~Chapter 13~

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Mia's Pov 

me and Rose went to the market this morning to get some food when suddenly a guy grabbed both of us we noticed it was Vince thats when Rose said " Vince, What are you doing? " " Quiet they've been tracking you " Vince replied Vince got us out of the market i just had enough time to see that a few black cars appeared with armoured men but not like those D.S.S. guys 

Time Skip Mia's Pov 

the three of us walked in to the abandoned warehouse as soon as Brain saw Vince me and Rose he stood up with a slight angry facial expression and started to walk towards us i quickly said " no it's okay. " i couldn't stop him when Rose came to the rescue and said " hey, Hey, wait. Reyes guys were waiting for us at the market. Vince saved our lives " Brain just stood sideways from me just looking at Vince when Dom says " You Hungry? " we all looked at Dom and Vince said " Yeah, sure " Dom looked over at us and said "good, cause your saying grace " after Dom said that Brain held his hand forward and let Vince shake it while Brain said " thanks man.

Time Skip (Again) Your Pov 

i was sitting on a chair talking to Han, Roman and Tej " yeah baby, who's good livin " Roman said as Tej said " lets do it " we all held our beer bottles together and cheered Roman said " Cheers, Cheers, Cheers. so we in Brazil. it's the good life, So you got a little more than--, than 10$, 11$ million comin, what you gonna do with the money? " " me? " Tej asked " Actually man  i been thinking about opening up a garage back home. Place where people can bring their cars and not get completely ripped off, you know what i mean " Tej continued Roman had a mixed up expression on his face and said " really? So you dream is to start-- start a day job? eh--, thats- thats, stupid like, why would  " " nah it's not stupid at all, man i love what i do " i smiled and said " i like that idea " Tej smiled at me as Roman continued " that don't make sense to me " suddenly Rico came in the conversation and said " i know what i'm gonna do with my money " Rico placed his plate down on the table while standing i looked on his plate along sides with the other boys and we saw a burned spare ribs Rico looked at the meat and continued " buy some cooking lessons for my man "

" see?, see?, there you go with that negativity man, you know me money ain't a goddamn thing " Tego replied Roman held the burned ribs up so everyone could see it my face literally said -D-I-S-G-U-S-T-I-N-G- so i said " it's gonna take a little more than money to learn how to cook, bro. thats-- Thats horrible " i noticed Roman almost snickered at my comment so he said " But i-- i heared they lookin' for a chef down at this animal shelter, you might  wanna-- i know the manager " we all started to laugh and continue talking, eventually Dom came to the group along sides Vince i grabbed a bottle of Corona and said " Vince!! " Vince looked at me and i said " Heads up! " i threw the bottle of Corona at him and he catched it Dom came to me and planted a kiss on my head i looked up to him and said " don't get any meat because it'll be burned " he looked confused at me and i just pointed at Rico's plate Dom just started to chuckle noticing what i meant Roman grabbed four bottles of beer and said " We're less than 24 hours from the biggest celebration of our life " Roman placed two beer bottles on the table next to Brain and Mia Roman continued " Ya'll need a refill this is serious stuff "

Mia just said " no i'm good, i'm good. no, thank you " Roman looked confused at Mia when Brain said " No she can't " " what do you mean? " Roman asked Brain just replied " she can't " " what do you mean she can't? What is-- What is-- " Brain just started to stroke Mia's belly while looking up at Roman i couldn't see Romans expression but i was actually shocked i immediately said " are you serious right now? " we all walked over to the couple when Tej said " hold on a second, so did he just smack that ass, or did he grab and hold on to it? Which one was it? " Brain got a bit embarrassed and covered his face while smiling i immediately gave Mia a hug and congratulated her suddenly Dom said " Toast " we all went and stood in a circle i stood next to Dom as he Rapped a arm around my waist and held me close everyone was smiling then Dom made a speech and said " Money'll come and go we know that. but most important thing in life will always be the people in this room, Right here, Right now, Salud, Mi Familia! " Dom held his bottle in the air as we all said in an Unison " Salud! " and held our bottles in the air as well.

hey Guys Sorry again for the Short Chapter


i hope you liked this Chapter


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