Chapter II

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Second chapter! 

Peter lent back on a hard stone wall on the side of a library that was located about twenty minutes away from Aunt May's house. He had run as far away from the screaming woman that Peter feared. Not that he hadn't feared her before this incident.

His heart hammered, blood rushing to his ears, his hands trembling along his body, his breathing quick paced. He clenched his finger around the strap of the green and black backpack and he slipped down the rough wall. He could feel bile rising to his throat and memories of his accusing Aunt flashed before his eyes like a never-ending film reel.

"I-I-I can't" mumbled the shaking boy.

Dizziness threatened his body as panic bubbled in his chest. Questions swarmed in his head, each infecting him with more fear and panic for what he would do next and what just happened...

'Why was I so stupid to leave the suit out?

Where do I go now?

Aunt May will never take me in again, will she?

Do I have to live in the streets now?

That can work? I can survive?

No?... I am a bother and this is all my fault.

Does she actually want me to go?'

Peter carefully peeled off the backpack in hope that it would take off some of the weight he had on his shoulder, even though he knew that this weight was emotional and had nothing to do with the green and black backpack. The boy focused his eyes on a broken part of the wall and he focused on slowing down his breathing like he did when the building fell on him after Mr. Stark took away his suit. Bad memories. 

After some time, his breathing slowed down to near normal and his heartbeat subsided to a steady beat as he held his head in his hands. The teen knew that he needed to call someone and hope to find someone who could take him in for maybe even a day. Or, maybe he could beg Aunt May to take him in again? However, after Uncle Ben had died a lot changed and Peter was not sure if Aunt May would ever want to be in the same room as him after he betrayed her for the second time. 'She was right, I did hurt her. I deserve this', he thought to himself as he took out his phone from the pocket of some jeans that he had found at the bottom of the bag.

Peter scrolled through his contacts, occasionally glancing at familiar names that could be some help to him. Ned? His parents would be concerned and then would tell someone. MJ? Way too weird and the teen may have a small crush on the beautiful girl that brightens up every day for him. That would just be awkward even in the rare circumstance she did say yes. He scrolled through until he got to the letter 'S'. Of course, there was his mentor's name, also known as Tony Stark. On his phone, he had labeled the contact as 'Tony freaking Stark' and then with a little peace sign emoji and the one with sunglasses... The man's signature move.

It was as if his fingers moved on their own accord as they swiftly clicked on the call button next to Mr. Stark's name. The boy's heart quickened as his mind finally caught up and he realized what he had just done and he gripped onto the phone tighter as he bought it up to his ear with a shaking hand. The phone started to ring with its usual irritating drill.

Every 'ring' that Peter heard his breath quickened in worry that the man wouldn't pick up... the man who had all the power here on what would happen to the boy for the future. 1 ring... 2... 3...

Suddenly, the rings sharply stopped and an alert voice came echoing out of the phone making Peter jump.

"Hey, Pete? Are you okay? I just checked and isn't it school time, why aren't you there?" The middle-aged man shouted the questions through the phone making Peter even more nervous then he was before Mr. Stark picked up the phone.

"Ummmmm...", the boy answered, trying to find the correct answer to the questions without notifying his mentor of the panic attack that was slowly creeping up to him again.

"Peter?", Mr. Stark asked with more worry present in his voice.

The teen-focused on slowing down his breath before replying with a more accurate answer then he gave before.

"M-M-May she f-f-found out. And, she k-k-kicked me out" he finally managed to get out but now tears dripped down his cheeks replacing the other dry tear marks from before.

Even though they were not face to face his mentor could tell that the boy was in difficulty and he needed to get to the distressed teen before he did anything stupid.

"Okay, Pete I'm going to need you to keep breathing. In and out, yeah? I am on my way in the car and I can track you from the phone", Tony reassured the panicking boy.

'Stay there and I am coming, I promise. Stay on the phone for me so I know that you are okay."

"Okay", was all the boy could get out and decided to focus his energy on slowing his raised heartbeat and fast-paced breathing while he was on the phone.

Eight minutes had passed, before Tony had managed to get there to the boy who's breathing had slowed, and sleep threatened Peter's body from all the crying and terror he had just experienced. Not to mention the fact that he had only had 2 hours of sleep at night due to Aunt May's fury and his ongoing night shift. Tony found the boy slumped against the wall next to the local library and he quickly opened the car door of his Tesla Roadster.

"Hey Pete, I'm here okay. Let's get you in the car, yeah" the man said as he helped the kid up and picked up the backpack. His eyes trailed over the boy inspecting the visible wounds that he could see. The boy had several cuts where the glass was stuck out of and dried blood clung to his pale skin. Peter could sense the worry that Mr. Stark was radiating and so he provided his comfort to the shocked man.

"It's okay they'll heal", reminding his mentor of his healing abilities that would kick in as soon as they pick the pieces of shards of glass out of his skin.

The man said nothing in response but from his facial features, the teen could say he was more at ease with the situation however still visibly panicking. Mr. Stark led the shaking boy to the car in hope that he would warm up in there and the boy could stay at his penthouse as he didn't seem comfortable or welcomed going back home. This thought made Tony's blood boil with rage for the woman that was meant to look after Peter. The man was aware of Peter's past history with parents and from a man who had none himself, he knew that having a least one secure guardian was important. 

They were near the Stark tower and he was happy that the once shaking boy had now fallen into a deep sleep against the dashboard of his car and seemed more at peace. His angry emotions still stayed, however, he also felt a need to protect this sleeping teen and that's exactly what he wanted to do right now.

As the car stopped outside the lit-up tower he looked back at the sleeping teen and slowly opened the door in hope that it wouldn't wake up Peter. He came round to Peter's door and carefully opened it then picked up the boy whose head was now lolled against Tony's chest. If anyone ever caught the amount of affection Stark was showing right now but he promised himself that this would be a one-time thing for the sake of the kid. In his arms, Tony realised how light the by was and now that Tony could see properly thanks to the illuminating light of Stark Tower he could see how thin the boy was and how fragile he looked.

The man walked towards the main door with the teen tucked inside his arms and the most peaceful look he has had this morning. So not very peaceful at all. 




Hey guys, any feedback from this chapter is welcomed and I hope you guys like the story so far (:

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