InkDust's Judgement

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InkDust Sans was known to possess people. He was caught doing it to Frisk. Now Ink is enraged, He's had enough of InkDust's Rampage. "Shyra and Frisk were victims. Why not just end it?" Error says, "Someone has to do it." Ink says, "The Female Murder Time Trio volunteered to give him quote on quote, 'a Mad Time' or something similar. I'm letting them." Error says, "Oh, that works." Gina laughs maniacally, "I'm going to love this idea!"

Ink and Error look at Gina shocked!! Ink says with a maniac's grin, "I have to do something, you two have fun watching as InkDust gets ripped apart." He goes to see Shyra. "Heya. You need something?" "I heard you had a crush on me?" Shyra says making Ink blush… He says, "Yeah… Um… Would you go out with me?" Shyra blushes, "Oh, ok… I mean you're basically God, right? I must be lucky to attract you." She flirts. Ink and Shyra go into the room with Error and Gina. Alanis comes in with her fiance, Cross Sans. Whom she managed to separate from Cross Chara. Both are grateful and had a crush on her. Both tried. But Cross Chara failed. The judgement begins with two sides meeting and as usual InkDust Sans looks like he is Dust but in Ink's style. Dust Sans hates him as much as Ink does! Dust Alanis hates more now then she ever did. He possessed a beserk Frisk and killed Shyra. Now Dust Alanis is out to kill! Dust Alanis, Killer Alanis, and Horror Alanis, are ready to dunk on InkDust. Insanity Alanis readys to jump in as Horror Alanis is knocked away. And Phantom Shyra is perfectly excited for the newest 3rd phase; DISBELIEF MODE.



(Rain of Dust plays)





Fight, Act, Item, InkDuster


Killer Alanis, HP:200, Atk:21, Def:22, She won't let you win easy.

Horror Alanis, HP:50, Atk:19, Def:20, Take her out.

Phantom Shyra, HP:25, Atk:25, Def:INF, She is a phantom, she cannot be hit, so don't try.

Dust Alanis, HP:10000, Atk:25, Def:30, Kill the others to make her suffer, then kill her.

Fight:Horror Alanis


(Rain of Dust turns to Triple the Insanity)


Insanity Alanis, HP:50, Atk:50, Def:45, Eliminate.

Killer Alanis, HP:50, Atk:1, Def:1, You knocked her friend away.

HORROR ALANIS' AXE HEAD, Why is it floating?

Fight:Killer Alanis


Fight:Insanity Alanis


(The Music stops!?)

InkDust:Is it… Wh-Huh?

Horror Alanis' Axe Head attaches itself to Insanity Alanis' Bone from the head she carries around.

Dust Alanis and Phantom Shyra laugh maniacally, Dust Alanis is holding Killer Alanis' Knife and a blade similar to Shyra's! And Phantom Shyra is holding the axe made for the bone and axe head!

Ink, Error, Cross Sans, Gina, Alanis, Shyra, Horror Alanis, Killer Alanis, and Insanity Alanis(All scared of the situation):Whathe!?


(Satsujinki plays)


Disbelief Phantom Shyra, HP:3500, Atk:75, Def:80, What just happened!?

Disbelief Dust Alanis, HP:4500, Atk:85, Def:80, What just happened!?

Disbelief Phantom Shyra



"You… possessed… Frisk! You... killed… Shyra! Now… that she's back… we will kill you!!"

Disbelief Dust Alanis

"You will pay… WITH YOUR LIFE!!"


"Come, here! You dirty friend-killer!!"

Fight:Disbelief Phantom Shyra


Disbelief Phantom Shyra

"Pathetic! You won't land a blow on us!!"


"Go ahead and do it, Sis. I know you want to!"

Disbelief Dust Alanis

"Yes… Yes I do!"


Dust Alanis and Phantom Shyra revert and faint, returning all items to their respective owners. And the blade vanished. Insanity Alanis says in shock, "I-I h-had n-no c-clue th-they were s-still a-angry a-about Sh-Shyra's d-death… D-Do th-they scare y-you sometimes?" Killer Alanis admits, "Y-Yeah… T-They s-scare m-me n-now…" Horror Alanis says, "I-I-I c-c-can't s-st-stop sh-sh-shaking…" Killer Alanis says, "D-Deep breaths." Horror Alanis says breathing harshly, "I-I-I c-can't br-breathe… H-help… m…"

She faints. Killer Alanis says to Insanity Alanis, "A-are you… sh-shaking?" Insanity Alanis says, "I-I am… I-I can't… b-believe… h-how is she… s-so strong…?" Killer Alanis says, "Wait… I get it. She was not just close to Shyra when she died. She was right next to her."

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