Chapter 32: Towa makes her move?!!

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(Tell me Lezbeepic doesn't slap. I dare you. Also, this scene in particular hits so hard. I loved it the first time I saw it.)

Towa: Oh darn. Oh well, two out of four shall suffice quite nicely. She'd say as she snapped her fingers, Chimo and Ume appearing at both of her sides, Towa laughing maniacally.

Y/N: YOU BITCH! GIVE THEM BACK! He'd demand as he transformed into Super Saiyan and charged at her, only to get stopped by Chimo and Ume. He'd look into their eyes as he didn't want to hurt them, that was just what Towa wanted as the two majins kicked (Y/N) away, under the influence and control of Towa.

Imoya: You bastard! I'll make sure you pay!! She'd tell in a fury as she transformed into Super Saiyan 2, charging at Towa as well. However, she would be stopped by Mira as they were now clashing.

Towa: Oh my... I guess Mira will handle her. Ok then, let's use that Majin fusion thingy you did for your worthless Halloween. My my, it pays to spy on you all. She'd commend herself as the two majins obeyed her orders and fused together.

(Chimme. read back to the mini chapter. That's their name.)
Chimme, now being created once again, would charge at the still recovering (Y/N) as she slammed him into the U.A building before kicking him upwards to the sky as she prepared to fire a Kamehameha at our hero.

Chimme: Kamehameha!! She yelled, firing it point blank at (Y/N) as he barely had any time to block it

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Chimme: Kamehameha!! She yelled, firing it point blank at (Y/N) as he barely had any time to block it.

(Y/N), coming out of the cloud of smoke created by the blast, would stare at Chimme as he recovered and began to speak.

Y/N: I don't want to fight you... but I will if I have to. He stated as he solemnly took a fighting position.

The two warriors would begin to trade blows as each one caused shockwaves around the area, (Y/N) would be holding back substantially as he didn't want to hurt Chimme. However, the same could not be said for Chimme.

Chimme: What's wrong?! Why are you holding back?! Fight back!! She yelled as she pummeled into our hero. However, for a moment Towa's influence faltered as the true Chimme showed herself.

Chimme: (Y/N)?! I'm so sorry... I can't fight it. Her influence- it's too strong. You know what to do... we love you! They'd yell as Towa encased them in more of her dark aura.

Towa: That's enough out of you! Now kill him!! She would order the Majin as they began to obey.

However, before the Majin could strike the young Saiyan, their fist would be stopped as a looming and powerful pressure was exerted around the whole city. With a solemn tone the Saiyan God spoke.

Y/N: I'm so sorry... I couldn't save you, and with all the power you have, you could threaten this whole universe... I have to do this... I love you... Chimo... Ume... And with a swift motion the young Saiyan would place his hand in front of the Majin, tearing up at the thought of what he must do. And with a booming voice he would speak again.

Y/N: I'm sorry!! HAKAI!!! With this the Majin began to be destroyed, purple particles destroying her as she was now completely gone.

Everyone would stop their individual battles as they'd all watched what just transpired, now their gazes fixated on the young Saiyan crying.

Everyone would stop their individual battles as they'd all watched what just transpired, now their gazes fixated on the young Saiyan crying

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To be continued!!
This actually hurt to write... this chapter hit me since I actually felt bonded to most of the characters... I hope you all enjoyed today's chapter, I'll see you all next time, じゃあね!

1300 words in today's chapter. Nice!

𝑆𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝐾𝑎𝑘𝑎𝑟𝑜𝑡! (𝑆𝑎𝑖𝑦𝑎𝑛 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝑥 𝐵𝑁𝐻𝐴)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora