Chapter XIV

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Thanks so much for all the reads, comments and votes, it means the world to me! <3

Notes: This chapter includes description of chocking and torture

Peter focused on not looking at the other people in the room, and instead decided to focus his attention on a section of the brick wall, as he pulled off his Spider Man suit. The material clung to his skin as he tried to pry it off from the layer of sweat that had built upon his skin. Finally, the red material gave way and peeled off his body before being dumped on the floor. It rested on the floor in a twisted mess that seemed to reflect the situation Peter was experiencing. The teen ran his fingers through his matt of golden brown hair each finger effortlessly broke through the mass of knots. He waited a second before checking out his external injuries.

Peter could no longer feel the ache that use to be in his shoulder where he had been shot. The hole in his shoulder said a different story. It was now bandaged up but blood was seeping through and staining the pristine white into a deep maroon. He bought his attention to a couple of cuts on his arms, they were dotted around in random places, but thankfully they did not appear as deep as he expected. The external scars tell only part of the story, and Peter hoped that the damage on the inside was not severe. The boy did not know what he was to be put through in the Hydra base but the machines, equipment and people did not help with his vivid imagination. The superhero could only hope that whatever they were to do with him would not cause him any permanent damage.

Peter turned his head to the right as he noticed in the corner of his vision a hospital gown hooked on a wooden peg. It was a dull white with a low grey collar that would lay just above Peter's chest. It reminded him of what Aunt May was wearing before.

Aunt May was the only reason why Peter was co-operating at all, he detested Aunt May with every emotion and was still deeply hurt by her actions. But, he loved her and he couldn't let them hurt her. It felt like a job that he had not lived up to, as Aunt May said, and now he needed to be the one to protect the only family he had left.

The hospital gown fitted fairly well on Peter. The soft, cool fabric brushed against his skin like a feather while its looseness contrasted greatly to the tight spandex suit. It hung just above his feet and the sleeves unravelled down to just above his elbow. The dim white matched the walls behind him, they were a dull grey and made of sturdy brick. Metal equipment in all sizes was compacted into the room along with a couple of guards and a familiar doctor.

Peter made his way over to the metal slate that was placed just opposite the too familiar doctor. He tried his hardest not to look at the man but the doctor was persistent in keeping his eyes on the young superhero. His eyes acted almost like guides orchestrating where Peter was to go, no voiced directions were needed. The boy laid down, his back made contact with the cold metal making him shiver slightly, and Dr.Yahontov went into action. He swiftly strode forward and bought out his bony hands, he intricately buckled up the straps over each of Peter's limbs. The teen grimaced as each leather strap became tighter and tighter pushing his skin against his bone, he was certain he would have a mark after. The doctor finally seemed satisfied and made his way over to the other table that was placed alongside Peter's slate. This table was around the same size as Peter's 'bed' but instead of a teenage superhero it had a series of equipment all lined up on it.

"As we said, we are going to test your powers in a series of ways to determine the power of them and other essential information. You are to co-operate otherwise you know what will happen", he glanced at the electric chair that stood in the corner. This small action resurfaced the recent memories of May's screams in Peter's mind, he shuddered at the drastic thought.

Peter did not answer just shortly nodded confirming that he understood. This was all Dr Yahontov needed to start the experiments. On cue, two heavily armed guards entered the room through a metal door placed just behind where Peter laid strapped down. They each had big firearm attached to a belt that sat across their chest, a stern face was held on both faces and their deep black uniform looked baleful. Peter gulped as he saw them enter instantly making his worry increased.

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