The Hero and the Demon General Are Somehow Convinced to Go on a Double Date

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'What's up, Chiho?' Emi asked picking up her mobile.

'I need to talk to you about this date-thing...' Chiho answered, sounding very nervous. 'I wanted to ask Mr Maou out today, but I became shy and I couldn't...'

'I don't understand you, you have been on a date before.'

'Yes, but as I said, now it's really a date! So, I thought I would be more confident if you came with me.'

'WHA...?!' Emi spat out the water she was drinking. 'Do you actually know what a date is and how many people need to be there to call it a date?!'

'I know, calm down, I was talking about a double date.'

'It's not better either. With whom? Where should I pick a date up?'

'That's quite obvious, you can come with Mr Ashiya.'


Nobody knows how (even Emi didn't understand), but Chiho managed to make her go on her double date with Ashiya. Fortunately, Chiho was willing to ask him instead of Emi.

'Why do we have to be here anyway?' Ashiya asked when they were already in the park and Chiho and Maou were talking about where they should go first.

'Because Chiho was shy and couldn't go on a date without company,' Emi sighed.

'I don't understand.'

'Neither do I... however, we were there on their first one too. Okay, let's take it as a normal meeting.'

'Of course we are not on a date.'

Everything went well, in the evening Chiho even came to the demons' apartment to have dinner with them and with Suzuno and Emi.

'How was the double date?' Suzuno asked, when they were already eating.

'It was actually only one date,' Emi said.

'Well, Ashiya and Emi didn't talk to each other at all, that's true,' Maou said.

'Were we supposed to?' Emi sighed.

'Of course, you were on a...' Chiho started, but Emi and Ashiya finished in an alternative way:


'Sorry.' Chiho covered her ears.

'I cannot understand how you could expect us to act as if we were on a date, sire!' Ashiya said to Maou. 'Emilia, the Hero and me, great demon general Alsiel? Absolutely unacceptable!'

'I agree,' Emi nodded. 'The very idea is unbearable.'

The next day was a workday, so only Ashiya, Urushihara and Suzuno stayed at home.

'You seem somehow... strange, Emi,' Rika said at work.

'Sorry, what?' Emi looked at her.

'You seem... I don't know, sad. Did anything happen?'

'No, not really.' Emi turned back to the monitor.

Rika asked once again in the changing room, because she really saw Emi's face spiritless. Emi said she was just tired.

Maybe it had something to do with the fact that Ashiya wasn't at home last night, or maybe not. Nobody knew he wasn't there because he had gone late night when both Maou and Urushihara were already sleeping and came back in the morning with a bag of vegetables, saying he had been shopping.

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