"Erin." Terrance mumbled.

"Hey Erin." Indya said rubbing her back as we walked through the store.

"Don't get to comfortable, it might not even be mine." Terrance said making me mug him.

"I told you stop saying that shit." I said.

"Why you doing her like that? It's not her fault she got dropped off at your door." Indya told him.

"Technically in his living room since he never locks his door." Amir added.

"I don't wanna get attached if it's not my baby. He told us.

"Well who's her mom?" Indya asked.


"Oh." She said knowingly.

"She does look like you, especially her eyes and nose." Indya added.

"We'll see when the DNA test comes in." He said lowly.

"So what's the next move if she's not?" Amir asked. Terrance looked at Erin in Indya's arms not saying anything.

"He'll figure it out when the day comes. Now let's go get some stuff for her. A week's worth at least." Indya said.

Indya King
2:24 pm

"What's wrong with her?" Terrance asked holding a crying Erin in his arms. I checked her diaper.

"Gotta change her diaper." I said over Erin's crying.

"You gotta come with me so you can see how to do it." I told Terrance causing him to follow me.

Once we got to Terrance's house he gave Erin a bath, which was about the only thing he knew how to do himself. I had to show him what to feed her since she's at the age where she can start eating a little solids here and there. Now I'm showing him how to change her diaper.

"You too cute to be stinkin like that mamas." Terrance said laying her down kissing her face.

I knew that "not getting attached to her" thing wasn't gonna last. I just hope this is his baby after all.

"Hey bitches! Where's the baby?" Dime said bussing in the door.

"You really need to lock your doors." Jahir said shaking his head.

"Wife!" Amir yelled hugging her.

"Hey boo." She laughed before pushing him off her when he tried to feel her up.

"Who the fuck invited this nut ass thot." Terrance said as she walked over to us. He just finished changing the baby and he did pretty good.

"Shut yo ass up. You wanna be The Rock in Game Plan so bad." She said mushing his head taking Erin from him.

I sat on Jahir putting my head on his shoulder. He kissed my forehead rubbing my back.

He better stop cause I will fall asleep.

"Hey stinka butt!" Dime cooed looking at Erin.

"Don't kiss my baby hoe. I don't know where your mouth been." Terrance said.

"Shut up, her mama was one she'll be fine." Dime said.

Jahir and Amir busted out laughing. I nudged Jahir making him quiet his laughs a little. I was trying not to laugh my damn self honestly.

"Don't say that. You know she passed away." I told her.

"Okay? God rest her soul but that soul was sinful." She said shrugging.

"You think she's yours?" Dime asked.

"I don't know. The results should came back probably the day before Thanksgiving, guess we'll find out then." He said looking at Erin as she yawned in Dime's arms fighting her sleep.

"We should have a sleepover. It's no way T gonna make it through the night with her." Amir said.

"Oh y'all weren't leaving. I don't care if I had to lock y'all ass in here." Terrance said.

"You locking the door? That would be a first." Dime said causing me to chuckle.

"Well shit if we staying can you get us some pizza or something. Don't got shit in here." Jahir said mumbling the last part.

"I need to get some clothes too." Dime said.

"It's still early in the day. I don't care where y'all go as long as we go with y'all." Terrance said referring to him and Erin.

"Ike gonna be pissed he missing this. I gotta tell him." Amir said calling my brother on FaceTime.

"Y'all just love telling my business." Terrance said shaking his head.

"Nigga please."

"You the last nigga to be talking"

"Shut up."

The rest of us of us told him simultaneously.


Y'all think Erin is Terrance's baby?

Do y'all have a favorite character?

Random thoughts?

Target or Walmart?

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