Percy's Dance.

415 11 12

Question: Do you guys like MALEC? Cause I love 'em.

Nico's POV:

After I reach home I know Hazel is not home and I am not the person so fond of spending my time with family drama club, which usually includes my dad, a crime investigator who is always gone and the mum who has the talent to turn any conversation or argument of anything funny or anything sentimental to something threatening or some sort of lecture. 

So I step in my room and take shower and couldn't help but think about the turquoise eyed idiot. He is always so smiling and welcoming like if you pop in front of him you'll expect him saying 'hey' but he will end up saying 'hello there how is the day going? how are you? do you need my help? is everything okay?' with different types of emotions in every question. Since my childhood I have never once in my life encountered someone like him, no one even bothered helping me, which was okay by me as it help me develop a kind of negligence towards human Interaction building more place for me being alone. And being alone is dangerous, once you discover how great that feeling is you will never give a heck about anyone. But he was different what if it was all a mask? shut up nico don't screw something good with being nico.

I got out of my room with a skull face shirt and jacket and leather pants. And end up calling Jason, he picked up in one ring. Was he expecting me calling him or does he have something to tell?

"Hey Nick! Guess who asked me to stay with her?!!!" he literally yelled in my ear, but i knew if it was not me or anyone else he would have said  or yelled in the exact same excitement.  Jason Being Jason. Didn't wait for my reply and went on.

"Piper Mcleen!!!!!"

Shot I lost my chance, of course someone has asked him before me. "Let me guess you said yes?" I said "Well I am not stupid, am I? I mean will  you say no if your crush percy freaking jackson asked you huh?" "no-wait what! he is not my crush grace! he is not even my type!" *wink* "Shut up Di Anglo Jackson is everyone's type." *double wink* 

"Whatever" I said not wanting to push the topic any further. "wait you called me or I called you?" he asked "I did douchebag." I said "Oh so what's app" he asked "well you staying with your crush is up and I having no romme is up."I pointed out. 

"A) yes, at least I ain't denying my crush like you B) Ask Jackson fast cause you are not the first nor the last person to give him glances between the classes." he said, lucky him I can't death glare him or kick him in the ass right now. "Stop it sparkle head and tell me a place where I can hangout till my sister comes home" I said with quite and witty voice that I have mastered over years giving him the idea that pushing this topic any further will not be good for his health.

"Okay, hmm let me think. Well your usual place to hangout is now a gym and there is a coffee shop with donuts and cake in front of it if that's  what you want to know" sure he learned his lesson.

"Wow for once you turned out to be useful huh Grace?" "Shut up darky and simply say thank you" "Whatever Grace." I said and clicked the end button. 

I threw the phone in my jackets pocket and went out to eat some donuts.

------to the shop cause I am hungry-----

I got some sugar mountains and a latte and went out of the shop and found that it has started to rain. I  thought to get in the shop again then thought against it as I heard music from the park or now the gym. I went in but turned around when discovered that it was closed, but why is the music on then? 

To inquire I went in without making any sound. When I entered what I think is the training area, I discovered a site which left me bewildered. 


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