Hey, are you awake?

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Part 1.

             Jungkook always wondered how one could successfully tend to a garden, with how fragile yet beautiful each plant could be. Despite his doubts Seokjin always seemed to have his in the perfect state of health. Thinking back to his poor excuse of a succulent, Jungkook felt shame. However, sulking at some flowers wasn't going to become a new thing of his. 

         The smell of scrambled eggs and brewing coffee pulled the gloomy boy away from the terrace window and towards the kitchen he was very much forbidden from entering after a failed attempt at making smoothies for everyone. At least, forbidden unless supervised. For now he could only lean against the island and watch as Seokjin worked his breakfast magic of flipping a pancake whilst somehow pouring himself a mug of coffee. Jungkook made a displeased expression as he recalled the bitterness of the dark beverage, renamed the 'forbidden soup' by the younger and his superior taste buds. Unfortunately, it seemed he was the only one in the house who preferred his ideal sweet drinks rather than the bitterness of the morning brew.

"Jungkook, could you go wake Namjoon up? He promised to wake up earlier than he usually would but has already slept through 3 of his alarms," Jin spoke with a hint of annoyance, though most of it playful. As if on cue, the no longer serene melody of waterfalls and flutes rang from the hallway across the kitchen. Jin looked hysterical. 

     Before tragedy could strike, Jungkook waved his hands up in front of the older male and made his way to save the day for Namjoon. Upon pushing the door to his room open, it was clear to see that his poor hyung wasn't planning to get up any time soon. The covers weren't even covering the guy's body as he lay sprawled out in some sort of complicated yoga position. There was no way it was comfortable, but still he snored as if he were a half human half motorcycle experiment gone wrong. The younger boy climbed onto the bed and began jumping like his life depended on it just to get Namjoon to finally begin to stir. 

       It finally took one accidental stomp on his hand for Namjoon to jolt up from his death-like slumber and tumble down onto the bedroom floor with a few startled yells. Words couldn't describe how bad Jungkook felt, but a sense of relief soon washed over him as he heard the older laugh and watched him get up with a bedhead that looked straight out of an anime. Climbing down from the bed, Jungkook bowed several times in apology and began picking up the covers that had fallen with Namjoon upon waking up.

    "Hey no, don't worry about it Gguk! I'll get them in a second!" Namjoon took the covers from the boy and began making a bigger mess of them rather than anything. Still feeling guilty, Jungkook stuck back by the door with his hands clasped in front of him not knowing what to do. Namjoon soon noticed this after 'making' the bed and flashed the younger a reassuring smile. "Don't worry about it, okay? I'm alright," He spoke in a gentle tone as he approached the boy and ruffled his hair into a messy nest. "I won't be alright if I keep Jin hyung waiting more than I already have though, huh?"

          Jungkook smiled and shook his head while attempting to fix the bits of hair that he could. Namjoon stood there a bit longer with an unreadable expression on his face as he watched the younger that caused Jungkook to tilt his head to the side as if to question the older. However, he only shook his head and walked down the hall to the kitchen where a very impatient Seokjin awaited. 'What do you think when you see me hyung..?' Jungkook wanted to ask, but could only hear himself in his own head and nowhere else.

        He soon joined the two at the table and enjoyed as much as the breakfast as he could, helping Jin clean up and wash some of the dishes afterwards. Namjoon had left for work as soon as he had the chance and wouldn't be returning until later in the day. Jin had the day off but he had mentioned going somewhere with some friends of his for most of the day and even invited Jungkook to come along only to be politely declined. It was one of the few days that he could be alone so he wanted to make the most of it for as long as he could.

    As soon as he saw Jin walking to the front door with his car keys, Jungkook ran to his side and gave the taller male a tight hug. Surprised, but charmed, Seokjin soon wrapped his arms around him and reached a hand up to gently stroke the boy's hair. "Are you sure that you'll be okay on your own, Jungkook? You could always come along you know, my friends would love to meet you!" He tried sounding bubbly to encourage the younger, but he only smiled and shook his head before parting from him. Sighing in defeat, Jin gave him one last hug before slipping his shoes on at the door and leaving the apartment with Jungkook alone.

     To be sure that he was really alone, Jungkook sat by the door for a good twenty minutes waiting to see if Jin happened to return as he sometimes would after forgetting something. No return this time. He then finally stood up and hurried to his room, quickly changing out of his sweats and into a pair of ripped jeans and exchanging his T-shirt for a light beige hoodie that seemed a few sizes too big. As soon as he seemed presentable enough, Jungkook made his way to the front door and took one last long stare at the doorknob before slipping his shoes on and heading out.


           The hoodie seemed like a smart choice as soon as Jungkook had stepped out of the apartment building. The outside air was cool and crisp showing signs of an upcoming winter, his favored season. Taking out his phone, he began typing in an address and allowed the search engine to load before the directions appeared on his screen and gave him a direct path. He didn't have much money on him and he surely didn't feel comfortable riding in a stranger's car, so walking was the only option for now it seemed.

    The sidewalks were wet and shiny from a previous shower but were beginning to dry as people walked on by through their daily routines. Walking amongst them should've been as fluent as breathing, but to Jungkook it felt as if each person he passed were judging him in every way, shape and form. By the time he had made it through the central shopping area, his lungs felt exhausted and his pulse now in his ears. 'You're okay,' He had to repeat the phrase to himself over and over as he walked through a now more solitary part of the city. From then on it was far more easy to keep his eyes forward rather than on the ground.

       The sky seemed to read into his mood as he approached his destination with weary steps, the clouds dark as his fingers ran across the edge of the iron gates and collected the droplets of water that had been left behind. Cemeteries were known for their eerie atmosphere, but Jungkook hadn't expected for it to feel so surreal to him in that moment. And yet, there was no other option but to go through with what he had promised himself. Each step down the gravel path felt heavier and heavier but he continued on with slight glances to every headstone. It had been so long since he had last come but his legs knew exactly where he was going.   

     As if from a scene from a movie, he carried himself on until he found himself stopped before a beautifully decorated headstone with old flowers and little wand balloons surrounding it. Unable to hold himself up any longer, Jungkook lowered himself to his knees and allowed the moisture of the grass below him to seep into his pants as he stared at the letters engraved into the stone. 

                         'Kim Taehyung, 1995-2019'


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2020 ⏰

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