Exposed Secrets, Truths and Crashes

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(A/N: Hello lovelies! I'm updating from my phone from now on, because I spilled something on my computer and it won't work. Sooo hello from my phone, lol. Warning: I was planning on this being a really really long and fun chapter... but uh it turned out to be a long and sad chapter soooooo, buckle up for a sad chapter. It's not that sad, well it kinda is, it killed me to type what happened to a one certain character, but it's part of the book though. You have to always throw the sadness in somewhere so here it is. SO PLEASE DON'T HATE ME AND ENJOY THIS SAD CHAPTER!)


I wake up pressed into someone's bare chest, I quickly try and sit up, but whoever's arms stop me. I lift my head and see black poofy hair covering their face. I move the hair slightly and notice it's Tommy. He has me pulled into his chest, with his arms wrapped tightly around my waist. "Awe he's sooo cute when he's asleep!" I squeal to myself quietly. I lay my head back down onto his chest and draw random shapes on his slightly hairy chest. He starts to stir a bit, and starts to talk quietly and smile in his sleep.

"Babeyy stop, that tickles...." I giggle, obviously not stopping. "Quit.... Mmmm..." He pulls me closer. He's so adorable!

"I'm getting up," he let's me go and pulls the blanket over him. I get up and go downstairs and see Bruce and Eric. "Good morning guys!"

"Good Morning!" They both replied at the same time. I laugh. I have a question that is lingering in my head, so I decided to ask it.

"Hey B-Bruce," he looked at me. "Why did you leave the band?" He looked down at the floor.

"I left because I felt like I wasn't good enough for the band anymore... I felt like the fans didn't care as much as they used to, I started getting hate comments and stuff and I was being excluded from a lot of things. Don't get me wrong Gene and Paul are great people and friends but I just felt like they didn't want me there anymore... They just never asked me if I wanted to go and hang out and stuff like that anymore, and it hurt, so I Ieft." He looks at me, tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked." I walked over and hugged him. He hugs me back.

"It's fine."

"Okay," I smile, and he smiles back at me. "I'm gonna go back up to Tommy now." He nods. I go back upstairs and walk over to the bed, sitting down. I shake him a bit. "Tommy," I giggle, "it's time to get up." He mumbles something under his breath I didn't catch. "What?" I laugh. He opens his eyes and looks at me. He's so hot and cute!

"I don't want to get uppppp, babyyyy, can we stay in bedddd." He whines, and pulls me close, I straddle him and lean into him where our foreheads are touching. He pecks my lips a couple of times. "Please..." I pull the cover off of him to reveal his slightly toned 6-pack and v-line stopping at the band of his joggers he had on. Suddenly the door starts to open up and we quickly look up.

"No, have to get up." I quickly recognize the voice, and I scramble off of Tommy and out of the bed. I look at the person standing in the door, then at Tommy, he's as red as a tomato, but I couldn't say anything, so was I.

"Mom!! Hey... uhh h-how are y-you do-doing?!" My mom Erin Sutton is standing in the doorway staring at me. "Please don't tell daddy..." I look down at the ground feeling tears forming in my eyes.

"Don't tell daddy" I look up and see daddy standing right behind mom. Oh no no no no...

Paul POV

I walked into the room and saw Y/N standing there talking to Erin and TOMMY sitting on the bed in a pair of joggers and no shirt.

"Y/F/N Y/M/N STANLEY!" I shouted loud. She starts to cry. Eric Singer, Bruce and Gene come running into the room. I walk over to Tommy.

He Spaced My World (Tommy Thayer x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now