Me, Myself, and I [Kid x Fem!Reader x Killer]

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Update**** This idea has been expanded a little in my book 'Me, Myself, and I' (though it will probably remain unfinished)

Okay so this is a veeeery rough idea and I'm not even sure if I will keep going with this. It would be quite the challenge to write such a character (as you will soon see). But I thought it was interesting enough to post it here, even if I don't end up continuing this story.


Children are always victims of the sins of their parents. People never consider the consequences their actions in the present will have on future generations. A stained legacy will always burden children brought into the world by those who have been spurned by society.

You were sure of these things to the very depths of your fractured soul.

You were the daughter of a sailor and a prostitute.

She never knew his name.

He soon forgot hers.

Your mother had been the star dancer and pleasurer at the village tavern. Her beauty shone like a beacon, drawing people in from the surrounding islands, and sometimes from even farther regions.

The chief despised her, but adored the money her presence brought to the village. That was the only reason he hadn't run her out of town.

That was also the reason he didn't run you out of town.

The chief was the one who delegated jobs in the village. He'd thought it fitting that the daughter of a whore should take her mother's place when one night spent with the wrong man led to a deadly sickness.

At least you had inherited your mother's beauty.

Many of your clients told you that you were the spitting image of the previous 'Queen' of Karsh Island. And they would know, they had been her clients as well.

The greater portion of your life had been spent in the back rooms of the Rolling Barrel Tavern. At first as a somber child trying to keep out of the rooms where the adults were loudly wrestling with each other, then as a sullen teenager figuring out the best ways to blend into the shadows whenever a man passed by.

Now you plied your living in the dusty, unkempt rooms. Laying in the same beds and with the same men and women that your mother had.

You could trace every grain in every wooden slat that formed the roof of the inn.

Tonight you'd be analyzing the cracks of a particularly worn plank in the corner room on the top floor. Those gaps in the wood had slowly grown over the years. You gave it another four months or so until the rain began leaking through.

"I think I'd like Jo this evening."

The man didn't bother trying to hide his lustful stare.

Why would he?

You nodded and closed your eyes.


There were two more things you'd inherited from your mother...

No one knew where she'd got it, most assumed she'd accepted it as payment for her services from a particularly well-traveled pirate. No one even knew the name of the fruit.

Misc ideas/One shotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora