Episode 17 - Go to War! The Lemon Rider's Rampage!

Începe de la început

Yuuta: Wait, this doesn't make sense. I know about the Oda and Toytomi, they're more interested in conquering territories. Why would they do such a bandit-like act in attacking and stealing?

Shingen: You make an excellent point, Yuuta. We've encountered and fought with both of these factions many times in the past, and before our deaths. It is indeed rare for them to take this course of action.

Yukimura: Then what do you suggest we do, my lord?

Shingen: ...For now, let's approach with extreme caution. Yuuta and Michiko, I want you two to take a small group of both of our men and go to the area where our shipment was attacked. Yukimura, Sakura, and Naomi will remain here in Kai, along with the rest of both of our armies.

Michiko: With all due respect, Lord Shingen. But, what are you implying for this form of tactic?

Shingen: I may have a feeling that something big is being involved in this play. And attacking one of our shipments may be apart of that.

Yuuta: Oh... I get it now.

Shingen: Now, you all have been given your duties. So prepare for batttle!

All: Yes, lord!


At the sight of the raided shipment, Oda and Toyotomi Kurokages are salvaging the supplies.

Oda Kurokage: How's the situation?

Toyotomi Kurokage: We managed to secure the supplies just as we were instructed.

Oda Kurokage: Good, standby until further instructions.

Just as they continue they were suddenly attack by a horde of kunais from above.

Just as they continue they were suddenly attack by a horde of kunais from above

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The sudden attack managed to get rid of the large number of their forces.

Oda Kurokage: We're under attack!

As the surviving Kurokages got themselves ready, they hear a noise that draws closer to them.

It was Yuuta, who already transformed in his strawberry arms. Riding on his Sakura Hurricane, leading a group of his Kurokages into the fray.

 Riding on his Sakura Hurricane, leading a group of his Kurokages into the fray

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