"Of course I am. This is nothing compared to last night." Jin Ling huffed.

     The Young Mistress managed to get up without Sizhui's help, which was a surprise to the latter. "I'm going to continue." Jin Ling haughtily exclaimed. He shakily got back into a handstand stance, with his ponytail curling into a furry pile onto the floor. His clarity bell was hung upside, sometimes letting out a calming ring while clinging against his slim waist. The bottom of his robes were flung downwards to his upside down head, and thankfully, he wore a white shirt underneath and a pair of loosened white pants.

Even though he wore clothing underneath his robes, Sizhui's face flustered at the sight of Jin Ling's robes folding downwards. Hurriedly, Sizhui buried his face into his cupped palms. "Y-Young Master Jin... please be more wary of your actions!"


     "Are you hungry?" Jingyi asked.

     "No, I'm not." Sizhui politely denied.

     "Well, whether you're hungry or not, here you go!" Jingyi shoved a bento box of dinner onto Sizhui's chest, who thankfully caught it in the nick of time. "Ahh, but..." Sizhui's statement derailed when he noticed that Jingyi had already stomped off and left for his sleeping quarter. Lan Qiren's new favourite disciple had sighed, with a whiff of disappointment spiralling down his throat. "I guess I'll eat this then." Sizhui looked down at the bento box.

     His punishment with Jin Ling had been paused temporarily for the night, and the sky had darkened once again.

     Sizhui made sure to unwrap the bento box, and a steam of oily-cooked foods had embedded into Sizhui's nose. The smell was satisfying, much more tasty and salty than the original dishes of GusuLan. "Did Jingyi cook this for me?" Sizhui pondered.

     He was about to dig in, until a sound of a stomach grumbling had echoed from the distance.

     Sizhui stopped. Did I hear this correctly?

     The sound wasn't from himself. It was from outside. Carefully, Sizhui cautiously tiptoed towards his wooden door, sliding it open with an array of light pouring outside. It was Jin Ling!

"Jin Ling? What are you doing out here so late?" Sizhui asked.

A look of grief had plastered over Jin Ling's face, while the younger boy's frown had winced uncontrollably. "Huh? I'm just on a 'night stroll' as usual." He huffed. But Sizhui had already caught the sneaky glances that Jin Ling made towards the bento box that Sizhui carried. Jin Ling's mouth was about to drop open, to reveal drool smothered over his lips and dripping down his chin.

"Anyways, come inside." Sizhui sighed.

     Jin Ling stubbornly stumbled inside the sleeping quarter, taking a good look of the surroundings. Yes, Lan Sizhui's sleeping quarter was cleaner than anyone's. All of his scrolls were organized in a neat pile, and his different styles of brushes were placed in an empty wooden jar for safekeeping. Even his bed's covers and blankets were neatly folded and ironed. Jin Ling found himself becoming more and more nervous as he noticed the wide array of difference between his and Sizhui's sleeping quarter.

     "Would you like some, Jin Ling?" The familiar gentle voice had snapped Jin Ling out of his trance. He looked around to find Sizhui holding the bento box open, with a gust enveloping them of rice topped off with fried eggs.

     Jin Ling almost drooled at the reveal. "Hmph!" He huffed, darting his looks away from Sizhui. What am I going to do? He pondered. Before his mind got to work, his mouth was already beginning to babble. "It's not that I'm hungry. But if you insist..." he swiftly turned around and helped himself in that good pile of bento box's food. Sizhui earlier had passed him a pair of chopsticks, which were cylinder-shaped and wooden, with a GusuLan cloud print scarred into the bottom.

     Jin Ling didn't hesitate in each bite. Even if Sizhui was watching him, he did not feel the least bit awkward.

     All of a sudden, there was no more food. "Ahh," Jin Ling blinked. He sneakily turned around towards Sizhui. "There's no more. Were you hoping for some?"

     "No. I wasn't hungry." Sizhui smiled, taking the empty bento box out of Jin Ling's hands along with the chopsticks. "I'll be cleaning these then."

Jin Ling swallowed his gasp, Sizhui's like a mother!

     He eagerly watched Sizhui walk over to the sink, turning on the faucet, and beginning to rinse the bento box and chopsticks with the frigid cold water. Jin Ling found himself deliberately passing one thought to another towards himself. What am I supposed to do? Aren't we rivals? Arched nemesis'? Jin Ling bit his bottom lip while in debate. Didn't I decide to show everyone that I'm better than him?

     "Would you like some more?" Sizhui smiled.

     Jin Ling snapped out of his trance once again, perking curiously at the smiling gentlemen in front of him. "You have more?" Almost immediately, Jin Ling's mouth was about to drool once again. "Not at the moment. But I could always give you one every night." Sizhui showed off his gentle smile.

     A ray of heavenly lights shined upon Jin Ling as he nodded, disintegrating his earlier thought process completely. Who cares about our rivalry? If I can get delicious food, nothing matters!

     "Y-yes, that would be nice—only because I find GusuLan's food really plain and green, though!" Jin Ling added. Sizhui just awkwardly smiled at him.


"Huh? You liked the food?" Jingyi asked with innocent bold eyes. Obviously, he was exhilarated to find his friend complimenting him on his cooking skills. "Yes, I really did." Sizhui smiled.

"If it doesn't bother you, could it be possible for you to..." Sizhui paused, with an intimate blush sprinkled onto his cheeks. "Make more?" Jingyi continued. Sizhui nodded politely, making sure to bring his hands together in front and bow before asking, "yes. Is it possible?"

"Of course it's possible!" Jingyi exclaimed. "In fact, I'll make sure to make them every night!"

A scent of guilt struck Sizhui for tricking his friend, but he knew that no matter what he says, Jingyi would never cook for Jin Ling. It was written in permanent marker on his face. And Sizhui also knew that a part of him would do anything to see that eager side of the Young Mistress—something he never expected to see from a rumoured-to-be royally arrogant brat.

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