Chapter 31

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The picture is by @charcowll on IG😍💙

Dear (Y/N)

You are in great danger, Bellatrix told Voldemort about your powers and they are thinking about attacking you. Luckly they don't know where you live and fortunately, I don't either.
They're still discussing their plan and I will give you any news that I get.
Stay safe (Y/N).
PS: I hope you didn't forget about meeting me in the first trip to Hogsmeade.
Yours truly

You read the letter again and burned it so no one would ask for it again. Looking out of the window, you noticed that Tony was making his way to Nat and Clint's house aka: to you. You stood up and went down stairs just in time when Clint opened the door for Tony.
"Did you see (Y/- Oh there you are!" Said Tony when he saw you behind Clint.
"Is everything alright?" Asked Clint
"Yeah don't worry, (Y/N) let's go"
"The Death Eaters are after me" 'idiot! Why did you tell them!!' "They're planning on an attack" 'great, just great'
"What?!!" They both yelled and you heard foot steps from upstairs making their way downstairs.
"What's going on?" Asked Natasha raising her wand in a protective way.
"How did you know?" Asked Tony
"Loki told me"
"Loki?" Asked Clint "how did he tell you?"
"How do you know that's true? He lied to us many times" said Tony
"Just tell me what happened?!"
"I know Loki okay!?" You said "he would never betray me"
"He betrayed his own brother do you think you're any different"
"STOP!!" yelled Natadha which made you all stop and look at her "what, in the name of everything that's holy, is going on?"
"I'm in danger" you said and walked out of the house.

The next day you didn't go back to the Burrow, you stayed in Tony's house since it was "too risky" to go back. You really didn't care about what will happen, you can defend yourself it's not a new thing. A faint knock on your door brought you back to reality.
"I don't feel like talking, Tony" you said hoping that he'd actually leave you alone for the first time. But it didn't happen because you heard the door being closed and foot steps. "Just go pl-"
"And what if I'm not Tony?" Asked Thor as he sat on your bed with a wide grin "you know you can tell me anything right?"
"So we're going to pretend that Tony didn't tell you and the others?" You said.
"I believe you" he said "I know Loki better than anyone here, he wouldn't do all of that if he didn't really care about you"
"I believe that he changed" you said as you held the letter that he sent for your birthday "and they're not willing to give him a chance just because of something that happened in the past?! That's ridiculous!"
"Well he did destroy a whole city and tried to kill us" mumbled Thor
"Remember that one qudditch game, when I beat up Malfoy? And pushed Bruce? I stayed out in the hallway and he sat there next to me and talked to me and made me feel better" you said and put the letter back in the box "he was there for me when everyone left, he knew that being alone isn't the best thing. Because he felt the same"
"Just ignore the others and don't talk about it alright?" Said Thor "they'll leave you alone eventually".
"I hope that they will" you whispered "I mean I am going to Hogwarts Tomorrow so I just have to deal with Tony, which is the worst part"
"I will leave you now" he said and stood up "just, don't let Loki ruin your friendship with anyone; even if you're trying to be a good friend to him" and with that he left.
You sighed and looked at Aspen.
"Good thing you can't talk so you won't give me your opinion about the way that I'm ruining my life" you said but Aspen paid absolutely no attention to you as he continued to eat his food.

The next day you and Tony went to King's Cross Station without saying a word, you didn't really mind it since you already wanted him to leave you alone. You left your luggage with him and went to look for your friends but you were stopped by someone.
"Excuse me!" You turn around and saw an old man walking towards you, you didn't know him at first but then it clicked. Slughorn.
"Can I help you?" You asked 'you better not add me in your little fanclub!'
"Are you related to Tony Stark?" He asked as he pointed at him "I saw you walk together"
"Yes, he is my cousin" you answered
"Another Stark" he gasped "I can't believe it. I want to talk with you more my child"
"I would like that bu-"
"I will NOT take no as an answer! Your family is a legend and I need to know the details, please follow me" he said and walked inside the train with you behind him. You looked around hoping that you'd find one of your friends so they'd help you, but they were nowhere to be seen.
He opened the door of a compartment which you assumed is compartment C? And inside it were only two students. Cormac McLaggen, who you stunned last year for bullying a first year Slytherin, and Marcus Belby, who you've never met before.
"Sit down my child" he said as he sat next to Cormac "we'll have lunch in few minutes"
You sat next to Marcus and waved at him, he only gave you a small smile and turn his head to look at the window.
"So.." you started catching Slughorn's attention "what is.....this..?"
"Oh I thought you'd never ask" he said excitedly "I like to call it, The Slug Club, where I bring my best students together"
"How do you know we're good if you've never taught us?" You asked
"I just know" he said and turned to Marcus to talk to him. You already knew that he just brings the students who were connected to somebody that's well known or famous. After a few minutes Blaise Zabini entered the compartment and Slughorn welcomed him and he sat down next to Slughorn.
"Now (Y/N)" said Slughorn "(Y/N) Stark, amazing student. Your parents were amazing Aurors, your cousin Tony Stark an extraordinary inventor and a professor. It must be a huge pressure to be born in such a family, right?
"Yeah, sometimes I think we're cursed" you said and they laughed 'I'm serious'
"You've got your mother's charm and wit" he said "it was such a horrible day when I got the news, a new Stark is born but an old one is lost"
"I'd appreciate it if we stopped talking about it" you said and he nodded his head, why is everyone so obsessed with your family?
Slughorn excused himself and went to look for more students and left you alone with two students that you've never met.....and a bastard.
"Must be a great thing to be here Stark" said Blaise "considering that you have nothing special in you at all"
"Yeah because you're so special" you said "you're here just because of your mother"
"And you're here because of your family"
"Just like everyone else" you thought that it was the end of your "conversation" but you thought wrong.
"there's a new rumour going around" he said with a smirk "a rumour that you're not normal like us" you looked at him with wide eyes at first but just smiled and said
"And who said that?"
"Malfoy started it" he said "said that something weird happened to him and his friends the moment you walked inside Umbridge's office last year"
"And Malfoy is so reliable that everyone believed him" you said "Give me a break"
"So is it true?" Asked Cormac "are you not normal?"
"If you don't shut up I'll make you abnormal" you threatened him earning a chuckle from Marcus.
Few minutes later, Slughorn returned with Ginny behind him.
"Ginny!" You said excitedly as she sat next to you "how are you?"
"Great" she said "you were dragged here too?"
"Yup" you said "at least you're here"
"(Y/N) do you know Ginny?" Asked Slughorn
"Yeah, she's my friend" you said
"I invited Harry" he said "he'll be here in a minute"
After a while Harry and Neville did show up and joined you in the full compartment as Slughorn talked with the other students about their families. You spent the whole time talking to Ginny or Neville since they were sitting next to you until it was dark.
"Good gracious, it's getting dark already! I didn't notice that they'd lit the lamps! You'd better go and change into your robes, all of you. McLaggen, you must drop by and borrow that book on nogtails. Harry, Blaise,(Y/N)- anytime you're passing. Same goes for you miss" said Slughorn "well, off you go, off you go"

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