-Chapter Twenty-Four: Escaping-

Start from the beginning

"What's happen-"

"Eddie, run!" you interrupt, grabbing Eddie's hand and rushing him up the stairs. The both of you scurry up the many stairs.

You were already growing tired while Eddie seemed unaffected. You both were losing your breath, but Eddie was way faster than you and you ended up tripping as you tried to keep up.

"(Y/n)! Are you alright?" Eddie shouts as he helps you up. You give a quick nod and continue sprinting up the stairs.

The two of you end up with a small, no, big obstacle.

There were a set of metal bars blocking you from going to the other side. You could feel the building shake as it begins to crumble. A piece of the ceiling crumbles.

Eddie wraps his arms around you as a storm of dust stirs when the ceiling falls. Luckily, it was only a few pieces.

The two of you stare at the bars with wide eyes. Eddie shakes his head and shakes the bars.

The fire behind the both of you quickly makes its way towards the two of you. The flames began to tickle your ankles, making you gasp.

The bars begin to turn red from the heat, making you furrow your eyebrows. You go over to the bars and grab them, burning your hands. Luckily, the bars were easy to bend now that they were heated; this must have been weak metal.

"(Y/n)! You burnt your hands," Eddie says as he grabs your hands. They were littered with severe burn marks.

"It's o-okay! Let's get out of here," you tell Eddie, pulling your hands away. You slide through the bars. Eddie follows.

The both of you begin running up the stairs again. You were wincing from the pain radiating from your hands, but dealt with it. Eddie watched you and the path ahead with a concerned expression.

A smile begins to form on your lips; you and Eddie were so close to freedom. You could see the light from the exit ahead.

"I see the exit!" You shout as you look back at Eddie. His frown slowly morphs into an excited smile.

"We're going to escape together!" Eddie exclaims happily.

The both of you finally reach the end of the stairs, letting out laughs of joy. There was a pair of doors ahead of you. There was a a set of stained glass above that, along with some shelves beside the doors.

"We can finally get out!" Eddie exclaims, beginning to walk towards the doors. He stops when he notices you freeze. "What's wrong?"

"Once we get out of this building, what happens to us? What will we do?" You question.

"Well, we can stay together! We can find an old house or something and live there until we get older! We will live happily ever after," Eddie smiles.

You giggle and nod. You reply, "I like that idea. Let's make that come true." You make your way over to Eddie, grasping his hand. You smile brightly at Eddie; he does the same.

"I love you, (Y/n)," Eddie tells you.

"I love you, too-"

You were cut off my a sharp gasp escaping your lips. Eddie's eyes widen as you fall forward into his arms.

When you fall, Danny was revealed at the top of the steps. He was laying on the ground with a gun in hand and a smile adorning his face.

You were in Eddie's arms, your body limp. Luckily, you were still breathing. Eddie could feel his eyes fill with tears as he began to shake with rage.

Let's Escape Together (Edward [Eddie] Mason x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now