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Percy's POV:

How can someone be so broken. 

"Tell me what you feel"I said,

"That is the thing, I feel nothing" he said.

"There is this big void, like an endless field. Days ago, months ago, I would wake up screaming from the nightmares, but now I just wake up in the middle of the night. I close my eyes and I find myself in the middle of nowhere. Like I am no one, not important.

I can sit at a place for hours thinking nothing, it's like everyone is moving on and I am stuck in a hellhole I can't climb out off. I wake up every morning, Just to go back to sleep.

I drag myself, like my legs are just there to carry my body." He smiled, sadly.

"I look my parents in the eye only to find shreds of disappointment, they think it's a choice.  An unfair thing I have put them in, 

they say I am not good enough, every single day.

You know that voice that tells you that you can't do this, it's too hard, this is not you, you are doing it wrong. *scoffs* I have three outside my head. Your family is supposed to be your safe haven but mine gave me my biggest heart ache.

I don't cry, not because I think it's weak,but I know that I deserve it.

And whenever I am with my family, it is like a constant battle I have to fight, like I have to smile, hold my tears back before I walk away.

Not because I don't talk to them, but because I know they won't get it. They won't understand."

He slumped on the bed, his head rest in the croke of my neck.

"The worst part is, *sniffs* I wasn't myself for months, and no one noticed.............

the worst part is waking up in the morning looking yourself in the mirror, telling yourself it's gonna be okay, the pain will sooth, but then, slowly my heart whispers back, 'it's not'

That is the deal Percy, I am not scared.

I am not tired.

I am


He said,

I held him close to me, tight. I wrapped his legs around my waist, and kissed him passionately. I tilted his head up to meet my eyes, 

I kissed him on his forehead and whispered "I won't drag you out from darkness, because I can't, only one person can and that's you,  

but that doesn't mean I won't hold you close to me in the dark"

He cried in my arms, and soon fell asleep.

I held him tight, and all his words came flooding back, he does not know how much he means to me. Now when I look back I realize how different my life would have been, sometimes you change someone's life so much and still know nothing.
How could he just think so low of himself?
Who the fuck he thinks he is huh? Just come in my distructive life, and make a abstract art out of my chaotic mess and then call yourself not important!?
And what type of family cannot see an angel in his face!

I was angry, no I was furious.

How the hell the people who are supposed to make him feel home made him feel so deserted, I will fix this.

I have too.

I climbed down the window. And came in front of the door. I knocked.

Someone opened the door.

His father,
"Hello sir. I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Oh I know you, you are the captain of the swim team, right?"

"And basketball, and hockey and polo but that's not the point, can I come in frist?"

I was angry so being polite was out of dictionary,

"Ah sure."I slowly creeped in I saw Hazel and her mom sitting in the couch of living room, "Percy? what are you-" "I am here to talk about Nico." I butered.

"And you are his?" his mom asked with an angry expression already filling her up.

Should I tell them?? it's not my place, as much as it hurt to not call that pretty boy mine I said it.

"I am his -- frien-" "Boyfriend."

A small voice said behind me.

I saw all the eyes going wide and his mother stood up.

oooooooooooooo I have a crazy last chapter for you guys!!!!

And don't worry I also have two epilogues planned....


PERCICO (High-School AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora