She did as tell and inside was a ankle length dress, the bottom was trailing few feet behind and it was shining like mirrors all over the place. The package said Sherri hill over it. She felt his breath upon her neck. 

"Do you like it Darling?" She shivered at the close proximity. "I do it is beautiful." "Not exactly it won't be beautiful until it adorns the most beautiful woman in this room and accentuates her beauty." He said. She looked at him surprised. "You bought it for me? Why? I already have a dress." She said.

"And you are dressing up for me I can see that it is not your style, but you still did wore it for me, So it was my sole responsibility to find the one perfect for you. Thus, one extra hour spent around the boutiques to find this perfect one." She smiles as her eyes watered. 

"Thank you, Christopher, that was thoughtful." He nodded. "But baby, this dress is also you, you look perfect in everything you wear, but somethings I want to keep for my eyes only. So I expect you to wear it again, sooner than you think. But first you need to be comfortable within your skin."

She hugged him. "Thank you for understanding my unspoken words." "Ok then I will leave you to get dressed." He said walking out respecting her privacy. He was waiting for her to show up, when he heard her voice calling him. "Christopher, can you help me?" She asked. He walked in and found her struggling with the zip. 

He placed his hand over her spine trailing it over her back. He was well aware of lack of few articles of clothing that this dress prevented from wearing. He placed his lips on her exposed back feeling her shiver. He slowly pulled her zip up trailing soft kisses as he go. And then he placed final kiss on her neck letting go.

"You look divine, you look so beautiful my darling. I can hardly keep my eyes off you." He said. Someone knocked at their door. "Come in" He called. "Now, stop it Reva, you know that is not..." Disha paused looking at them. "Pia..." All of them exclaimed at same time. She hid behind Christopher. Who turned around taking her hand and slipping something on it.

 "Last touch for you my beautiful wife." He placed a kiss on her forehead not caring he had company. All of them were quite shocked seeing this change in Christopher. He didn't seem to be angry at all.

"Ladies" He said acknowledging them finally. "Our ride is here Mr. Woodland." Disha Said. "You can address me by my name you know that right? After all you are my wife's sister that makes you my sisters too." He said looking at all of them. There was a tender look in his eyes when he looked at Pia. "I will be waiting downstairs alright Darling?" Pia nodded and he placed a kiss on her lips letting go.

After he walked away all of them surrounded her. "What happened to the angry on the world Christopher?" Disha asked. "He is not in somehow, he had changed." She said to them. "And what is with the dress?" Reva asked "Did you gone to shop secretly?" Pia shook her head in no "It was Christopher he brought this for me, he told me it was more me." Pia said blushing. Remembering what he just did a moment ago. And that made her much nervous about tonight.

"Come on let's get going or he will think we had kidnapped his beautiful wife" Mia joked. It made her blush a little more. "You all look equally beautiful," Pia commented picking up her clutch, and keeping her phone in it. "Yes, maybe we are but my darling tonight you are the star of the show. He has eyes for no one but you." She knows that, he told her that. But still in everyone's eyes they were just engaged, only they know the truth, it was much more than that. They all took the elevator to the lobby and all the eyes were trained on them. It made her more self-conscious, then before.

"You are very beautiful madam, what maybe your name? may I accompany you somewhere tonight" Reva laughed "Oh I love Paris, city of love." She told dramatically as they approached where Christopher was standing. And beside him was a Limo. 

"How about royal treatment ladies?" he asked looking at them. Reva squealed in delight. "Oh you know how much I love you now Christopher?" Disha eyes her. " I mean as a brother," Reva said. He chuckled in response. All of them got in one by one. Pia was last.

He gave his hand to her and helped her in. And then he got in too. "This Limo is free to use for any of you for rest of the stay here." He informed them. "Are you serious?" Reva asked. "Yes, and I have already told the driver to take you Miss Mathur, to the best boutiques this place have to offer," Pia smiled at him. And mumbled a small thank you to him. "What are you thanking me for? Might I remind you, Mrs. Woodland that you have another thing to fulfil for me?" She looked at him shocked. How could he know. wasn't it supposed to be a surprise?

"What are you talking about?" She asked. "Don't say you forgot already baby, remember I promised you something back at states?" he asked. "What?" She asked him. "Something about shop till Drop? Remember I told you I will teach you the meaning of the word? How can you forget this easily?" he asked. "Must have slipped my mind Baby" She said looking at him. All of them were looking at her now. She wondered was is something she had said? Must have been.

"What you said just now?" Christopher asked again. "Must have slipped my mind" Pia said. "After that" Christopher asked. "Baby?" Pia questioned looking down. "Look at me Darling" Christopher said. "It's alright I was wondering when you will call me something other than Christopher, or Mr. Woodland, or Sir." He said smiling at her softly.

 "I think it will take some getting used to." He smirked leaning closer so that only she can hear "But I still want you to scream my name Little Pixie." She blushed. He wanted to have that effect on her.

They made it to the hotel where the event was being held. The limo stopped and the girls got out one after another. Pia too was getting up. "Not like this baby," She didn't understand. He got out first and then he held out his hand for her to take. She accepted and got out of the car holding his hand. All the eyes were on her. Like he said, she looked beautiful. To his eyes she is the most beautiful woman ever graced her presence on this earth. And he cannot help but see jealous and envious looks on many men's face. But they cannot do anything now. For she is only his. For rest of her life, for rest of the eternity.

He put his hand on her back leading her in. He had been to these things many time but tonight he was planning to introduce her to all of them as his pride and joy. As the next best thing the medicinal world ever had seen after him. 

"Smile little pixie, the press wants to see my girl, the one who had light up my whole dark world." he said whispering. She smiled and then they walked in finally to the place where the gala is supposed to be held.

This was important for Christopher, she reminded herself. One mistake and he can lose the only opportunity he ever had in succeeding in his research. And she don't want to be that mistake. She don't want to cost him his whole research. So, she will be on her best behavior no matter what happens, "Don't be tensed, you will do fine Pia" Mia told her. 

She nodded. But her relief was short lived when someone shouted Mia's name and Mia looked surprised seeing the woman there and she was accompanied by a man. "Mia, who are they?" Pia asked and Mia looked at her shocked. " Pia, they are you mother and father -in- law, they are Christopher's parent's" Now that is one surprise she wasn't expecting for. 

Word Count: 2204 Words

Mr. Suave (A Medical Romance) #1Where stories live. Discover now