Chapter 1

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~Third Person Pov~

Hinata and his boyfriend Akiko have been together for as long as anyone can remember.

Akiko had saved Hinata from his abusive home when they were only children.

To everyone else they seemed to be made for each other. It was their first year of high school, they attended different schools because Akiko went to one for music, while Hinata went to one for Volleyball.

Hinata and Akiko had made a lot of new friends, they were both energetic, and social people.

Hinata had raced Kageyama to the club room and won.

"Hah!.. 67 wins.. for me.. and 65 losses.." he said in-between breaths.

"HINATA BOKE! I'll win next time!" Hinata just smiled

The day continued on as normal, classes were boring, and volleyball was fun. The team didn't know about Hinata's boyfriend, he didn't think they really needed to know, he was also scared they would reject him for being gay.

When afternoon practice was over, Hinata raced home like usual, he couldn't wait to see Akiko!

He unlocked the door to find Akiko's mom and him sitting, having a serious discussion.

"Ah, Sho-kun, come here. This involves you as well." She smiled slightly, but Hinata could see that whatever it was, had upset Akiko.

"Yes Rikka?"

"So.. I got a really good job offer in America. We'll be leaving tonight. You have the opportunity to come with. The school Akiko will be attending is a prestigious school. It has music and volleyball!" She smiled

But in that moment, Hinata felt like he couldn't breathe.

What about my team? What about Intern-high?

"Sho.. I know you're scared, I am too.. but we can get through this together.. like we always do." Akiko smiled at him. He always knew how to cheer him up, no matter what was happening.

Hinata just nodded.

"Alright, I already have both your things packed. We'll be leaving in an hour." Rikka told them

Neither could believe how fast this was happening.

"Wh-what about our friends?" Hinata panicked

Akiko pulled him into his embrace "I texted mine. They all told me good luck.. I'm sure your friends will understand." He kissed Hinata's head

"I.. don't think I can tell them.. it'll be easier to just disappear." He sighed

"If that's what you want to do, I'm not gonna stop you." He pulled away slightly and bent down, giving Hinata a kiss.

"I love you Akiko.." Hinata smiled

"I love you too Shouyo." He smiled back

~Time Skip~

They were now on the flight to America, Hinata was restless, so Akiko decided to hum...

"What's that ridiculous song you're humming?" Hinata asked

"What do you mean? It's the song you him everyday.." he ruffled his hair

"Is it? Oh.. Can you sing me my favorite?" Hinata smiled at him

"Of course.."

So slowly a sunlit dream pulls me out of sleep
Feel the morning through the blinds
I get to thinking bout your sunkissed face
And a quite place where I could give you all my time..

Akiko's voice could always soothe Hinata. He slowly drifted off into a peaceful sleep.. the plane ride was long, so he decided to try and sleep for most of it..


~Kurasuno pov~

"Have any of you guys seen Hinata? That dumbass.." Kageyama hissed as morning practice was about to start

"Nope. Maybe he just slept in?" Tanaka suggested

"That dumbass." Kageyama said angrily

"It's strange for him to not be here though, and I have a weird feeling." Suga scrunched his face

"I'm sure he's fine. For now let's get warmed up!" Daichi said clapping his hands

As practice went on, everyone got more and more worried, it wasn't like Hinata to just miss practice..

Finally practice had ended and there was still no sign of the short middle blocker.

"I have first with him. I'll text you guys and let you know if he shows up." Kageyama grumbled

He made is way to his class and was shocked that Hinata wasn't there.

Where could that dumbass be?

~Back with Hinata still 3 pov~

Akiko nudged Hinata "Hey sleeping beauty.. we're here.." he smiled softly at the beautiful boy slouched on his shoulder.

Hinata yawns sleeply, rubbing his eyes "I still can't believe this is real." He sighed

"Me either. But let's make it the best!" Akiko shouted making Hinata giggle.

After a few hours they made it to their new home.

It was a two story home, 5 bedroom, 4 bath. The living room was spacious and both Hinata and Akiko were astonished.

"Now, you two can share a room. I'll give you the second largest room and I'll take the master. You have a bathroom connected to your room, it's up the stairs, 3rd door on the right." Rikka smiled at the two boys.

She watched them jump excitedly and grab their things and run upstairs.

She knew Akiko was taking this harder than he showed, she knew it would cause some problems, but knew he was strong.

She worried for her son. But she wouldn't show it either.

She was also worried about Shouyo, she knew he didn't want to leave his friends and school, but knew it would be best to get him out of that town, away from all the memories it kept. She loved him as if he were her own.

He had been living with them since he was 5, how could she not love the boy?

Her worrying didn't stop, but she knew she had to be strong.

"Boys! You start at your new school tomorrow! It's Calbright High! Your uniforms are down here on the counter!" She yelled

The two quickly ran down the stairs, the uniforms were white, with black lining.

"So you're gonna try-out for the volleyball team right?" Akiko asked Hinata

"Of course! I did some research and this team is the top in America! I'm so excited! You're going to join a band right??" Hinata asked

"Of course! I'll do some digging, but it shouldn't take me long." He smiled

"Well, with your skills, who wouldn't want you!" Hinata smiled

Love That's Been Lost (Complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora