Chapter 12 (1st Draft) 2274

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Meadow's third day home was getting off to a much better start than any of the previous days. The weather promised to be sunny all day, which would be great for an outing on the water. Forrest was punctual as always, which meant they'd be eating soon and that was a must since Meadow was feeling famished. And his wolfhounds - Gunner, Happy and Winnie - were overjoyed to see her. They slobbered her with kisses. Theirs was the warmest welcome she'd received since she got home.

And Meadow knew, as long as she was with Forrest, that the subject of her work and the reason for her two-week leave from the Bureau would never come up. She wouldn't have to think about either all day. Forrest liked to be present in moment.  All of his thoughts and conversation were focused on whatever was going on right at that precise point in time.

From the Inn to the diner he talked about the dogs and the warm May weather. While inside the diner his conversation revolved around the food, the owners, the staff and fellow customers. Once they were on his deck boat, a 2014 Bayliner 190, which he affectionately dubbed 'The Pearl', his mind turned to discussions of the boat, the lake, the mountains, and local wildlife. 

A day with him was like a holiday from your life.

But, just because he didn't ask any personal questions and didn't broach any potentially disagreeable topics, did not mean he wouldn't listen when others did. So, Meadow could confide in him about work if she had wanted to. She also could bring up some touchy subjects too as long as she didn't expect him to participate in the conversation. Forrest wasn't the type to get angry, throw words around, and fly into a rage because of differing opinions. Instead, he generally did the exact opposite - he went quiet.

But, this meant it could be hard to get anything out of him - anything vital. And right then, after cruising on the lake with him for thirty minutes talking about nothing in particular, Meadow wanted to know some things - she wanted some answers that she was sure Forrest could provide. But, could she get him to open his mouth? That was the dilemma.

After a little lull in the conversation, Meadow just jumped in with, "So, what's the story on Eddie?"

"Ahh, Eddie. So you met him?" Forrest asked with one eyebrow slightly raised in question.

"Yes, that first night I came home," she told him with a laugh. "It was a shock to see Dad sit and eat with him as if he were just a regular guy," Meadow confessed in a nonchalant tone.  "Why is Dad so chummy with him?"

Forrest looked out over the water, enjoying the wind, the sun and the gentle sway of the boat. He appeared at ease and totally unphased by Meadow's question. But, his lips were pressed slightly together and a little line was forming between his dark eyebrows. These were signs of stress. He did not want to talk about Eddie for some reason.

Meadow waited though. She kept her eyes on him. She silently let him know that she was not going to let this subject go.

After what seemed like an eternity, he finally responded. "I don't know," he said with a little shrug. "I guess he's just a good guy."

Blood BrideOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora