Chapter Seven: We're Not Alone

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    A bright light filtered through my eyelids, waking me up. I sat up drowsily and looked around, briefly confused about where I was. Then I remembered. They sent us down to Earth to try and survive. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and stood up, stretching my arm over my head. I winced and carefully fondled my injured shoulder, which was very tight and sore. Looking around, I saw that both Jasper and Monty were still fast asleep, Octavia was standing in the middle of the clearing, and Clarke and Finn were nowhere to be found.
I headed over to where Jasper and Monty were, and nudged them with the toe of my boot. "Guys, wake up." Jasper moaned slightly and rolled the other way. Sighing, I kicked him in the thigh. "Wake your asses up, boys! We have to get moving!" I shouted, holding a smile back as Jasper sat bolt upright, groaning.
    "You didn't have to kick me!" He glared at me. I couldn't keep the smile off my face after that, and I burst out laughing.
    "I know, I'm sorry, but you wouldn't get up either way!" I said between laughter. I looked over at him again and saw a small smile appear on his face. He pointed toward Monty and whispered,   
    "Now it's him you need to use deadly force with. He sleeps like a rock, no kidding." I grinned and grabbed a leaf off the ground.
    "I have a better idea. Let's screw with him a little bit, shall we?" Jasper returned the smile and covered his mouth with his hand, no doubt trying to hold back laughter. I gently dangled the leaf over his head and traced the tip along his ear.
    "Monty. Monty!" Jasper said in a spooky voice. "It's time to wake up. And if you don't, you'll lose the skill to make moonshine." He jolted awake, his eyes wide.
    "Nooooo!" He exclaimed. Jasper and I couldn't hold it in anymore. We both rolled over, clutching our middles, laughing like there was no tomorrow.
I could feel the heat of Monty's glare and faced him, gasping for breath.
    "Look, Monty, you have to admit, that was hilarious." He narrowed his eyes at me before giving out a half-hearted chuckle.
    "I suppose it was. And Jasper, wow, I can't believe you'd do this." He said sarcastically, standing up and brushing the dirt off his body. Jasper giggled one last time before joining his friend.
    "Aww, come on, man, your reaction was the best part. At least she didn't kick you." He started pointedly at me, and I looked away, trying to make my face look as innocent as possible. Jasper went to kick me back and I rolled out of the way, managing to get on my feet in what I hoped was a swift movement.
    "You missed sucker, I'm too fast for you." I joked. He came toward me and gently nicked my shoulder with his finger. Yelping, I leapt backwards right into Octavia.
    "Who's the fast one now?" He said, crossing his arms and turning back to Monty. I narrowed my eyes at him before turning to Octavia, who was watching the events with a smile.
    "That was fun." She said, leaning against a tree. I laughed, agreeing.
    "How did you sleep? And how's your leg?" I asked her. She rubbed her leg gently.
    "I slept well, and my leg is kinda sore. How about you? How did you sleep? And how's your shoulder?"
    "Same as you, just more tight and painful, seeing as I slept on it last night." I winced a little, thinking about how hard it was to fall back asleep after waking up in the middle of the night. I looked around, still wondering where my brother and Clarke went. "Have you seen Clarke and Finn at all this morning? I haven't seen them since last night." Octavia shook her head.
    "Last I saw, they were heading toward the river. I was going to follow them, but then all of this happened. Want to come with me?"
    "Well, we should take these two with us. You never know how they could get into trouble." Both of them looked at us, indignant looks on their faces.
    "Say what now?" Monty said. Both of us laughed softly.
    "We're going down to the river to see what Clarke and Finn are up to, and you two are going to come with us."
    "You make it sound like we don't have a choice." Jasper said, crossing his arms.  
    "Well here's the thing. You don't." I said, taking a step towards them. They took a step back.
    "Okay, okay, fine. We're coming." Monty said, rolling his eyes. I jutted my chin out to them.
    "That's what I thought." Octavia linked her arm through mine as we walked to the river. A few moments later, we arrived. Clarke and Finn were by the rock that Octavia had jumped from the day before. They were holding a vine in their hands. "Hey, you two. What's up?" I called to them. They turned around and Finn smiled and walked over.
    "Hey Sis, how are you feeling?" He asked, giving me a gentle hug, being careful around my shoulder.
    "I slept alright." I said. "What are you guys up to?" I asked, curiously peeking over my brothers shoulder.
    "We found a vine that seems strong enough to swing across the river on. It's going to be so awesome." I gave a small hop.
    "It does sound exciting! When do we leave?"
