~Chapter 9~

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we were all undercover at different cash houses so we could track down where the money was going to i was with Giselle when Roman suddenly said trough the walky talky " two is on the move " Giselle and me saw the black car at Reyes cash house almost drive away i got onto my motorcycle and started the engine at the same time Giselle did Giselle and i started to follow the car

Time skip brought to you by a sleepy author (still Rose pov)

we were standing on top of a building looking towards a police station Brain suddenly said " well this job just got a lot harder " i looked at him and looked back at the police station Roman said "if he's movin it into a police station, he's got some serious brass in his pocket " Rico said " Looks like this is going to be a shorter trip than i thought " " hell yeah we can't do this " Tego commented after wards " can't? you mean shouldn't " Han said Dom said without looking " i think this doesn't change a thing " i looked at Dom and to the others once i was done looking at them i looked back at the Police station and said " sounds fun plus i like a little challenge "  everyone except Dom and Brain looked at me like i was crazy Dom said " i say we stick to the plan " Roman was getting so surprised that he said " you say what? this just went from mission impossible to mission in freaking sanity " me Brain and Dom looked at Roman while he walked away he said " whatever man, i ain't scared i'm just lettin ya'll know goin in that building is crazy " Brain walked after Roman and said to Dom " i got this " 

with Hobbs

Neves was with Macroy he said " what time was the robbery? " wich Neves replied with " around 11:00 " i came standing next to them Macroy said "here we go " i looked at the screen since it found a car and said " enhance it " Macroy enhanced the picture but it didn't help much Neves said " their faces are covered " she looked at the screen a bit better when i said " run it trough F.R.S. " wich Macroy did and the computer got a hit and it was Dominic i said " well hello son of a bitch " after Dominic Han came up the screen wich made me say " wilkes run the photos of known associates of Toretto and O'Conner against customs entries of Brazil in the last two weeks check Planes, Trains, Boats, Everything short of the goddamn space shuttle " Wilkes immediately got up and did what he was told to do and he got hits off multiple people i said " they can change their names but they can't change their faces " Neves who was also looking at the screen with the other people said " something big is going down " i looked back at Macroy's screen and said " thats a 1917 charger Fusco upload these specs into a database have the computer cross-check it, if these vehicles move on the streets of Rio i want to know about it "

Back with you

you all gathered around a table as when Mia said " The beauty of public officers? public records " we all looked at the map when Brain said " and this is where he's keeping the money the vault in the evidence room " Tej immediately said " uhm, uh, yeah. can i get everyone's attention right here for a second? " everyone looked at Tej when he said " we're talkin about breaking into a police station, is anyone listening to those words? anybody? po po, five-O, one time, pigs, people who we don't like " Han commented " you know, police stations are designed to keep people in not out " " that's why its a stealth mission we'll be in and out before they even know we were there " i said everyone looked at me then Dom said " well we'll need to get eyes in there, at least to find out the makes and model of the vault " suddenly Roman started to mumble things like " so the vault, so-- it's crazy, who's suppose to, uh, do all this? " Brain Mia Dom and i looked at each other and towards Roman " what-- what do you mean? why me? " Roman said Brain said without looking away or even smiling or whatever " cause you have the biggest mouth " suddenly Tej mumbled " that's for damn sure " Roman started to shake his head so i said " if it is really such a burden then i'll come with you "

Time skip

Roman and i were in the elevator as soon as the elevator stopped we walked to the desk when Roman suddenly started to flirt with the girl behind the counter he said " hello beautiful look at those dimples, sexy, sexy, Love those glasses where'd you get that from? are those like Gucci frames or somthin? " now Roman was just screwing the mission up the girl started to shake her head and called a guy over i could hear Roman whisper " no no no " the guy came up and said " who are you sir? " Roman grabbed a fake ID and said " Special agent O'Conner U.S. Federal Bureau of investigation " " it's says Caucasian " the man behind the counter said Roman quickly tried to Recover and said " Oh, it's a tan, you know a tan " then suddenly the guy pointed at me and said " and you are? " i walked to the front and grabbed my fake ID and said " i'm Agent (f/l/n) (fake last name) i work for the U.S. secret service department we where sent here together to deliver this since it is classified information i was sent along sides him " i pointed at Roman who looked a bit surprised at me i leaned onto the counter i decided to play the mean game since my shirt was a bit unbuttoned the guy behind the counter looked a little  down

so i said " so why don't you let us is you would really do me such a favour and i could do my job " the guy didn't think clearly but clear enough for him to say " okay you can go in but he can't! " i smiled seductively at him and said in a sweet tone " thank you " i grabbed the box from Roman and walked along side the guy from the counter i placed the box by an open spot

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