Chapter 46

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Steve was talking, Bruce was pacing around the room, Thor was sitting next to you with his hand on your shoulder but you didn't feel anything. Ron's missing? Since when? And why didn't they tell you? Was it Loki? Would he go this far?
"When," you said catching the attention of Steve "When did they kidnap Ron?"
"A week ago," said Steve, "I think it's Loki. He's a Death Eater, of course, he wants to ruin the mission and instead of taking Harry to 12 Grimmauld Place we'd search for Ron so Voldermort cou-"
"Just stop blaming people and fucking try to solve the problem!!" You yelled, "Who cares who did the kidnapping it happened and you did nothing!"
"We sent three Aurors to look for him but to no avail," said Steve as Natasha and Tony entered the living room "And we're trying to solve the problem but we're only a few people"
"Then let me help," you said but you already knew they'll never let you "You need help and to be honest staying here is useless I should be out there fighting"
"Absolutely not," said Steve " You're safe here and we'll keep that un-"
"No," said Tony, you turned your head to look at him and noticed the dark circles under his eyes, he looked tired and you felt bad for him.
"No?" Repeated Steve.
"This is not the time to hide," said Tony and looked at the flowers that you picked half an hour ago "these people need us and if we don't move now more will get hurt"
"But what if they kidnapped Ron to get to (Y/N)?" Asked Bruce "Are we that stupid to fall into their trap?"
"I'm done hiding," said Tony "We have to act now and help the Order, bring Ron back and find Dumbledore"
"He must be in so much pain," said Bruce "but didn't they cut his arm? Wouldn't that stop the curse from spreading?"
"It'll spread again eventually," said Natasha "Tony's right we have to act like actual heroes"
Steve looked at Natasha then at Tony, you knew he was trying to find a way to make you change your mind but it won't happen. Steve sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, he looked at you and nodded his head.
"Alright," he said "we'll leave tomorrow morning"
"Let's pack," said Tony "bring only the essentials and try to keep it all in a backpack"

The night was terrible.
Every time you close your eyes you see the battle at Hogwarts. The bodies of students scattered around the castle, Remus and Tonks lying next to each other cold as ice, McGonagall casting a charm animating The statues to fight and Mrs. Weasley crying over Fred's dead have to stop this you have to do something all these images can't come true you have to change them, whatever it takes.
You stood up and walked to your backpack. You didn't care about packing you just wanted to get out of here fast. You were about to go back to sleep when you heard a sound, you waited for a minute and heard a thud again.
'Someone is here' you thought and changed into simple clothing, black pants, a black t-shirt, and a beige jacket. You took your wand and walked out of your room slowly heading towards the sound source. You heard two voices arguing in the living room and noticed Clint and Natasha standing behind a wall, Clint saw you and his eyes widened and mouthed for you to hide. You hid behind a corner and saw Tony standing a few meters away from you.
"Who is there?" You mouthed and he shrugged but you knew they were Death Eaters. You jumped when you heard one of them talking.
"We can't do that" sounds familiar
"We follow the orders," said the other "If you can't do it then you shouldn't have volunteered to come"
"She's very valuable," said the familiar voice "If we kill her now then we'll lose her power"
"The Dark Lord does not need her powers he just wants her out of the way"
Tony looked at you with fear in his eyes and you knew why, they were here to kill you in your sleep. Natasha raised her wand and took a step closer to them ready to attack. You felt a hand on your shoulder and saw Bruce with his and your backpacks.
"Let's go" he whispered
"Where?" You asked looking back and saw Tony dodging a curse while Natasha fought one of the masked Death Eaters.
"Anywhere but here," he said and you two ran to the basement. He took a lantern and told you to walk in front of him, he closed the door behind him and you two ran to the last opening and into the secret tunnel. You tried to not run because there's a river and you might slip and that's not ideal in this situation but you heard shouts and curses being cast and you knew that you had to leave immediately.
"What about the others?" You asked as you reached the stones "What if they don't make it?"
"Don't worry they will" said Bruce "Now stop worrying about them you're the wanted one"
It took you much less time to reach the ending and you weren't greeted by beautiful sunlight like before but with darkness since it was midnight. You walked into the smaller cave and took your backpack from Bruce.
"We have to climb," he said "Go"
You were about to start climbing when another masked figure appeared from behind the waterfall. Bruce raised his wand and the masked Death Eater did too.
"Don't make this harder than it already is" he said "let me finish my job"
"Loki?" You whispered as he removed his mask revealing his abnormally pale face.
"Don't take it personally (Y/N)" he said and raised his wand at you "But you must die"
He moved his wand casting a nonverbal spell and you fell on the ground as excruciating pain spread through your body making you scream in agony. You opened your eyes and your vision was blurry the pain was too much to handle you didn't even see Loki push Bruce to a wall and Bruce started to grow larger until the Hulk was out. He ran to Loki and threw him on the ground ending the Cruciatus curse. You laid there on the ground unable to move scared that the pain might take over again, you couldn't feel your legs and with each movement, you felt your bones screaming for mercy you knew Loki was evil but never thought he'd be this evil.
"(Y/N)" you heard a voice call but your vision was still blurry. The person came closer to you and helped you to stand up, you tried to focus on him but couldn't see anything but his dark brown hair.
'Tony?' You thought and he opened your hands and gave you something.
"Take it," he said his voice nothing but an echo that you could hardly hear "keep it safe until you could destroy it"
'Destroy what?'  You thought but couldn't ask as he pushed you to the rocks
"Climb to the top" he shouted which made the echo worse "We'll delay them as much as we can"
You put the thing that he gave you in your backpack and tried to climb. Your fingers were on fire and your feet were not responding to you, you pushed yourself to climb all the way to the top but when you almost reached the top you heard "AVADA KEDAVRA" and it barely missed you. Rocks went flying everywhere bruising you and creating cuts on your face and hands but you continued until you reached the top. You looked back and saw Bruce breathing heavily, Clint pointing his wand at a Death Eater you didn't recognize who was unconscious, Nat, Thor, and Tony holding Loki as he glared at you and Steve holding his bloody arm.
"RUN" yelled Steve "GO SOMEWHERE SAFE!!"
As much as you wanted to stay and help them you knew he was right and did just as he said. You turned around and ran into the darkness.

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