Chapter 32

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"Where are you going?" Asked Natasha.
Clint stopped dead in his tracks and turn to face her. He knew that there was no escape. 'Come on Clint' he thought to himself 'you gotta do something! Save yourself'
"Heeey Nat...........What are you doing here?" 'Good job Clint! This will definitely convince her that nothing is wrong!'
"I live here" she said "what are you up to?"
"Me? Up to something? Never" he said hoping that she'll drop it but, she didn't. She glared at him and reached for her wand-
"Steve and I are going to Hogwarts!!" He immediately.   
"WHAT?! ARE YOU CRAZY?"!" She yelled at him "Why would you do that?"
"Steve thinks that (Y/N) might be in danger and he wants to protect her" He said "I tried to change his mind but he won't listen to me, so I offered to go with him to help"
"Then he will listen to ME" she said
"He won't change his mind!"
"Then I'll give him a piece of MY mind"
"Oh god..."

"Loki" said Narcissa Standing behind Loki's door "is everything alright? I heard voices earlier"
"I am alright Narcissa Thank you for asking" he said as he rewrapped the gift that he bought for you. He was very anxious and yet very excited to meet you, I don't know if you've noticed or not but Loki has feelings for you and he thought that he might have a chance to even catch your attention, but his hopes and dreams were crushed when he saw you with Fred.
'Idiot' he thought 'she would never love you'
He knew that he would never stop thinking about you so he settled with being your friend,it was better than nothing.
He hid the gift and went to the balcony for some fresh air. 'I'm a curse' he thought 'I'll never find happiness'. He really wished that he failed the seventh year so he could spend more time with you, it was the highlight of his day.

"Unbelievable" said Steve "I trusted you Clint"
"Sorry Steve" said Clint "She gave me the look"
"So you're saying that a look scared you?" Asked Steve
"You've never seen the look Steve" said Thor "don't judge it before you've been glared at"
"Back to the subject" said Nat "why are you doing that to her?"
"Doing what?"
"Acting like she doesn't know what to do and treating her like a child?" She snapped "she's dealing with so much right now and this idea of yours is the stupidest thing you've ever done"
"I want to protect her"
"She doesn't need protection!!"
"And how do you know!?"
"I JUST DO!!!"
"That's it" said Bruce "you're acting like children!"
"Maybe we should be acting like children because being adults isn't good enough"said Natasha and stormed out.
"You're in big trouble Steve" said Clint
"I don't care" said Steve and picked his bag up "I'm not changing my mind"
"Steve just wait a minute" said Bruce "how are you going to enter Hogwarts?
"I've already sent an owl to Dumbledore" said Steve "he should've answered it by now"
"What if he doesn't accept?" Asked Clint
"I will not take no as an answer" said Steve "nothing will come between me and protecting my friends"

Natasha slammed her bedroom's door shut and tugged her hair 'what am I supposed to do now?' She thought 'I can't let them go! I need to do something for (Y/N)!"
She thought about writing a letter for you but by the time the owl reaches Hogwarts they'd be already there.
"God" she sighed and looked at the Floo powder "should I do that?" She thought but knew that it will not end well "don't do anything stupid, Steve"
She looked at the owl again and decided on writing a letter.
"Will this tear us apart? Yes, it will but I don't care"

"Where's Harry?" You asked Hermione as she stepped out of of the train.
"He said he has something to do" she answered
'That idiot' you thought and went to Draco's compartment, you saw him standing up and pointing his wand at Harry, who was hiding under his invisibility Cloak.
"What are you doing?" You asked causing him to jump and hide his wand
"Nothing that concerns you" he spat
"You shouldn't be here" you said "Flich is looking for you"
"Then why are you here?" He asked impatiently, he really wanted you to go so he could attack Harry.
"I'm here because Snape sent me to bring you" you lied "he said that there's something you need to talk about? Family thing?" You saw the colour drain from his face and he hurried out of the train. Seconds later Harry revealed himself and walked to you.
"Don't do that again" you warned him "he knew that you were there, and he was about to attack you"
"You don't understand (Y/N)!! I Know that Draco is a Death Eater-"
"And I believe you" You shut him up and walked out of the train "I know that Draco is hiding something"
"Thank God someone believes me" he sighed.

"Loki" said Narcissa as they were having dinner, he looked at her with a raised eyebrow
"Yes?" He asked knowing that what she was about to say is not something good
"We were thinking today about that friend of yours, (Y/N)"
Loki dropped his fork when she mentioned your name. What were they talking about? He knew that it's not a good thing especially after they knew about your powers. He picked his fork up again and looked at Narcissa with a poker face.
"She's not my friend" he lied "I was just using her to emotionally damage her when we kill Harry Potter and know that I was a Death eater from the beginning"
Every word that he said felt like a knife through his heart. He didn't want them to think that you were close to him so they won't hurt you, but he knew that they will no matter what.
"Well, since she trusts you we thought we'd give you a mission" said Narcissa
"What kind of mission?" Asked Loki
"The Dark lord hasn't decided yet" said Bellatrix "but I know that it would destroy that little friendship of yours"
"That friendship was made to be destroyed" Loki chuckled "just tell me what to do and I will not disappoint"
"Oh you better not" said Bellatrix "or the Dark lord will definitely end you"
"The mission will not be easy" said Narcissa"no matter what comes in your way, you have to fight it to finish the Dark lord's orders. Or he will surely-"
"I KNOW!!" Exclaimed Loki as he banged his fists on the table "I know what I have to do, and I know that the Dark lord will not go easy on me. But all my life I have waited for this opportunity, to prove that I belong here and that I can do whatever the Dark lord orders"
Narcissa looked at Loki with wide eyes but decided not to question him any further, while Bellatrix had another idea in her mind. You see, she noticed that Loki was acting weird lately. He rarely left his room and if he did, he wouldn't tell anyone where was he. It was driving her insane not knowing what secrets he was hiding from her but, whenever she thought about it she would think that you had something to do with it so, she had an idea.
"I honestly believe that we shouldn't leave the manor unless it's a very urgent matter" she started catching everyone's attention, especially Loki's.
"And why is that?" Asked Narcissa
"We are in danger of course" she said "we need to stay here and be ready for whatever the Dark lord needs, and who knows what could happen if we left without telling anyone about our destination"
"This is ridiculous" said Loki "we can't stay here at all times! As if we are in a prison! You can apply that rule on yourself but I will not follow it"
"You can always go anywhere you want as long as you tell us where you're going and who you're going to meet" said Narcissa
"Unless you have something to hide" said Bellatrix with a smirk. She knew that she was breaking him, and she loved every second of it.
"I don't have anything to hide" said Loki "even if I did, I wouldn't share it, especially to you Bellatrix"

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