Peruashtale!Inverted Fate

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(IF!...=Inverted Fate!...)

Shyra and her sisters enter this AU exploring… of course. They come across Sans, who freaks out about them looking to be human.

IF!Sans:Who are you, Humans!?

Alanis(Casts Blue Magic on Sans):(This will show him.)

IF!Sans(Surprised):Blue Magic…!? Just who are you!?

Alanis:I'm Alanis… From Peruashtale, these two are my sisters, Shyra and Gina…

IF!Sans:!? You're Hybrids, then?


IF!Sans:Now I feel dangerously braindead…

Alanis:... Skeletons don't have organs and you should bone that…

IF!Sans(Collapses in laughter):(Why did I just walk into that!?)

Alanis(Offers to help him up):Here you go.


*Pufffffffffft!!* IF!Sans gets sprayed with water. IF!Frisk and IF!Papyrus, who was right there, collapsed in laughter!

IF!Sans(Laughing again): Eheheheheheheheheh… D-Dang it!... Eheheheheheheheheh!!... 

Alanis(Laughing):What the heck!? Does every Sans have a habit of falling for bad jokes!?


IF!Undyne(Walks over):What just happened!?

IF!Papyrus(Recovering):Sans fell for 2 bad jokes!

IF!Undyne:Wait… Who?

IF!Frisk(Recovering):That stranger over there that looks like him…

IF!Undyne:? Is she a hybrid?

IF!Frisk:That's my guess, too.

Gina:That's Alanis for you. A prankster to the very core. I'd say she gets along with practically everybody.

IF!Undyne:! Wait… You look similar to our Hybrids.

IF!Gina:Uh… Should I be surprised or confused?...

Gina:You must be the inverted fate Gina. I am the classic Gina.

IF!Gina:Ok? That doesn't really help at all.

IF!Shyra(Ran in):Yikes!

IF!Gina(Gets ready for a fight):Shyra!?

IF!Alanis(Ran in injured):Ack!

IF!Gina(Ready for a fight):Alanis!?

IF!Shyra(Gets Alanis out of the way):Alanis…

Shyra(Stands next to IF!Gina ready to attack):...

IF!Gina(Creeped out by Shyra's focused aura, Ready for a fight):Why would you fight what I am about to fight?

Shyra(Ready to fight):Why put yourself at risk when one of your friends has a fighting nature?

IF!Gina(Ready to fight):What…

A massive, unknown creature shows up and Shyra transforms to her Ultimate Disbelief State and just vanishes. This scares IF!Gina on accident. Shyra comes through the beast and all you can see is lights where slashs were for the past 10 seconds. There were exactly 200 of them. The creature turns to dust and Shyra is standing in front of IF!Gina, who is extremely scared of Shyra and is shaking because of it. Shyra also has her weapons sheathed too.

IF!Gina(Insanely scared of Shyra):Wh-Wh-What… H-H-How d-did y-you d-do th-that!?

Shyra(Calming her down):Hey… Easy… This power has a good use to it… I won't hurt you…

Somehow Shyra has a calming feeling to her and seems to calm IF!Gina down. IF!Shyra is out cold due to her 2nd heart attack.

IF!Alanis(Realized IF!Shyra was knocked out):Shyra…?

IF!Gina(Realized IF!Shyra was knocked out):Oh,no.

Shyra(Worried):Is she ok?

IF!Alanis(Worried):She's prone to having a heart attack…

Shyra(Shocked):Oh, no… I hope I didn't kill her…

IF!Gina(Relieved):Huff… She may have had her second heart attack, but she is still alive…

Alanis:Well, She managed to survive 2 heart attacks… That's quite the achievement…

Shyra(Relieved):... That scared me though… I am extremely more powerful than I usually am. This power scares so many…

Gina:Hey… It's not your fault. You just have extremely high level power. Plus you are married to Ink!Sans.

IF!Sans:Wait, Really?

Shyra throws a wooping cushion at him while looking away from him. He gets hit when he shouldn't have moved.

IF!Sans(Cracks Up):God darn it! Eheheheheheheheheh!!

IF!Frisk just writes on his paper talling how many times IF!Sans gets pranked. So far he has 3 tallies! He is doing this wilst trying not to laugh!

IF!Papyrus:I wonder how the heck she pulled that off.

IF!Chara:I didn't just hear that she's Ink!Sans' Wife.


IF!Undyne:It must be great… Being overpowered and all. You should go check out Deltarune eventually.


Alanis:Sounds unfamiliar…

IF!Undyne:It's an alternative timeline to Undertale. Deltarune has similar people too. They are even spelled with the same exact letters.

Gina:That's rather confusing…

IF!Frisk:It's great there.

Shyra:We should have… a peak?

Gina:Uh, O……k?

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