Chapter 10 (Part 1): Between Me and the deep blue Sea

Start from the beginning

None of those questions had their time to be answered as Alice turned his face back so he was getting a good view of hers- lashes blinking slowly and thoughtfully through deep black.

"All this time, Samuel, you've been struggling. As ungrateful as you are... already making me question why I saved your life."

He finally let his limbs go limp, head leaning back with inky hair fluffing out against the table due to the softness of the ink. Silken, almost. However, his eyes blazed into Alice as suns. "You gave me no choice in your 'sparing,' angel."

"Oh?" She sneered and turned around on one heel with her hand waving towards the darkness like the current conversation meant nothing to her. "So you're implying that you wanted a choice so you could fall back to the inkwell? That you would DIE for your lord?" Her head turned back with a spark of glee in her eyes at his reactions and somehow she was still just as menacing as when she appeared more fit to be a monster. She certainly played it well. Her heartbeat was a roar in the back of his head and her raven hair swished tauntingly.

Sammy's words died off weakly and he hadn't even spoken more than a sentence. Even without words his mouth tasted bitter as he shook his head slowly. It went against a mindset practiced for years, decades. And a certain longing of freedom in his heart. He had to please him. Praise the lord, obey the lord, preserve the cutouts, spread them, spread his sight. Make sure the angel didn't deface them. Candles and pentagrams. Keep the angel from his precious and perfect image. Alice hadn't said a thing but she got him writhing with guilt. A beauty for her eyes to see. Oh, yes. The prophet knew what he did. Almost killing his savior by allowing the humans and their wolf to behead cardboard smiles at the same time. She saw the demon fall to his knees like Sammy did before those very cutouts- with pain, not devotion. And STILL the man had the gall to deny that he would die for Bendy!

Alice had already decided. Samuel James Lawrence would live. Live with his consequences of betrayal to a demon and passion for a human. Her heel swayed with her teasing eyes.

"Ah, I expected no less. Faithless, Samuel. Faithless. Let me ask a new question. Would you call for him now since you can? I'm sure he's heard your begging voice before in the halls whether he answers or not."

His eyes stared into the light above them as if hoping to blind himself. Let light blind him before he had to see her again or the gold ink pricking at the edges of his vision. Sammy's voice came out as ragged and seamless at once. "Yes..."

"But you know you would not deserve it if he came to you and pulled you to him."


"Go ahead and call for your lord to save you then. I will wait~"

"...My- lord...-" Those words died quickly as well. They were barely audible. Alice, being the angel she was, knew exactly what to say to her mortals, especially those that came to her heaven. Gold ink dripped slowly down Sammy's face and then quickly as he had tried to flee her before. She observed this with a new level of accomplishment. Black droplets dribbled off Boris's ribs before his limp corpse slipped into a haunted puddle altogether. Alice shook her head.

"You poor, poor thing. Do not worry, I'll give you the chance to justify yourself as well. Why did you give up so much to assist me? I could EASILY tell that demon of how you beautifully lied to him the next time he tries to rip my throat out. And you know what happens to you then, Samuel? YOU get to be in his warpath. YOU shall be set free from the set of heartbeats you've had since you were reborn! I doubt you'll see him in the abyss that eats away at that heart."

"Well, if it hasn't crossed your mind already," he hissed, "passion comes to people who aren't as heartless as you. 'Angel.'" Alice gave a dark warning glare and Sammy silenced himself again, taking and throwing out breaths and speaking softer afterward. "Y/N has given me a certain kindness one would consider rare. A presence. You have seen it, do not tell me you didn't. Because you saw, Susie. Y/N is not you and yet what I've missed this whole time."

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