped and was just laying there, staring at what looked like a log. Octavia and Finn darted over to him, each grabbing an arm, urging him to get up, but his eyes stayed glued to the log. I walked over to help and saw that this was not a log. My mouth fell open and I gagged. It was a dirty, decayed skeleton. We had all stopped by now and glanced around at our surroundings. I saw quite a few more bones, noting the fact that there were a lot more skeletons around the area we were in. "Who were they?" Finn asked, mystified.
    I saw Clarke lean down and pick up what looked like a skull. She turned it around in her hands and showed us after looking it over. "They question would be 'what' were they?" The skull didn't look in any way like a humans at all. It was longer, and was more bumpy than any skull of any creature. It didn't have a lower jaw, just the top, and it was filled with small teeth. The eye sockets were large, showing off a clearly big forehead.
    "We're so screwed." Octavia huffed, placing one hand on her hip and running the other through her hair.
Suddenly, we heard a bloodcurdling scream that could only be Jasper's. Clarke dropped the skull and looked toward where the scream came from like everyone else did.
    "That was Jasper. He's alive." Clarke said, and with that, started running off toward the where the scream came from.
    "Clarke!" Finn said, racing to catch up to her. We all followed suit.
    "Clarke, you're going to get yourself killed!" I shouted to her, hoping she could hear me. We ended up back at the river, but this time, we stayed hiding in the thick brush nearby. Crouched down, we looked in the spot where Jasper last was, but saw nothing except the remnants of his blood. A look of horror appeared on Clarke's face. "They took him." She said softly. Sighing, I sat back on my heels.
    "We shouldn't have just left him." I said, my eyes downcast. "Or maybe I should have gone first."
    "No, don't even say that." Finn said, his eyes hard as he looked at me. "It should have been me." Clarke shook her head.
    "No matter who went, we'd still be in the same situation we're in right now. We have to get back to camp and warn the others, get some supplies, and rescue him. That's the best option." We all nodded and stood, scanning the area for any possible danger, and headed on our way. As we were leaving, I turned to take one last look and whispered a soft prayer, praying for his safety, before following.


    I woke to the sound of a commotion outside of the dropship where I slept. I recognized Wells' and Atom's voices. I sat up in my makeshift sleeping bag and listened. "Hey, uh, where'd you get the extra clothes?" Atom asked. Did daddy pack him up some extra stuff? I thought, before realizing that wasn't possible. I started to untangle myself from the sheets and stood, listening for Wells to answer.
    "There were two kids who died during the landing, and I just got done burying them." There was a pause and I took that time to sneak a little closer to the entry to hear better.
    "That's smart." Atom said. "I think I'll take it from here though. There's always a market for-"
    "We share based on need." Wells retorted. "Just like back home." I shook my head and pushed aside the curtain to stand at the top of the ramp in plain view of them both.
    "You still don't understand, do you Chancellor?" I walked heavily down toward him, making sure that I had a sort of menacing look on my face. I stopped when I was standing in front of him. "This is home now. Your fathers rules no longer apply." I said and I snatched a shirt from the pile of clothing he held and kept it close to my chest as he made a grab for it. Atom lunged forward and tried to shove Wells back. "No, no, Atom, it's fine. You want it back?" I asked Wells, who was now glaring at me harshly. I glared right back at him. I can't believe Shayla is friends with this guy. I thought. "Go ahead and take it then." He leaned toward me a little, still glaring, before he turned around and threw the pile of clothes behind him.
    The minute it hit the ground, kids leapt on the pile. They grabbed what they could, looking like a pack of wild animals vying for the best piece of meat. Wells turned back to me and held out his arms. "Is this what you want?" He asked. "Chaos?"
    "What's wrong with a little chaos?" I replied, making a move to tug the shirt onto my body, when we heard a scream. I quickly pulled on the shirt and raced toward the sound, the crowd of kids following me. We made it to the small area where we had taken off the wristbands the night before. There was Murphy, holding a girl over the fire. I noticed she still had her wristband on, and supposed that she had refused to take it off.
    "Hey Bellamy!" Murphy called as I walked over. "Check it out, we want the Ark to think that the ground is killing us, right? Figured it would look better if we suffered a little first." Out of the corner of my eye I saw a movement. Wells darted out from behind me and ran toward Murphy and the girl.
    "Let her go!" He growled, plowing into Murphy and knocking them both away from the fire. Murphy went flying backwards and the girl scrambled away, darting toward the crowd.
    Wells turned to me, panting and shaking his head. "You can stop this." He said, a hint of desperation in his voice.
    "Stop this?" I saw Murphy sneaking up behind Wells and smiled lightly. "I'm just getting started." And with that, I stepped back, allowing Murphy the room he needed to punch Wells in the jaw. I winced, feeling the slightest bit sorry for him, but it went away in a blink. Cheers went up around the clearing as Wells and Murphy went at each other. Suddenly Wells had pinned Murphy down and had knocked him into a daze. Standing up, Wells faced me again and pointed to him.
    "Don't you see that you can't control this?" I saw Murphy stand up from his stupor and pull out his homemade knife from the wreckage of the dropship.
    "You are so dead." He said menacingly, wiping the blood away from his lip. He advanced toward Wells, who had turned around.
