Worries and Sorrys, Lies and Friendships

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Tommy POV

I noticed that Y/N was awake and I looked down at her. She then kissed me and I pulled her closer to me. I pulled away and looked at her.

"He didn't do anything to you after I Ieft, did he?" She shook my head. "Good." 

"I don't want to talk about me right now, Tommy, look at you. How are you feeling? I'm I hurting you? Do I need to get up? Is your arm okay? Of course you're not okay…. You're hurt and hooked up to all this stuff and..." She gets up looking around with tears running down her face, I grab her arms and make her look at me. She was being so cute but it was getting on my nerves, and she was getting really upset about it.

"Y/N, Stop, you're okay, no you're not hurting me. I don't want to think about me right now, I want to make sure you're okay! You're my first priority!" I yelled at her. She backed up from me. "Baby girl I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you… I'm just scared…" she looked at me shocked, "yes, I'm scared baby girl, I was scared for you, I was scared of what Paul is gonna do to my head, I was scared for my life when my car flipped, I was scared I was never going to see you again, I'm scared that I'll never be able to perform again, I was scared I was going to die." I felt tears running down my face. I looked up and saw her looking at me. She crashed into me, hugging me, crying hard into my neck. I winced at the sudden pain but hugged her back, stroking her hair. "Shhh, it's okay baby girl." She continued to cry. "I love you, no matter what state I'm in, okay." I felt her nod into my shoulder. I smile and lift her head, she smiles back. I softly kiss her. "Now calm down." She nods again. 

"I'm sorry Tom," I frown at her. 

"Baby girl, what are you sorry for, you didn't do anything wrong?" She looks at me and shrugs. "Don't be sorry for something that's not your fault baby, okay?"


"Not trying to rush you out baby, but I need to have a talk with your dad and the others." 

"Okay," she kisses me and walks out to the waiting room. I see Erin wrap her arm around her and hold her close as they walk down the hallway. I look up and see Gene, Eric and Bruce. 

"Where's Paul?" I look at Gene.

"He's in the bathroom right now, he's pretty upset," he looks at me and knits his eyebrows together. 

"Why would he be upset?! It's his fault I'm in this condition!" I yell at them, Eric kinda flinches back. 

"We know Tommy," Bruce adds into the conversation, wrapping his arm around Eric. 

"Then answer my question!" Just as I said that, he walks in. Paul Stanley, the one who yelled at me, the one who made me drive off and get mad and crash and almost died. He looks at me with a worried expression. 

"Tom, you're awake? Are you okay?" I scrunch my eyebrows together. 

"Why are you worried about it? You didn't seem like you cared when I was sitting in the bed at Eric's house, NOW were you?" I saw anger flash through his eyes as he walked towards me, Gene stopped him.

"Okay first off, I don't know why you're yelling at me, second Y/N is my daughter and is my priority to keep safe, and to WALK into a ROOM and see YOUR DAUGHTER and YOUR GUITARIST in the same FUCKING ROOM! And then finding out that YOU'RE DATING behind my back! OF COURSE I'M GOING TO BE MAD!" Oo he really wants to yell at me like that. Okay, I'll show him. I sit up, not caring about the pain shooting through my body. Nurses and doctors try to rush in, but Bruce and Eric stop them. 

He Spaced My World (Tommy Thayer x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum