Chapter XV

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Finally, Chapter 15 is here (thanks for waiting!). Sorry that this chapter has taken so long to come out!

Due to school work (can't believe that school is starting again 😬), family and me wanting to do more in-depth and longer chapters I am only going to be posting on Monday after this chapter. The schedule may be changed later on but for now, I will be keeping to this.

Avengers Tower:

They all sat anxiously, squashed together on the dusty grey couch staring at the large screen attached to the wall in front of them. The sofa, normally, could only fit four to six people but somehow all of them had managed to squeeze into the small piece of furniture. All wanted a good look at the screen, wanting to know what was going on.

Natasha sat slumped up against the headrest with a concentrated expression while Clint lent against her in a rather muddled position. Bucky and Steve were perched at the other end with their hands neatly entwined. Both looked at the large screen with sorrow and worried emotions. Sam lied back, between an alert Bruce and a scared Wanda. Vision had his robotic arm protectively wrapped around Wanda. Pietro sat on the floor while his head rested on Wanda's knees. Tony sat upright in the centre of the couch. His eyes stayed completely focused on the screen. His mouth was stretched into a deep frown, his eyebrows knitted together in worry. Rhodey was the only one not on the compacted, grey couch. He stood upright with a controller in his hands and a sad look on his face as he gazed down on the usually bubbly Avengers, now scared and worried for their friend.

Usually, they would all laugh at how their seating positions were so ridiculous and probably knock Clint of the couch for the fun of it. However, the dread settled in their stomach and the worry shown on their face was enough to tell any stranger that they all were in sorrow.

Peter had now been missing for a total of four days. No sign of him and no clues could be found on where the superhero teen maybe. Sam, Bucky, Bruce and Clint were four days without seeing one of their best friends. Wanda and Pietro had no news of their sibling. Natasha did not know where her SpiderBoy was. Steve had been without a friend and son for four days. Tony had lost his only child.

The teams focus point had only been Peter's whereabouts from the moment Spider Man's suit was disconnected, a whole 96 hours. Search missions would go on throughout day and night. Each would take shifts so they could cover as much land as possible. Tony had not been out of the lab, constantly searching up any information that could be of some use. The middle-aged superhero had dark bags under his arms and the wrinkles in his forehead were more prominent than ever. His usually neat and pristine beard had become thicker and the sculpted shape was no longer present. His food was bought to the lab by his friends and sleep was not an option for him at the moment.

Despite their frantic efforts, no clues had been recognized and they had no further evidence of where Peter Parker was. Anything that linked Peter to the world, social media, calls, texts, were all non-existent. It felt like the teenager had been sucked into the ground, disappearing without the slightest trace.

It wasn't until this morning did Tony receive a tiny spark of hope. A message came through on Tony's phone at exactly 8 am. He was in the middle of searching through recent attacks and kidnappings hoping that a familiar face or common pattern would show up. The sudden alert on his phone bought him out of his search. Tony Stark's phone number was one of the very little things that he kept private from the public and this was no one from his contact. He quickly spun around in his black wheely chair and grabbed up the phone glaring at it desperately.

It was a simple message with no words just a black screen that opened up to a video. There was no contact information and no caller ID. For him, the unknown was a sick person that crushed his every movement. He had gone too long without answers. He hoped that the video would not be as ominous as the information he had recalled so far.

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