Dawn Before Disaster

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King Dream stood high atop a mountain. The wind blew through his dirty blonde hair as if it were the mane of a brave and powerful lion. He studied the lands below him, observing the best way to destroy it completely. Traitors lived there. He wanted them dead. The residents of the self-proclaimed L'Manberg kingdom had attempted to leave his kingdom and set up their own regime on his rightfully earned land. This didn't sit well with King Dream. As he studied the landscape, his best friend and chosen heir to his throne, George, walked up beside him.

"Hello dear," Dream said. Dream placed himself into a position of care over George after his father left him to join L'Manberg.

"How have you been today?" George asked. He was a bit older than Dream, but he still loved how much the King cared about him.

"Not that well. L'Manberg wants freedom, and that's not alright with me," Dream said, placing his arm around George.

"This sounds like a cause for war," George said. He had always enjoyed lessons about great battles that had happened in the past back when he was in school.

"It certainly does," Dream said. He stepped up on a ledge that brought him slightly higher up than George.

"What're you doing?" George asked, confused.

"Look George. Everything the light touches is our kingdom. A Kings' time as ruler rises and falls like the Sun. One day George, the Sun will set on my time here, and will rise with you as the new King," Dream explained. Before an amazed George could respond, King Dreams' guard arrived next to them.

"Hello Your Majesty," Sapnap said cheerfully. He was always a happy man.

"Hello," Dream replied. "Is everything alright?"

"Yes sire. I just wanted to check in on you and Prince George," he said.

"This is why you are my guard, Sapnap," Dream said, resting a hand on his shoulder. "Always looking out for me, even when I don't need it." Sapnap smiled.

"Anything for you, my King," Sapnap said, bowing respectfully.

"C'mon guys," Dream said, helping George off of the mountainside. "Let's meet up with General Punz. We've got a war to plan."

Wilbur Soot sat in the caravan within his kingdom walls. Everything he had planned for came down to these next few days. He wanted freedom from want he saw as tyranny so badly that he was willing to die for it. Just as he was about to break down, his youngest son entered the van.

"Tommy?" he said, popping his head up.

"Father?" Tommy replied. "Is everything okay?"

"All that we have worked for comes down to what happens in the coming days, son," Wilbur said, taking Tommy in his arms and holding him closely.

"Everything?" Tommy asked.

"Everything. Our army is larger, but they are stronger armor-wise. Other kingdoms around us also favor Dream to win the war. We have no choice but to prevail," Wilbur explained.

"Tell me what I can do to help," Tommy said instantly. He always jumped in to help his father when he needed it. It's what a good King would do. Tommy had always wanted to be a King.

"I want you to be my right-hand-man," Wilbur said, grasping his sons' shoulders. Tommy was shocked that his father would place such a responsibility upon him.

"Me? But-" Tommy was terrified about dishonoring his fathers' name. Wilbur hated it when Tommy doubted himself.

"You will do fine. So long as you keep your temper under control, we'll win this war like cakework," Wilbur said.

"Yes, father," Tommy said. He knew how hot-headed he was.

"Go get some sleep son. We're going into battle tomorrow," Wilbur said, kissing Tommy on the cheek. They said their goodnights and Tommy left for his home. However, he was greeted with a scary surprise.

"Dream!" he shouted. King Dream had been writing on wooden signs at the gates of L'Manberg. He fled upon sight of Tommy. Wilbur soon followed his son out of the caravan. He walked over and read the signs.

"We'll never surrender to you," he hissed to himself after reading the ultimatum. "Independence or death. I'll walk you home Tommy. I don't trust that little green bastard." Tommy took Wilburs' hand and they walked to his home in the L'Manberg Embassy. Once they were almost there, Wilbur noticed smoke rising in the distance. His eldest son, Fundy, came running over to him.

"It's Dream!" he cried. "He's set Tubbos' house aflame!"

"What? Is Tubbo alright?" Wilbur asked.

"He's nowhere to be seen!" Fundy exclaimed.

"Go look for him. Tommy, stay right here. Only move if you are attacked," Wilbur ordered.

"But Father-" Tommy tried. Fundy took off running towards L'Manberg.

"Stay," Wilbur repeated. "I don't want you getting hurt." Tommy sighed and watched his father and brother charge off into battle. Worry began to overtake Tommy, as Tubbo was like a brother to him. Wilbur had taken Tubbo in after his previous kingdom was besieged by barbarians. He hoped that he wasn't injured. Curiosity got the better of young Tommy, and he crept closer to Tubbos' home. He didn't dare go closer than the brick wall beside the blazing wooden house. Tommy was stunned. How dare Dream burn his friends' home down! He hadn't even declared war yet! He silenced his thoughts and listened to the shouting match that was ongoing between Dream and his father. Their words flew at each other like bombs. Suddenly, Dream shouted a single statement that stunned Wilbur into silence.

"I WANNA SEE WHITE FLAGS! WHITE FLAGS AROUND YOUR BASE BY TOMORROW AT DAWN, OR YOU AND YOUR FOLLOWERS ARE DEAD!" he screamed. Wilbur nodded and turned around peacefully. Tommy turned and bolted back to his spot, trying to be silent. An approaching creeper gave him away. Wilbur rushed and blocked him with his shield just in time.

"I told you to stay put," Wilbur said sternly. "You could've been killed!"

"I'm sorry Father," Tommy apologized, hanging his head in shame.

"I only do things like this for your safety. Obey me next time. Let's get you home," Wilbur said, taking Tommy's hand.

"I just want to be a better son," Tommy thought to himself. "Like Fundy." Tommy tried not to let the envy he had of his brother overtake him. He walked with his father to the Embassy in silence.

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