    "Right now. I hope you have all of your stuff." I rolled my eyes.
    "I hardly brought anything, dork." He laughed and we all headed over to Clarke, who was still testing the strength of the rope.
    "I think we're all good. Who's going to go first?" She asked.
    "I will." Finn quickly volunteered. He walked up to the vine and took it in his hands. Jasper stood next to him. I was down a ways, standing with the others. Finn tugged on the vine, an uncertain look on his face. He continued to pull and step back. Clarke rolled her eyes and shouted to him.
    "You wanted to go first, now quit stalling. Mount Weather awaits." I laughed a little and turned to look at Finn.
    "Yea come on bro. Are you scared?" I teased. He stuck his tongue out at me, and turned to Jasper, who was mumbling something to him. I could hear just enough.
    "Just hang on like the Apogee and you'll be fine." Finn looked at him, his brow furrowed.
    "The Apogee. Like, the Indians, right?"
    "Apogee, not Apache." Jasper clarified.
    "He knows" Clarke said, slightly annoyed. "Today, Finn. We all want to go. So hurry up."
    "Aye-aye, Captain." He replied with a small salute to her. Then he turned to Jasper and said, "See you on the other side." With that, he pulled back hard and was about to swing across, when Jasper told him to wait. Finn skidded to a halt and looked over at him. I saw Jasper's gaze on Octavia, before he turned back to Finn. 
    "Let me." He said, holding out his hand for the vine. They both looked at Octavia, and shared a look. Jasper was bouncing on his toes. "I can do it." He said, a small smile on his face. Finn handed him the vine with a smile and gave his shoulder a slight shove.
    "I knew there was a badass inside of you."
    He chuckled nervously and got a hold on the vine and looked at Octavia, who shot him a soft smile. He took a deep breath and look across the river, but still wouldn't budge. Finn placed his hand on Jasper's shoulder.
    "Hey, it's okay to be scared. The trick is to not fight it." He said. Our mother always used to say that to us when we were little, and I'm glad it's still being used after her death. He smiled and steadied his hands on the vine.
    "See you on the other side." He said and launched himself off the rock, whooping and shouting in pleasure. He let go of the vine and tumbled onto the opposite shore. We all raced up to where he jumped from to get a better look and make sure he was alright. Finn caught the vine as it swung back over, and looked toward him.
    He stood up, a dazed and excited look on his face. He grinned widely, threw his arms in the air and shouted, "We are Apogee!" We returned his cry with shouts of our own. We continued shouting and jumping around for a little while, and kept a careful eye on the edge. Finn stopped shouting and took Clarke's arm, pulling her toward the vine.
    "Let's go princess, you're up.'' I watched as they gazed into one another's eyes for a moment before Clarke took the vine from him and readied herself to swing across.
    "Come on Clarke, you got this!" Jasper shouted from the other side. I watched as Jasper stepped more toward the forest, his eyes looking down at something on the ground. Leaning down, he brushed off the dirt and leaves from it, held it above his head and shouted to us, "We did it! Mount Weather!" It was a slab of rusted metal, which had the words 'Mount Weather' printed on it in big black letters.
    We continued shouting gleefully, when out of nowhere, Jasper went flying backwards. We fell silent and looked closer. There was what looked like a spear sticking out from his chest. Shock filled his face as he stared at the thing coming out of his body.
    "Get down now!" Finn shouted to us, and everyone scrambled down the rock as fast as they could. I followed close behind, but started to make for the river, thinking that I might be able to make it to him. "Shayla, what the hell are you doing?" Finn grabbed my arm and yanked me down.
    "Jasper!" I shouted, and struggled against my brother, despite the searing pain in my shoulder. "We have to help him!"
    Finn had pinned me to the ground now, almost laying on top of me. "There's nothing we can do right now. There's something out there who could spear you and you'd end up like Jasper. Do you want that?" He said intensely. I stopped struggling long enough to realize two things. One, I had tears streaming down my face, and two, I really didn't want to die. Not before I got to kiss Bellamy again. I settled down and shook my head slightly. Finn carefully moved off of me and looked toward where the spear had come from. "I can't see anything. Can you?" He asked Clarke, who was also looking.
    "No, but I think we had better get out of here. Try and make it to camp as fast as we can." Finn nodded and he started to help me to my feet. We were ready to make a run for it, but before we left, Clarke said words that sent a shudder all throughout my spine.
    "We're not alone." And with that, we ran for our lives.

The 1oo. A fan fiction (Season One)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant