Chapter 10

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~Third Person Pov~

The next few days flew by fast.

Everyone's concern only grew for Hinata as he only seemed to get quieter.

"Hey Hinata.." Kageyama approached him

Hinata just looked at him.

"You alright? You've gotten even more.. quiet." He let out a worried laugh. Hinata just nodded and went back to staring into space.

"Are you sure? I mean i-"

"Shouyo!" Kageyama looked to see who it was, and of course.. it was Radion.

He ran over to Shouyo "Hey, I know this is last minute. But you still haven't come up with lyrics, have you?" His voice almost seemed begging. Hinata shook his head.

"I thought so. Well.. wait are you ok?" He lifted Hinata's bangs from his face.

There was no head movement. That made Kageyama concerned.

"I didn't think so. You're worried right? Don't be. I know you can do it. Don't give up, alright?" Hinata just stared blankly at him

"Oh come on now, I'm serious! You're strong, and I know that you can do this." Radion smiled at him but still received no response.

"I know I know. I say that every day, but I'm serious."

Kageyama just watched as this person carried on a very one sided conversation.

"Look.. we have a only a few days left and.. Andrew decided WWE don't need to practice anymore.." he sighed

That got a reaction out of Hinata, he shot his head up and looked at him with wide eyes.

Radion giggled "I know, that's how I felt too. But, don't worry. He had a good reason, so take the extra time to understand yourself, and maybe get the words out that you need to express." He ruffled Hinata's hair.

The jealousy and anger bubbled in Kageyama, but he didn't do anything, he knew that's not what Hinata needed right now.

"How about this, tomorrow, you and I will go get dinner. Well just relax and not think to much about the show, sound good?" Hinata just nodded in response. "Alright, I need to get going, I'll see you tomorrow." He smiled

To Hinata, that smile.. felt like home.

Kageyama went after the boy.

"Hey.. Radion was it?" Kageyama asked

"Mhm, you're..?" Radion asked

"K-Kageyama.. uhm.. how do you know what he's thinking? I want to be able to.. ya know.. talk to him I guess.." he sighed

"I've spent a lot of time with him. He says everything with his eyes. He doesn't need words to talk to me. We could carry on a silent conversation for hours." Radion laughed and looked up to the sky "ya know.. I really didn't get the guy at first. He was full of mysteries. I can't even imagine the pain he's gone through.. you knew him when he wasn't like that, right?"


"What was he like?"

"He was a dumbass. Always saying crazy things, always asking me to toss to him 'One more!' he'd shout. It could be the 100th time and he still wouldn't stop. He was a ball of energy that never slowed down. His smile.. man.. his smile could light up the darkest room. He was our sunshine. He was my sunshine. I.. didn't have friends. I didn't know how to make them. He was the first person to go out of their way to talk to me. Even if we didn't like each other at first..." Kageyama let out a laugh "He was.. Always there to cheer everyone up. He always knew what to say, even if it sounded stupid. I didn't realize I would need to cherish those moments so much.." Kageyama's head fell

"I miss that.." he whispered

"The Shouyo you know, sounds like fun." Radion started "The Shouyo I know, is full of passion. Even if he's quite, he doesn't give up. I enjoy being around him, he makes life a bit easier." Radion sighed "I'm glad that I met him. He's changed my life." He smiled

"Do you.. ya know.." Kageyama didn't want to ask, he didn't want to know.. but he needed to

"I'm not sure, honestly. I hardly know him. But that doesn't stop my heart from racing every time he smiles, or when we hug. It doesn't stop me from blushing when he looks at me for longer than 5 seconds. I don't know, but one thing I do know, is he's happy to see you all." He gave Kageyama a small, simple smile.

But those words hit him. Those last few words, hit him hard. He's happy to see you all.

He didn't feel that way.. but it coming from someone who knows him now, he knew it was true.

"Thank you." Kageyama told him "Please, take care of our sunshine." He bowed

"I won't leave him." Radion replied "I will never leave him."

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