Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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5 years ago when Luke lost his parents. Luke already moved on and started to forget about the past. It was 5:00 in the morning, Sheryn was preparing for work as she heard Luke groaning loudly through the door. Sheryn came into Luke's room, and tried to wake Luke up from deep sleep.

"Hey, are you alright?" Sheryn asked.

"Mhmm" Luke answered in a sad bedroom voice.

"Alright then, I'll be leaving now for work. See you later." Sheryn said.

Luke fell asleep again and had the same dream as he was having. The alarm rang and Luke woke up with tears dripping from his eyes. As soon as Luke got up, Sheryn contacted Luke to check up on how he was doing.

"Sheryn, what's up?" Luke asked through the phone.

Sheryn answered and said. "Hey, I made a sandwich, don't forget to have breakfast before you go."

"Ugh! I don't feel like going to school today. Anyway, I gotta go now, I'll text you later. Bye."

Luke turned the phone down and started preparing. Luke suddenly wondered off about his dream while he was eating. After a while, Luke left and forgot to bring his phone. While he was walking in the school's corridor, deep in thought, thinking about his dream, Luke suddenly bumped into a tall guy.

The tall guy yelled at Luke and said. "Ow! What the hell?!"

"I'm sorry, I wasn't looking. I'm really sorry."

"You better watch where you're going next time!"

Luke apologizes and says, "I'm really sorry."

The guy left; Luke got to his classroom and got questioned by the professor.

"First day of school, and you're already late?"

Luke lied and said "I'm sorry professor Dan, it was an emergency, my sister got sick and I had to buy her some medicines."

"Alright, since you're in front of everybody, introduce yourself to your classmates ."

"My name is Luke Sonnenfeld, I'm 22 years old, and I'm a freshman student. I'm looking forward to you all!"

"Okay, you may take your seat now, Luke"

Luke sat down and opened his book. While he was looking at the board, he suddenly wondered off again about his dream. Many hours have passed, Luke kept thinking what is up to that dream. The bell rang, Luke kept thinking about his dream and didn't notice; suddenly, one girl came to him and said...

"Hey Luke, I'm in the same class with you. The bell already rang, and I saw you didn't notice and kept spacing out. Are you okay?"

"Oh, I'm alright. Thank you for telling me it's already time."

"No problem. By the way, I'm Erina, you can call me Iina. I'm sitting near the teacher's table."

"Nice to meet you, Iina, I got to go now. Bye.."

"Nice to meet you too, Luke. Okay, see you tomorrow then."

Luke left, and while he was walking, he was still wondering about his dream. Luke is being distracted for a while and he bumped into the same guy again.

Luke apologises and says "Oh, I'm sorry, I was wondering about something while walking."

"Hey! It's you again!"

"Oh..., I'm really sorry. By the way, my name is Luke, I'm a freshman student."

"Well, my name is Dylan. Look, you bumped into me twice and it's starting to get hurt. In order to repay me, treat me to the cafeteria now."

"But I didn't bring extra money with me today."

"Seriously?! You almost made my shoulders numb just now and you can't repay me?! Fucking shameless."

Luke apologises in a trembling tone of voice. "I'm sorry" 

"I don't need your apologies! Seriously, if you don't treat me tomorrow, I'm gonna beat you up."

Dylan left and Luke continued to walk until he arrived at the cafeteria where Sheryn and him work. While he was waiting for his order, Dylan suddenly sat on his table without him noticing.

"Hey my underclassmen, it's nice to see you here. I thought you had no money? The coffee here is pretty expensive, I was a little shocked when I saw you here."

Luke trembled and said "But…"

Dylan got a little pissed off and yelled "What do you mean 'but'?! It's so obvious you shithead!"

Sheryn and the other staff heard Dylan. Sheryn came to Luke's table to ask what was happening.

"Hey Luke, what's up? Is there a problem?"

"No, we're just chatting about our project. He's my upperclassmen anyway."

"Okay then, I'm gonna go now."

Sheryn left and Dylan was glaring at Luke. Dylan stood up and asked Luke to come with him. Luke came with Dylan without knowing where Dylan is taking him. Luke was looking on the floor while walking; Dylan suddenly stopped walking. Luke looked at Dylan, and Dylan suddenly turned around and punched his stomach without any reason. Luke fell down and coughed really bad. Dylan sat right in front of him and pulled his hair.

"I don't know what the reason is, but you're pissing me off. I don't like you"

Dylan stood up; Luke crawled and held Dylan's feet and asked, "Why?". 

Dylan kicked Luke's arm and threatened him not to tell everyone what happened. Dylan left while Luke's lying on the ground. 

It's already midnight, Sheryn came home and noticed that Luke wasn't home yet. Sheryn tried to contact him and she heard Luke's phone ringing in his [Luke] room. Sheryn got worried and tried to look for Luke outside. Minutes have passed, Sheryn was walking when she saw Luke holding his stomach with bruises on his arm. Sheryn ran towards him to help. 

"Dude! What the hell happened?!"

Luke couldn't answer because of his stomach. When they arrive at their house, Sheryn treats Luke's bruises. After treating Luke's bruises, Sheryn tried to ask him what happened, but Luke kept his mouth shut and chose not to speak. Sheryn stood up and told Luke to rest. Sheryn left and Luke immediately fell asleep.

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