Romulus' Ending

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Author's note: IT'S STILL SATURDAY BABY!!! So...Romulus won the popularity vote by a landslide. So he gets his ending first, don't worry, I'm gonna actually update Bram's ending later this week, but y'all have to wait for him, also sorry this do be a bit short, some of ya'll should know that I'm not the best with endings.

Hope you enjoy <3


With Van Hellscream and Crabgrass defeated, you could all get back to the party.

Lots of people were dancing, but you decided to stay along the sidelines once again. Not like you didn't want to dance, or couldn't, but after having to find your way around the catacombs, dancing sounded a bit too exhausting.

"Hey, wanna dance?"

Looking over, you found Romulus leaning against the same wall as you. Maybe you weren't as tired as you originally thought.


Holding your hand, he led you to the dance floor. An upbeat song was playing. As you found the rhythm, you looked at Romulus.

He had great style, and was always so nice to you. He seemed like he was an overall great manster to be around. And, he was interested in you, right?

He would brush up against you in some way or another when given the chance, and you never seemed to realize why he did that.

But now you did. Draculaura had done her best to give you a hint. But now you finally understood.

Romulus liked you. And, you like him too.

You needed to tell him. Right now.

Focusing back onto him. You lost your thoughts for a second.

Wow, he sure was handsome.

"Uh, hey, Romulus?"

He had been staring at you too, but your voice seemed to bring him back to reality, "Yeah?"

You reached for his hand, and when he took it, you brought it closer to you and held it in both of your hands.

"Can we, uh, go somewhere? For a little bit?"

"And miss dancing with you?"

"Just for a little while."

With a shrug, he smiled at you, and you took that as a yes. So, you continued holding his hand and made your way out of the crowd of monsters.

Once you had made your way out into the quiet hallway, you took a deep breath, before turning to face him.

"Um, I think I really like you. You're really nice, and you're really handsome, and I don't know. I think you like me too, but if you don't then I underst-"

He put his hand over your mouth, "Hey, hey. Hold on, babe. There's no need to be so nervous."

Looking up at him, he was giving you that grin that he always tried to have, but his eyes were a lot softer. He looked really nice.

"I've been waiting for you to be my ghoul."

With that, he slipped off his jacket, and had you slip your arms through the sleeves. He grabbed hold of your hand and leaded the way back into the party.

With the two of you back to dancing, a bit closer now, you knew that you had made the right choice, and you knew that you would be happy.

With Romulus, you were never bored. You always got to watch him play casketball, while also doing your best in the fearleading squad. You got to go on double dates with Draculaura and Clawd. 

You weren't sure how Bram felt about your choice, but he would want you to be happy, right?

Fangs and Howls [Bram x Reader x Romulus]Where stories live. Discover now