Xiang ChangKong replied: "Starlight Park."

Cheng Peng: "..."

Another awe-inspiring street.

"Why are there so many rich people in City A, ah!" Cheng Peng complained.

Xiang ChangKong tilted his head. "Isn't that normal?"

Cheng Peng: "..."

Yes, fine. He was the one who wasn't worthy. He was the one who was too poor for City A.

"Sigh, I think the space in our neighborhood is the best. I'll have to discuss this with my wife later today." He decided to try and persuade his wife once more by telling her the expensive rent of this place. He must also show just how cute the space in their neighborhood was, ah.

Xiang ChangKong smile. "Yes, I think so too. Although the surrounding stores would be incompatible to the aesthetics your wife wants for your store, I think it would still be worth it."

"Anyway, having a distinctly different style means we can stand out from our competitors." Cheng Peng patted Xiang ChangKong's shoulder, then asked him: "Why don't you come home with me and try me and my wife's dishes? I've dragged you along all day; let me treat you to a delicious meal."

Xiang ChangKong thought about all the reading he still needed to finish for his upcoming exams and refused. "I have to take the postgraduate exams soon, so I have to study. I'll gratefully accept your offer after I finish the exams, though."

"Ok, no problem." Cheng Peng knew that Xiang ChangKong was going to be taking an exam soon and didn't want to disturb him during this critical period. Instead, they made an appointment to meet up another time.

Because the two men lived in different directions, Cheng Peng and Xiang ChangKong decided to part ways here. There was a subway entrance in this business district, but Xiang ChangKong would have to switch train lines if he wanted to get off at Starlight Park. So Xiang ChangKong decided to simply walk to QingNan street and take the subway there so he wouldn't need to transfer.

QingNan street had a multitude of narrow and winding alleyways that stretched to different directions. It would be challenging for someone unfamiliar with the place to navigate it's complicated trails successfully. Since Xiang ChangKong didn't want to take any detours, he planned to use the shortest, most straightforward route to the subway entrance in QingNan street. Xiang ChangKong had only been in QingNan street a few times, but his ability to remember roads was quite powerful, so he wasn't particularly worried.

It was currently in the middle of the afternoon, so all the bars were quiet. Right now, the usually lively bars weren't much different from regular shops. Though there was one key aspect that showed obvious disparity- the names on the signs around Xiang ChangKong were a little more...eccentric that what a typical general store would have.

Xiang ChangKong heard from Xu Lian that Wei YiChen had a bar in QingNan street, but he didn't know the name of it. At the thought of Wei YiChen, Xiang ChangKong couldn't help but think back to their last meeting in the hospital. At the time, Wei YiChen's wound didn't look shallow.

As Xiang ChangKong walked out of the alley, he saw a group of people standing in front, surrounding a man that looked like Wei YiChen.

Xiang ChangKong frowned and carefully looked at this scene. It wasn't a person that looked like Wei YiChen, but Wei YiChen himself.

Just as he determined the identity of the man, the group suddenly started fighting. Xiang ChangKong felt that the situation was perilous for Wei YiChen because it was apparent to any outsider that all the other people weren't on Wei YiChen's side.

Xiang ChangKong didn't know why they were brawling, but even if Wei YiChen could fight, it would still be impossible for him to fight so many people all by himself.

Wei YiChen was currently cursing up a storm.

He had previously asked Zhao Jie to come forward and warn Qian Liang about his actions. Zhao Jie agreed to his request and reminded Qian Liang about the rules of QingNan street, which actually seemed to have worked. These past few days, Qian Lian confined himself in his small stronghold, so Wei YiChen thought the matter was over. But who knew that Qian Liang would do something risky and try to make a move on him!

Wei YiChen berated Qian Liang in his mind. He doesn't dare provoke Zhao Jie, so he decided to take out his anger on me?!

Truthfully, Wei YiChen expected the story of him going to Zhao Jie to reach Qian Liang's ears. After all, there were so many people in the bar that night. It would be more strange for Wei YiChen if Qian Liang didn't find out about his visit. But Wei YiChen didn't think that Qian Liang would join forces with Zhu Bing to screw him over. They even used Fang QiuYun's name to trick him into coming to this deserted place.

What did Fang QiuYun have to do with him? Wei YiChen wondered: Did he have a brain fart when he decided to diligently come over like an idiot?

Wei YiChen didn't know why, but the night Fang QiuYun brought him to the hospital flashed through his mind. She had stood in front of the car and waited for him in the cold, windy dark. Her lone figure looked fragile.

Forget it. It seems that in this lifetime, women will be his downfall.

Zhu Bing made trouble with him because the woman Zhu Bing liked approached him. Then, Zhu Bing smashed Xu Lian's store, implicating him once again. Even now, Qian Liang learned to threaten him with not just Xu Lian, but also Fang QiuYun.

He never even touched any of these women, ah! Isn't this a huge loss for him?!

"I say...Qian Liang, can you use another excuse other than women for once?" Wei YiChen complained.

Qian Liang smiled as he replied: "But it's an especially useful reason when dealing with someone like you, ah. Brother Chen, don't you know that you're famous in QingNan street for being especially affectionate to women?"

Wei YiChen: "...."

What affectionate?! He was still a single dog, ah! Who would believe such nonsense?!

While Wei YiChen was distracted, Qian Liang's henchmen tried to punch him again. There wasn't any semblance of mercy in the punch. Wei YiChen dodged the fist that headed to his face but was still hit on the stomach. Wei YiChen staggered back two steps with a frown.

The thugs surrounding him didn't give Wei YiChen time to relax. Before he could properly stand up, another fist was headed his way.

Just as the punch reached Wei YiChen, the thug's shoulder was suddenly grabbed. The thug subconsciously turned to look in that direction and instantly got a fist to the face.

Wei YiChen was surprised. He looked at the person who just helped him and exclaimed: "Xiang ChangKong, why are you here?"

Xiang ChangKong took off his coat for more mobility, then looked at the enemies that surrounded him. "I was just unlucky and happened to pass by."

Wei YiChen: "...."

Xiang ChangKong tilted his head towards Wei YiChen and laughed. "I didn't expect the third fight I would have in my entire life would be because of you."

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