A Party

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'This is not going as planned, is it?'

After your encounter with Bram, the next thing you knew, you were being dragged to the mall by the other ghouls to get ready for some last minute party.

Now, everyone was in the school's graveyard. There was a dance floor that lit up, lots of punch, and everyone was dressed for the occasion. Yet, no one was on the dance floor.

The werewolves were in one corner, and the vampires were in another.

You were standing by the rest of the fearleading squad as you all overlooked the lack of partying.

"Oh, man. Nobody's dancing." Frankie cupped her hands together as she surveyed the area.

Lagoona spoke up from beside you, "Everybody's afraid to be first."

"Clawd! Draculaura! Go dance, kick things off!" Frankie whipped her head over to the couple standing off to the side.

You felt bad as they gave each other worried looks, before stepping out onto the dance floor.

As they started to awkwardly dance, the werewolves growled and the vampires sneered. Frankie sighed, "Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all."

Abbey looked around, "Sometimes you must give nudge." You and Frankie braced yourselves as she walked over and grabbed a vampire boy's arm. She dragged him to the dance floor, then walked over a werewolf girl, and did the same. "Dance with her."

You felt Frankie grab your shoulder as she started to shake you, "That's it!" She turned towards everyone else, "You guys, grab a partner."

As monsters started to pair up and get the party going, you felt a nudge against your shoulder.

Draculaura stood there. "Weren't you dancing with Clawd?" You laughed a bit as she pointed over to him attempting to grab a couple of cups of punch from the octopus serving them.

"So, you going to dance with Romulus?"

You gave her a questioning look, "And why would I do that?"

"Um, hello," She gently knocked against your head, "Anybatty home? He totally likes you!"

You almost choked on air as you glanced over at him. You looked down at your feet when you realized that he had been staring back at you. Looking up again, you spotted Bram. He was dancing with Gory, but his eyes were also on you. This was bad.

"Uh, actually, I think I should probably turn in for the night," You feigned a yawn and stretched your arms out a bit, "Yep. I am really tired."

Draculaura wasn't buying it. With her hands on her hips, you knew she wanted to know what was really going on.

Luckily, Clawd became your savior as he came back and handed Draculaura her drink. As she gushed over how romantic he was, you slipped away from her.

As you were walking away, your luck seemed to continue as Frankie Jackson Jekyll take off his earmuffs. With Holt Hyde now in the picture, everyone seemed to be distracted by him taking over the music.

You were in the Ghouls' locker room. You stored a pair of sweatpants and a tank top in your locker, along with some sneakers. You wanted to get home, but Cleo was your ride. And, from what you last saw, it didn't seem like she was going to stop dancing till Gory did. You didn't want to wait around for her, so you were going to walk home. And you definitely weren't going to walk home in heels.

As you finished tying your shoe, you heard the door open behind you.

"So, wanna explain why you snuck out?"

You let out a heavy sigh as you laid back against the bench. Frankie stood over you and gave you a friendly smile.

"You've had two guys in love with you at the same time before, right?"

"Ha, are you kidding?" She sat across from you, "Me, Jackson, and Holt had to break up because they both like me but hated each other."

You ran your hand along the seat of the bench as you tried to find your words, "Yeah, well, what if these two guys were probably finally going to start getting along, but if they found out they both liked you then they would hate each other even more than before?"

Frankie gave you a concerned look, so you decided to tell her about Bram.

"That's literally so romantic. He left his girlfriend for you." She reached out and held your hands in hers.

You took them back and held them close to your chest, "Yeah, but now we've got a problem. Apparently Romulus likes me too."

Frankie's smile dropped. It seemed that she understood the dilemma. "I can't just choose one of them. The vampires and werewolves just started getting along. And- and Bram is the leader of the vampires, and Romulus is like the leader of the werewolves. If they start fighting, then their schools will follow."

You stared down at your shoes as you thought about your problem. You felt yourself get overwhelmed as your vision got blurrier with tears. You honestly didn't know what you were going to do.

Frankie placed her arm on your knee. "Hey, it's going to be alright." You wiped away your tears as you looked up at her. "Do you know who you like."

You thought about it for a few moments, but you couldn't come up with a definitive answer. You could only shake your head at her.

"Then, don't worry about it. As far as I'm concerned, unless one of them approaches you and, as clear as day, asks you out, then just pretend you don't know that either like you."

"But, what about the flower Bram gave me?"

"Get rid of it!" You jumped a bit as Frankie yelled, "If he loves you, then he'll get you more, but if you end up with Romulus, you don't want that flower to make you feel guilty or him to be paranoid."

As bad as you felt for thinking of throwing out Bram's flower, you could see that Frankie made a good point.

You took another sigh before giving her a smile, "Okay."


I just need to say thanks @caiheart for giving me a website that I could use to watch this movie. I am honestly so grateful.

Fangs and Howls [Bram x Reader x Romulus]Where stories live. Discover now