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Hello my lovelies🖐

I'm back again with a book that is surely going keep you on your toes.

All the romance lovers make some noise cause this book is definitely for you, trust me. What beats romance on a cruise ship ehh😏😏

I like my romance to be on land not anywhere near turbulent waters but if you are an ocean lover this should be like the cherry on top your ice cream 🍧

Anyway the book getting a review from yours truly is none other but The Saint Jones by TyRoosemily. Intriguing book title right?

The Saint Jones takes us on a journey of budding  romance between two unsuspecting people in particularly dire situations with both having perfectly imperfect flaws.

Cher Mcbroom, first off can I just express how weird I think her last name is, like 'Hi, I'm a Mcbroom and I belong the family of royal sweepers'😂😂. Ohk let's get back to her and excuse my silliness.
Cher is a really sweet girl who has been through so much but she doesn't let her flaws weigh her down the way you'd expect them too. I like her and reading about her character was nice cause she was very relatable most of the time and she wasn't just a cliché character,which really enjoyable and refreshing, good job TyRoosemily

Julian/Sether, I'm going to hold back his last name cause it's going to be a huge spoiler and we don't want that now, do we?   Anyway he's acts like a tough guy and present a hardened front to save his ego but he's really just a broken boy on the inside who wants to be held and loved. He went through a rough childhood and like Cher he has his own set of perfectly imperfect flaws.

Two very flawed people coming together on a cruise ship, with the turbulent waves of the ocean beneath them and their flaws atop them, what could possibly happen? Well you have gotta read it to find out, don't you?

So add up to your libraries and reading lists cause this book definitely deserves a place there.
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Criticizing this book I really don't have much to say except I wish it were a bit more immersive. TyRoosemily your writing greatly improved towards the ending of the book and so those last chapters were totally immersive and had me hooked, it felt like I was there with the characters witnessing their story and I couldn't drop my phone. As a writer this definitely how you want your readers to feel towards your work,  so hopefully in your upcoming works you take this into consideration.
Aside that I have nothing else to criticize and I must say your editing is topnotch, I could find no grammatical errors whatsoever. Well-done.

The Saint Jones is the first book in the Imperfect Series so anticipate the sequel. I'm so glad that there is a sequel cause the ending of this book had me feeling cheated and wanting more(which is really a good thing, as a writer you need to keep your readers thirsty and always wanting more, like you wrote, the longer the wait the better the outcome😉).

Add up guys and you won't regret it, trust me😁


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