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Heyy loves

Another review coming your way

The book being reviewed today is soo totally going to blow your mind, keep you in shock and your head spinning in search of answers.

Yepp you got that right, todays book is a mystery thriller novel ✔✔✔

All the mystery fans in the house make some noise 🔊 🔊 🔊

Seriously shake out some of that exictment so I can get you even more excited😇😈(lol these two emojis look so weird side by side)

Join Ahmed, Steven, Irina and Sam in their mystery filled spooky adventure in their town that seems to have more secrets than it can bear, more especially Edgeway Church of Christ that all these secrets seem to revolve around.

Any guess about the book getting a review today???


Seriously anyone?

Ohh well I'll just tell you guys but you have to promise to add it to your libraries and reading lists and you also have to promise to vote on every chapter 🤗🤗

Ohk do we promise?

Good 👍

Todays book is none other than Fake me to Church by BlueJay325

BlueJay325 is an amazing writer and a very well talented one at that with a very brilliant mind to have been able to come up with this incredible mystery novel.

Steven Hall a very rude overbearing full of himself jerk and bully has to team up with Ahmed Heavensgate a sweet wimp and newly converted Christian with an eye sharp enough to notice the unnoticeable and worse still a freshman. These two very different and opposing people have to team up together alongside Irina and Sam to uncover well covered secrets.

Marcus Hall ; Edgeway's Pastor but then again everything isn't exactly the way it seems, could he be a wolf in sheep's clothing and leading the sheep to slaughter, abusing the grace, mercy and power of God or is he just an ignorant man with no idea of the sinister dealings around him??

Glenn Cather ;Edgeway's secretary and Marcus Hall's right man and bestfriend. Is he in on everything or is he just an innocent guy? Does he bear even more wicked secrets or is he just a clueless poor guy??

Madame Caroline ; town's busybody and Edgeway's reporter. An annoying depraved woman no doubt but is that all there is to her? A woman who twists everything to suit her own evil poke nosing purposes is definitely one to suspect, does she have her own share of secrets to carry or is she just a carefree wanna be gossip girl??

Marrisa ; church receptionist with a lot of secrets to definitely hide she's one to suspect obviously but then again is she really acting on her own whim or is there someone(s) more sinister controlling her but then again she could just be your everyday church receptionist with nothing to hide.

Charity ; strong believer in the love and healing power of God having experienced it herself. Twelve years ago she left the town to spread the love of God she had felt in a revival meeting to people around the world but suddenly came back twelve years after saying God had sent her could it be or is she just back to take revenge on the wrongs done to her? Is she really to be trusted seeing as she bears alot of secret pains, could she have an axe to grind against someone or has she long forgotten her pains and sorrows of the past.

Mrs Martin & Mrs Myra Gravestepper(freaky name right?) ; Two individual mothers who do what they think is right to protect their daughters only thing is, is it the right thing to do??

Landon ; Marcus's PA, is he just that or is he a puppet in the hands of someone trying to cover their dirty tracks??

Mrs Prudence; wife of chief police officer (I've forgotten her husbands actual post lol) and best friend of Charity right from their school days, is she really who she says she is? Is she helping out Charity or maybe even someone else all the while parading as a police officer's wife or is she really just some boring old police officer's wife with no secrets to hide??

So many people and sooo many secrets will Ahmed and Steven be able to uncover them all? Will they be able to see things and life differently?? Will everything happening around them help them to grow and be who they are meant to be???  Will their lives be in danger trying to meddle where they are not supposed to?? Have they been living in the midst of a devil(s)  all this while???

Who is the town's bloody psychotic murderer? Who is the one leaving dead mutilated corpses around town?? Why is this happening??? Who is he/she after???? What is he/she set to gain????? Bloody revenge of course, but revenge for what? and why revenge in a Church??

Join BlueJay325 in this amazing mystery thriller and get the thrill of your life. If this was a movie it would be definitely be one of my favorites.

Of course Fake me to Church has its flaws tho its strengths have by far surpassed all the flaws. As a reader I felt like I could have gotten a by far better epilogue, the ending seemed a little bit rushed and as a reader that's quite annoying, then as a critic the epilogue should have been the last chapter, then we (readers)  get a proper epilogue about how they have moved on and passed that era in their lives and how it affected them and all that. It just felt it was all rushed so it could end quickly and that's a very amateur move. Then we never got to know why all the killings happened twelve years after, like what triggered them, why the twelve long years wait?  All that just kinda made the whole ending not as satisfactorily as it should have been but all the same its an amazing book that no one and I mean no one should miss out on.

In a final attempt to get you guys to read this book I'm gonna say this Fake me to Church is something extraordinary, something you haven't seen before and yh if you have or are still watching that series 'Riverdale', if you can remember the way season two was with all the mystery, death and psychopathic killings well this book is similar to it only more sinister and kinda wayyyyy much better so yh add up guys and you will not regret it, trust me😊


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Thanks guys for 500+ reads you guys are amazing 😍

Till next time

Your very own reviewer

Bye my loves❤

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