Going Public and Fights

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(A/N: Hey guys, I'm going to be real and serious with y'all, I haven't updated recently because I ran out of some of my medicine I take past couple of weeks and I was like drained and had no energy and actually kinda started to fall under depression 😅 but don't worry I'm back now and I got my medicine refilled and I should be back to myself soon!!! I honestly feel sooo bad for not updating, like everytime I started to write I would just feel sad and stop because I didn't feel like doing anything. 😅 Buttt I got it done finally sooo, ENJOY!!! :))


I wake up the next day on someone's chest with arms wrapped around me. I panicked for a second then I remembered what happened last night. God, that was the best night ever!! I look up and see Tommy's face covered up by his hair. I giggle quietly, and lay my head back down. A few minutes later I feel him stir.

"Good Morning Beautiful," I look up at him and smile. He smiles back at me.

"Good Morning Handsome," he kisses my lips a couple of times. We cuddle in bed for a while when we hear a banging on the door. We both groan. I get up off Tommy and walk to my suitcase to get clothes and go to the bathroom.


Tommy POV

I get up and walk over to my suitcase and grab some boxers-


I slip on my boxers and a pair of joggers.


"Give me a minute! Damn, so impatient!!" I yell before walking over to answer the door. No wonder they kept banging on the door, it's mister impatient himself.

"God, what the hell do you want Gene?"

"We have to go to sound check for the show tonight." I sigh.

"Okay," I start to shut the door, when he Sticks his foot in it.

"Paul wants Y/N down to help the crew with some things," I nod and shut the door. I walk to the bathroom and see Y/N in the shower. I smirk and take off my boxers and get in with her wrapping my arms around her waist. I feel her jump. She looks up over her shoulders and I bend over and kiss her lips, she smiles.

"I love you baby," I smile back down at her.

"I love you too." I really do love her a lot, she's my whole world. She's so fucking adorable and cute. I kiss her cheek and let her continue to wash her body as I start to wash my hair. We finish our shower and get out and get dressed, she fixes her hair and throws on light makeup, as I finish drying mine. I decide to throw on my green Adidas shoes. She finally finishes and we grab our phones and head across the street to the arena where the show is going to be.

I push Y/N to walk faster and to ignore the fans and everyone. We still haven't gone public yet, because we're not ready for whatever is going to happen. We get caught up in the fans and I see an interviewer stick out his foot and tries to trip the body guards helping us through, but instead trips Y/N, she starts to fall and I push the crowd out of the way knocking a couple of people over and catch her. She looks at me and smiles and continues to walk. We finally get inside and she turns to look out the door then looks at me.

The fans and reporters banging on the door trying to get to me for whatever. I smirk and look at her and raise my eyebrow, and she nods knowing exactly what I was asking. She steps closer to me and I step closer to her. Y/N wraps her arms around my neck and I wrap mine around her waist and kiss her passionately and slowly. I hear banging get harder, we pull away and walk to the arena holding hands.


Me and Tommy are walking into the arena where everyone was at practicing and working. I look up and see Bruce walking over to us. I smile and hug him.

"Hey Brucie!!" He chuckles and hugs back.

"Hi Y/N." We walk up to the stage and Tommy kisses me and goes to get his guitar. Daddy looks at me, I smile but he doesn't smile back.

"What's wrong daddy?" He shakes his head and kisses my cheek. "Oh okay," weird... I go and help out the crew.

Eric POV

As we practiced for sound check I noticed Paul looking at Tommy pretty intensely. I look over and see Gene looking at me, I motion towards Paul and he nods. Me and Gene stop playing which causes Paul and Tommy to turn around and look at us.

"Why did y'all stop playing?" Paul asks, clearly aggravated. I walk down and go and stand beside them.

"Paul, something is clearly wrong with you, why are you so aggravated?" Gene jumps straight to the point. Paul just glares at us.

"Nothing is wrong, I'm fine."

"Then why are you staring Tommy down like he did something wrong?"

"Maybe because he kissed another girl, broke my little girls' heart, got too drunk he passed out and was late this morning for sound check!" I look over at Tommy and see hurt shoot through his face.

"I'm sorry, I- I ha- have to g-go to the bath-bathroom..." Tommy takes off his guitar and darts towards the bathrooms, Paul walk towards the vending machine lounge area, leaving me and Gene standing in shock.

"What the hell do we do now Eric?"

"No idea... maybe go talk to them?" He nods and walks towards the Vending Machines.

"I'll talk to Paul," I nod and get up walking to the bathrooms, as I walk down the hallway I come face to face with Bruce and Y/N. Bruce smiles and wraps his arms around me kissing me.

"Hey baby, what's wrong?" He crooked his head.

"Paul kinda exploded on Tommy..." Y/N gasps.

"Really, why?" She looked super worried. Bruce looked at her.

"I thought y'all were mad at eachother and broke up?"

"We did, I was wanting to tell everyone this at once but we got back together and-" She holds up her hand and we see a princess cut diamond ring on her finger. Bruce gasps really loud and hugs her.


"SHHHH!" She slams her hand over his mouth. "I don't want everyone knowing yet. Especially after Daddy yelling Tommy..." He nods.

"Sorry," he lets go of her quickly.

"It's fine, where is Tommy?"

"Bathroom, I was on my way to go check on him." We walk to the bathroom and me and Bruce walk in leaving Y/N standing there.

"Tommy?" I walk in and see the stall door locked and closed.

"Go away!!" I jump at the determination in his voice. Then I hear Y/N yell from outside. We look back.

"Baby, please come here and talk to me!" I hear the stall door unlock and out walks a crying Tommy Thayer.He walks past us and walks out, we follow behind him and see him wrap his arms around Y/N, crying into her hair. She hugs him back and runs his back comforting him.

"Shhh, it's okay Tommy-Bear, it's okay baby, shhhh, I'm here." She continues to confront him. He starts to calm down some more.

"Awe!" Bruce squeals, Tommy flips him off and buries his head back into her hair. Gene, Paul, and Erin walk over, and Paul looks upset when he sees Tommy crying uncontrollably into Y/N's hair.

"How bout we all go back to the dressing  room and sit down and talk this out." Gene suggests looking confused. We all nod and walk back, sitting down on the couches.

(A/n: Originally planned on a bit of a longer chapter, but already oover 1340 words so I decided that's already a super long and interesting chapter 😂😂 anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter :))

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