    I felt gracious, so I stopped them. "Hold on now." I said, pressing my hand against Murphy's chest to halt him. I tugged a knife from my pocket, looked at Wells, and held it out to him. "Fair fight." I waited until he took it before I stepped back. Wells got into a defensive stance and the battle began. Murphy jabbed at him and Wells leapt back, only to come again, slashing at his face. Murphy sidestepped and when Wells went by, he slashed his arm, causing blood to splash out. He groaned slightly and touched his arm, looking at his now blood covered finger-tips.
    "This is for my father!" Murphy lunged at him with a roar. Wells quickly managed to spin him around, wrap his arm around Murphys neck, and hold the knife to it.
    "Drop it!" He grunted, struggling a little to keep him from breaking free.
Suddenly, a voice called his name.    
    "Wells!" We all looked and saw Clarke stomping toward him, Finn following close behind. She came into the clearing and marched right up to them. "Let him go." Clarke demanded. Wells growled and shoved Murphy away, being careful to avoid the knife he still held. Murphy whirled around and tried to lunge for him, but I stepped in front of him, barely managing to hold him back.
    "Hey, enough Murphy." I heard a few more footsteps and turned to see Octavia being held up by the boy named Monty, Shayla right behind, her arm in a makeshift sling. "Octavia, Shayla, are you guys alright?" I rushed to them and took Octavia from Monty, setting her down on a log.
    "I'm fine." She replied stiffly. After she was sitting, I went over to Shayla, who was leaning against a tree, exhaustion written on her face.
    "And how about you? How are you feeling?" I wrapped my arm gently around her splinted shoulder. I could feel how stiff she was and saw her wince slightly as I relaxed my arm.
    "I'm okay, just fell down and dislocated my shoulder. I'll be alright. You should keep your eye on Octavia more than me though. She got bit by a monster when we stopped at the river." My eyes widened and I looked over at my sister, who waved slightly at me.    
    "I'm still gonna worry about you. I love you both, so I can't not worry." I said softly. Shayla sighed and relaxed into me.
    "I'm so glad we're finally together again." She muttered. I rested my chin on her head for a moment.
    "Me too." I replied, before getting back to business. "So then, where's the food?" I asked Clarke. There was a long pause, where Clarke looked at me, regret in her eyes, and Finn sat down on a rock and was the one to reply.
    "We never made it to Mount Weather."
    "What the hell happened out there?" I said, my voice harder than necessary. Clarke shifted her weight around and replied.
    "We were attacked." Wells looked at her, probably to see if she was okay.    
    "Attacked?" He said, pausing as Clarke turned to him, fear in her eyes. "By what?"
    "Not what. Who." Finn stepped in. "Turns out, when the last man from the ground died on the Ark, he wasn't the last grounder." He said, looking back and forth between me and Clarke. I
placed my hand on Octavia's shoulder as Clarke spoke up.
    "It's true. Everything we thought we knew about the ground is wrong. There are people here. Survivors. The good news is, that means we can survive here as well. Radiation won't kill us." She said, a little louder, so the crowd could hear her declaration.
    "Yea the bad news is the grounders will." Finn muttered, loud enough so only our small group could hear. After a pause, Wells looked around.
    "Where's the kid with the goggles?" He asked. Clarke turned to face him, swaying from side to side.
    "Jasper was hit. They took him." She looked down after she said the last part. Her eyes widened and she reached out to grab Wells' arm. "Where is your wristband?" She asked harshly. Wells yanked his arm away and turned to face me.
    "Why don't you ask him?" He said with a glare. All eyes turned to me and I shifted uncomfortably. Clarke took one menacing step towards me.
    "How many?" She said.
    "Twenty-four and counting." Murphy said, leaning casually against a rock. Clarke's face fell and she shook her head.
    "You idiots. Life support on the Ark is failing. That's why they sent us down here, to see if the Earth is survivable again and we need their help against whoever is out there! If you take off your wristbands, you're killing them. You're killing us." She shouted, almost pleadingly. I couldn't take her anymore. She was just so annoying sometimes. I thought out my own little speech and stepped forward.
    "We're stronger than you think. Don't listen to her, she's one of the privileged. If they come down, she'll have it good. How many of you can say the same?" I paused real fast for a few grunts of displeasure, surprisingly I heard Shayla's, before continuing. "We can take care of of ourselves. That wristband on your arm, it makes you a prisoner." I pointed to them all, before yelling, "We are not prisoners anymore! They say they'll forgive your crimes. I say you're not criminals!" There were a lot of agreeing shouts. "You're fighters." I went on. "Survivors. The grounders should worry about us!" The entire crowd shouted their agreement, and I turned around to face the others, seeing Shayla's face first.
    I saw a small smile on her face and she nodded in approval, before the smile slipped and she looked at Clarke, a pained look on her face. She must be feeling a little bad right now, seeing as her friend was a bit disappointed.    
    "Clarke-" She started to reach for her, but Clarke shrugged her off and stormed away. I saw her eyes darken, before she shook her head and followed her and Monty, who went after her as well.
    "Hey." I reached out to stop Shayla. "I'm sorry for saying those thing about Wells earlier. And about now." She shook her head and smiled at me.
    "Its no worries, babe. One of the things I love most about you is that you speak your mind and you're not afraid of the consequences. What you said was true, but what Clarke said was also. Maybe you should think about working together instead of constantly butting heads." She said, stretching up on her tiptoes to kiss me on the cheek. "I'm gonna go smooth things over with her. But, I will see you later tonight." She said mysteriously.
    Smiling at me, she jogged over to Clarke. I grinned, just thinking one main thought. I love this woman. And I will never let her go again.

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