into the deep blue, like a lost ship.

Only Phrixus survived that trip.

The boy was shook, had a massive fit.

So for sacrifice, my throat was slit

(what a prick).

But, hey, look, I'm at peace

'cause now I'm the 
                                     Golden Fleece!

Yea, you heard me right.

So, come, the stars are bright.

Lower those sails and tie those knots.

'Cause here come Jason and the Argonauts!

You want my wool, come get it, fool!

If you seek the crown and the right to rule

then face the dragon, but keep your cool

'cause fire burns hot in that great big maw.

No escaping those sharp claws.

But here comes Medea with a great idea;

a magic ace with a pretty face, a royal witch

bewitched by a heroic prince,

ready to help out her love in a pinch.

She put the dragon to sleep

(how sweet)

and took my fleece!

(how bittersweet)

What about Jason? Well...

He was grateful, sure, and fateful

for a time.

But a hero's heart changes on a dime

and soon he found another to call "mine".

Medea was furious and cursed the swine.

Ended her own bloodline and

left a trail of poison and death behind

for Jason to find.

(retribution is like fine wine, I think

and always tastes divine)

So there you have it, my story

(minus the gory details).

Now you understand my glory

and what my name entails.

I may be small, but I always slam.

In a test of patience, I flunk the exam.

Gentleness is not in my program.

I don't clam up, I speak up!

So fess up or shut up,

don't trip me up,

'cause I'm on a quest, the eternal test!

No time to rest, always stressed,

but that's what it takes to be the best.

This is the weight that one carries

when one is an Aries.

To never forget the glorious wreck I am.

The one and only,

                                                 Golden Ram.

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