Chapter 32: Towa makes her move?!!

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You read the title! What'll happen now?! Let's find out!!
Everyone in U.A would be enjoying their day as they were heading to classes.

**Timeskip, to class 1-A**

Everyone would be seated at their desks, talking amongst themselves as they were awaiting the arrival of their teachers. As if on cue, Aizawa and Ciri would walk into the class as Aizawa made his presence know by clearing his throat to speak. Everyone's attention quickly turning to him as they quieted down quickly.

Aizawa: Good. Now then, I'm sure you all had a good winter break and a happy new year. However, now it's time to get back to training. Both mentally and physically you will be pushed harder than you were pushed last year. So be ready, because those who don't like training will find this an unforgiving year. He stated as some gulps were heard throughout the room as (Y/N), Imoya, Midoriya and a few others would give a look to signify they were ready for anything thrown at them.

However, before Aizawa could proceed with instruction, an explosion would occur outside causing the building to shake as (Y/N) stood up from his seat, looking angry.

Y/N: It's Towa and Mira! Aizawa Sensei, I need to go! Because if I don't stop them, nobody will be able too. I can sense others... It would also seem they brought the league of villains too. Alert the other teachers. Imoya, come help me with Towa and Chimo and Ume as well. Everyone else, listen to Aizawa! Ciri! Protect them! He commanded as he felt the weight of losing them would be too heavy and he might destroy the whole universe in his rage.

The group of four would then speed off as everyone followed his instructions. Even though he was around their age, he was wise in battle. So they trusted his judgment calls.

**Scene Change, Courtyard U.A**

The group of four would make their way to the skies as they met with Towa and Mira, confronting them.

Y/N: What the hell are you doing here?! He would sound angry. Rightfully so as she'd just attacked the school with the league of villains.

Towa: Oh me? Well I came to congratulate you on your possession as God of Destruction and Creation. Quite the achievement... that you're unworthy of. So I think I'll corrupt you four to be my personal play things!! She'd say as she waved her staff shrouding the four in a thick purple aura.

(Y/N), Imoya, Chimo, and Ume could feel the corruption and Towa's influence try to take over, but they'd fight it.

Y/N: AAAHH!! YOU BITCH! GET OUT OF MY HEAD! He'd struggle as Towa gave him a snarky remark.

Towa: Is that any way to talk to your master? She'd lick her lips as she nodded to Mira. He would nod back as he charged at (Y/N) and slammed his fist into the saiyan's gut, causing our young God to recoil in pain and termoil as he was mentally fighting and trying to endure the pain.

Towa: Just give in to your true nature... it's a saiyan's true nature to destroy and conquer. So give in and join me.

Y/N: I refuse!! He'd grip his head as the other's would try to resist as well.

Towa: Oh well. I'll just have you kill your little pitiful so called "friends". So kill, kill them (Y/N). You can't afford to let them live as they'll just get in your way. So kill... She'd command and pressure him as she shrouded him in more of her dark influence.

Y/N: N-no! It will take more than head games to stop me!! You may have invaded my mind and my body! But there's one thing a Saiyan always keeps... HIS PRIDE!!! He'd tell out as he forced his power to skyrocket. Forcing the aura around his body to disperse, as well as allowing the aura around Imoya to disperse.

𝑆𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝐾𝑎𝑘𝑎𝑟𝑜𝑡! (𝑆𝑎𝑖𝑦𝑎𝑛 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝑥 𝐵𝑁𝐻𝐴)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang