Chapter 1: Introductions

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Lillith's Pov

    My world has always been crazy, messy, and hard. Being a human in a mutated world is not the best life ever. Ever since I found out I was human, my life had gone downhill. People started picking on me and bullying me. Things have only gotten worse as I've grown. The once mean comments are now shoving and hitting, and the feeling of being empty has gotten larger and larger over the years. 

     I've always felt like ever since i could remember. When i found out i was a human, to when my father commit suicide in my room as a child. I wasn't there, but i remember being very frightened and shocked when i saw his dead body laying there on the ground. My mother tried to cover my eyes, but I've never been able to forget that horrid sight infront of me. I have nightmares of it almost everynight. Have been for the past, i dont know, ten years maybe? Or was it 12? It doesn't matter. What does matter is that I get finished getting ready for school.

     I sat up in my bed and dreaded the day that had finally arrived.

     The first day of junior year of highschool.

     I groaned as I hit my alarm clock, the continuous beeping noise getting on my nerves. I stood up and wobbled my way to my bathroom. Every morning, I dread going to the mirror to see my disgusting self. My lavender colored hair always reminded me of my dad, and when i remembered him, I'd always start crying. Its not that I hate my dad, it's that he left and it was my fault. I've always blamed myself for it, even though in his note, it said " he just couldn't handle the life he had. It was too stressful for him". I know it was because i was a human and not an artic fox like he and my mother were. The pressure he had for me to be perfect just got into him, i guess.

     Well, anyway, I continued my daily routine, brushing my hair and teeth, getting dressed, all that.I put on a dark greay sweater and ripped jeans and made my way downstairs. I was home alone again, so i walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a piece of bread off of the counter. I then proceeded to walk over to the toaster and popped it in. Another day of being alive, yay.....


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