Chapter 50

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"Gingi" you called the elf and waited for her to come to your room. You checked that no one was walking near your room and turned around to face the small Elf "I need your help"
"What can Gingi do for (Y/N) Stark?" She asked.
"But first I need to know if you're comfortable going to a place where a lot of Death Eaters are," you said, "Can you Apparate and Disapparate without getting caught?"
Gingi reached for a book and threw it at you! "Gingi is strong! Small yes but Gingi can do anything" she yelled
"Okay okay," you said "that's all I need to know. I want you to find Loki and talk to him"
"Loki?" She asked
"Yes, he's........a friend of mine. Long, black hair and he's young not like the other Death Eaters in there" Gingi nodded her head so you continued "He's in the Malfoy Manor and I think something is wrong with him and I need you to know why" you held the mirror tightly "I want to free him because I know he doesn't want to stay there"
Gingi looked at you for a minute probably thinking that you're a total idiot for trusting a Death Eater but she nodded her head again and walked out of the room.
"Gingi will do her best," she said "Gingi will not take long"

Ron laid on the floor holding his bruised abdomen that Bellatrix caused from her torture. Loki didn't visit as much but he did notice that the food wasn't a blob of grey mass that smelled like death anymore so maybe Loki talked with them? And they even gave him a pillow! An old, dirty, rock-hard pillow but hey better than nothing.
He looked at the door waiting for something to happen so he could get out but go where? He doesn't have his wand and he's badly injured and can't walk! He brushed his hair back and as if his wish came true the door was opened and closed by Loki who looked startled.
"Everything alright?" He asked and tried to sit up but groaned.
"Don't" said Loki and helped him to lay down again "You need to heal because you're getting out of here"
"Really?" Asked Ron but Loki shushed him.
"(Y/N) is planning an escape plan and you need to be well enough to run and handle apparition without killing yourself" said Loki and Ron couldn't stop grinning or stop the tears that were already running down his face.
"They didn't forget me" he whispered and it pained Loki when his voice cracked "Thank you"
"Why are you thanking me?" Asked Loki "I'm a Death Eater you should hate me"
"You kept me company," said Ron "You brought me food and water and now you're telling me that my friends are trying to save me. You're not evil"
Loki looked at him for a minute and then stood up and dusted his robes. Wasn't evil? What does he know?! Loki is the definition of evil and mischief he wasn't a good guy and he'll never be even if he tried!
"Will you escape too?" Asked Ron and Loki smirked
"You honestly think that anyone would welcome me with open arms?" He said "If I don't belong here then I don't belong to anything"
"(Y/N) would welcome you" said Ron "She really cares about you"
Loki turned around and opened the door but gave Ron one more look before leaving and locking the door behind him.

An hour earlier...

Loki walked by Dumbledore's cell and pressed his ear closer to the door. Lucius was yet again torturing Dumbledore while Bellatrix laughs in the background.
"Where is the wand!?!" Asked Lucius again. Dumbledore coughed and looked up at him but didn't speak which angered Lucius even more.
Deciding it was enough torture for today, Loki went back to his room but saw a small house elf standing on his desk reading the many letters that he wrote to you.
"What are you doing?" He asked and she threw them in the air "Stop!" He collected the letters and hid them in a drawer. He looked back at the elf and noticed that she was staring at him. "What do you want?"
"Gingi is here to help!" She said and walked to his bed "(Y/N) Stark is very worried"
"(Y/N) is worried? About me?" He asked and knew that there's no way you'll ever forgive him but maybe, maaybbee it might happen..?
"Yes (Y/N) Stark has sent Gingi to check on Loki," said Gingi "(Y/N) Stark says Loki was not himself when he attacked"
"Oh," said Loki and put the letters in his drawer "To be completely honest with you I.....I don't remember much"
What was he supposed to say? He remembers walking into the cave and searching the living room. He has clear memories of a vase with purple flowers that the Death Eater who was with him at that time threw on the ground for no reason, he walked in a long hallway and that's it.......he remembers being held down by the Avengers and escaping after that but nothing else.
Does that mean they used the Imperius curse on him when he refused to kill (Y/N)? Well, there's no other explanation.
"(Y/N) Stark wants to free her friend and Dumbledore," she said.
"Gingi I want you to work with me," he said and she nodded her head. She gave him a weird look but he brushed it off and continued "I want to help (Y/N) but I can't at the moment, so if they ever come here I'll be an ally"
"Gingi will inform (Y/N) Stark of this," she said and walked to the drawer but Loki stopped her.
"And tell them that Ron is alright and no harm has been done to him," he said and pulled her away from the letters but she resisted "What are you doing?"
"Gingi wants to read the letters," she said and pulled her hand away from his grip "(Y/N) Stark's name was on them"
"They're private," he said "Letters that I've never sent"
"Why not?" She asked. Loki felt weird telling a house-elf about the letters that he wrote to you but never sent but it felt good to talk to someone.
"I don't think (Y/N) wants to talk to me," he said "You see I wasn't always the good friend that she deserves. I made a lot of stupid mistakes" Gingi looked at him for a moment and walked away.
"Goodbye Loki sir," she said and disappeared leaving Loki on his own.

‎‏You stood outside waiting for Fred to finish packing. Your backpack was beside you on the ground and when you looked down at it you saw the object that Gingi gave you weeks ago. You never opened because according to Gingi it's not right to open it here, but Gingi wasn't around and you were alone outside with a safe distance from the Burrow soooooo........... You gave it one more look and picked it up.
‎‏There were a bunch of knots all around it and they were extremely tight but with your powers, you carefully removed the cloth pieces until it revealed to you what was hidden inside. Your hands shook and you cursed Dumbledore for doing this without telling you.
‎‏The Elder Wand rested on your hands as the last piece of cloth fell to the ground but the wand followed it shortly as it fell from your shivering hands. You didn't understand why you had it in the first place and it will attract more problems especially that Voldemort's looking for it. You saw Fred and Gingi leave the house and quickly hid the wand in your backpack.
‎‏"Are you ready?" Asked Fred but his smile disappeared when he saw your horrified expression "What's the matter?"
‎‏"I'm just.." you started but couldn't say anything after it. What can you even say? 'Oh yeah so I have a very powerful wand the most powerful evil wizard of all time is looking for it but don't worry it's gonna be alright' it didn't make sense especially that you couldn't use it "I'm just worried about Tony"
‎‏Fred smiled again and wrapped his arm around your shoulders "You Starks are tough he'll probably run a secret club to overrun the Death Eaters and reclaim Hogwarts"
‎‏Weirdly it sounds so much like something Tony would do.
‎‏Gingi offered her hands to you and you prepared yourself for the most unpleasant feeling to exist.

‎‏You'd think that living with Harry in the middle of a war would be easy but nope he's as reckless as ever and unfortunately, Hermione had to deal with him.
‎‏"No one knows if she's even alive" Harry ranted for the last hour "It wouldn't hurt to search for her"
‎‏"Yes it would hurt," said Hermione "You from all people should stay hidden because everyone is looking for you"
‎‏"They're looking for you too" mumbled Harry and Hermione glared at him.
"What I'm saying is we're achieving nothing by sitting here all day when we can leave and search for (Y/N) and rescue Ron," he said and Hermione rolled her eyes.
"I want to do that but what if the Death Eaters find us then what?" She asked "Let's just wait a couple more days and then we'll do your plan"
"Deal," said Harry and heard footsteps running towards his room as Thor opened the door with a huge grin on his face.
"Lady (Y/N) is here"

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