Chapter 10 (1st Draft) 3149

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It was so ingrained in Meadow to steer clear of lycanthropes in Arrowfield, just to keep the peace at home, that she'd never eaten anywhere in Arrowfield but at a human owned and operated restaurant. And here Hale was, walking her straight into Floros - an authentic Greek restaurant run by a lycanthrope couple.

The restaurant had only been around for a few years. The couple were fairly new to the area. But in recent Christmases, when Meadow was up visiting the fam, she had passed by their bright windows and admired the warm family environment inside. More than once she had wished to go in because the aromas coming from the place were nothing short of divine. But, she didn't dare for fear of setting her father off the moment he heard she'd dined there. 

And now, here she was, boldly walking into Floros with the Ranger. Her cosmopolitan palate was thrilled, but her socially condition brain was a little reluctant. What would her father say when he found out? And how would these lycanthropes feel about Niko Rask's daughter walking in and having a meal? Meadow put on her professional persona and prepared herself for a cool welcome.

The restaurant was busy, but not overly crowded. Meadow quickly glanced around. It was filled with lycanthropes. She didn't spot one human face among the crowd. Certainly no human faces she knew at any rate. Part of her was relieved. If there were no human locals there, her father might not find out she'd been there, which would mean less drama to deal with in a few days when she tried visiting the house again.

The whole place, which had been buzzing with friendly chatter, fell silent the moment she and Hale stepped through the doors. Meadow shot him a quick look. He was relaxed and smiling. He didn't seem the least bit aware that all eyes were on them. Meadow swallowed her discomfort and did her best to ignore the intense stares as Hale led her to a private table for two by the window. She also tried not to let the hush that had come across the previously noisy establishment get on her nerves.

But it was hard not to feel like they were eager to listen to every word of her conversation with Hale as she opened her mouth and politely asked, "Is this your favourite spot in town?"

"One of them, " he answered with a grin. "Have you been here before?"

"Never," she replied. She didn't bother saying why.

His expression fell a tiny bit as he asked belatedly, "Do you even like Greek food?"

Meadow gave him a bright smile, leaned her arms on the table and nodded her head, "I do. And the place smell delicious," she offered to help persuade him that she wasn't just being polite.

He sat back with relief and laughed a little at himself. "I should have asked. I don't know why I didn't," he gently upbraided himself.

"Don't worry about it," Meadow shot back with ease. "If I didn't like Greek I would have told you before we stepped in," she confessed.

"You would?" he asked looking at her with increased interest while pulling his seat closer to the table and folding his arms on it. Mimicking Meadow's body language. 

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