An ornament of gold had kept up his hair, while a scarlet red vermillion mark was placed upon his forehead. The man's eyes were a warm colour of hazelnut brown, which entranced Sizhui to a never-ending ravine of euphoria. A clarity bell was attached to the cultivating guest's clothing waist, a similar colour to the Jiang sect leader's.

The man wore a robe of yellow, with the Lanling Jin sect symbol sewed onto the middle. A belt kept his waist to be slim and feminine-like as the man set a slender hand upon his hip. He wore a pair of dairy white loose pants, which seemed even as elegant as a bird's flapping wings. A pair of two red ribbons were hastened around the sides of his waist, with their tails flailing in the air like the GusuLan forehead ribbons.

His cheekbones were slim and seemed frail, while his cheeks were a good colour of paleness. A frown played on the man's peachy lips, which made Sizhui wonder what irritated him so much.

Either way, Sizhui was enchanted from the man just by the looks. And Sizhui rarely ever stared.

"Who's that?" Jingyi spouted. "He looks so mad."

A passerby of the commotion had patted Jingyi by the shoulder with a shocked expression. "You don't know who that is?" By the tone of his voice, even he had captured Sizhui's attention. "That teenage boy is Jin Ling, the future sect leader of Lanling Jin. Apparently, his father was slain by Ghost General Wen Ning, and his mother's death was because of Wen Ning as well. In the end, his guardian, Jin Guangyao was killed for doing illegal deeds! The boy can only rely on his last two uncles."

"Jin Ling," Sizhui muttered that name under his breath. It only fastened the relentless strokes at his heart. He could barely hide the blush creeping onto his cheeks.

"But isn't he just sixteen, around our age?" Jingyi pondered.

"He is, but there's nobody else up for the throne except him. In other words, he's the last of the royal bloodline for Lanling Jin." The passerby gossiped.

     Sizhui's attention on the information had faded as he was furthermore enthralled by Jin Ling's appearance. The cultivator was only sixteen, and was looking like a goddess already! His thoughts had shattered when the future Lanling Jin sect leader had flickered his eyes at him. Sizhui found his heart tighten while his pants seemed to do the same. The sound of his heart thumping had resounded through his skull. He was almost about to faint, until-

     "Tch," Jin Ling snarled.

     "Tch?" Sizhui blinked. Indeed, the young Lanling Jin sect leader (in the future) had 'tch' at him.

     "Did I forget to mention what a temper that Young Master Jin Ling has!" The passerby's voice had thundered towards Jingyi, seemingly to have captured Sizhui's attention for the time being as well. "It's practically inherited from his uncle! Although it's mainly because he had no mother to teach him."

     Sizhui's heart softened when he noticed Jin Ling's fist by his side. His knuckles fumed disastrously with the colour white dancing beautifully, like beauteous fingers plucking the strings of a guqin.

Then, Jin Ling sauntered towards Sizhui. The sudden flare in his eyes had caught the GusuLan disciple off guard.

"Move." Jin Ling ordered.

The boy's voice had such an intense rivalry implanted that even Sizhui barely managed to stand upright. "You're blocking my way. So move. Get out of my sight." Jin Ling spat. He glared daggers at Sizhui, who sunk under the pressure.

"Of course, Young Master Jin Ling." He obeyed, straying to the side as commanded.

"Hey!" Jingyi bossed. "What gives you the right to speak that way to Sizhui!"

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