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"That does sound like fun. We have Mimey to thank for winning the tickets for our Alola vacation. Thanks very much, Mimey!"


Mr. Mime spins a raffle box and gets the gold bead. They go and tell Professor Oak they're leaving for the vaction. They arrive at the airport and take a day flight before arriving in alola, shouting "we're here!"


"So shall we change and get going?" She asks Ash, putting on her hat. "Going? Where to mom?" Ash asks her, completely forgetting what Professor Oak asked them to do. "Why to Professor Oak's cousin's place." She reminds him. "Right, I forgot."


Back to when they're in Professor Oak's lab, Professor Oak walks over with an egg carrier. "Yes, this will work out just fine! I was worried about how I would get this to my cousin in the Alola region. Now I'm not!" He says, lifting the lid to reveal a brown-red egg, showing it to Ash and Pikachu.

"An egg! What kind of Pokemon is it?!" Ash asks Professor Oak. "You'll just have to wait for it to hatch to find out." Professor Oak says, putting the lid back on.

"Oh, man!" Ash says, holding it in his hands and looking down. " You can count on us! We'll get it there." Delia assures.


"Wow! My first pokemon taxi! This is the best!" Ash shouts, looking around. "Here in the Alola region, we use the power of Pokemon everywhere. We refer to these Pokemon as ride Pokemon." The taxi guy explains.

"Land travel, you take a land ride Pokemon. Flying, you taking an air ride Pokemon. On the water, a water ride Pokemon."

"So that Sharpedo was a water ride Pokemon!" Ash says facing forward. "Ho-ho! It sounds to me like you've already been trying things out!" The guy says to him. "Where are we taking the egg?" Ash asks his mother.

"To place they call the Pokemon School."

"Pokemon school huh?"

"Sounds interesting doesn't it?"

"Yeah," Ash trails off, looking at his mom while Mimey points out the berries. "My my! Look at all those berries! Maybe I'll buy some as a gift." Delia rants, looking at all the fresh berries.

"Berries that this market sells are always fresh and delicious!" The guy comments, looking at the stands. "Sounds great!" Delia exclaims, looking forward.

Getting off the taxi, they stand at the berry stand. "It's so hard to make a decision," Delia mutters, grabbing a berry that is half red and green. Walking away from his mom, Ash and Pikachu start to look around.

Suddenly, a Pokémon pops out of the ground by Ash, scaring both of them. "Huh?"

"It's a Pokemon so cool! Well, I wonder what its name is!" Ash says getting closer to the little Grubin. The pokémon ends up pinching his nose. He tries to shake them off while spinning, which sends the Pokemon flying back into their hole.

Digging away from the scene, Ash looks up, holding his nose. "Okay, let's catch that Pokémon, Pikachu!" Running after the trail, he leaves his mom and Mr. Mime, not thinking about getting lost. Delia turns around and sees Ash not behind her.

»Asʜ Kᴇᴛᴄʜᴜᴍ x Nɪᴋᴋɪ« •In Alola•Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz