Chapter 7: Why are you so nice?

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"Serves her right! That's instant Karma Bit.." Glimmer was yelling from the top of the stairs before Adora cut her off.

"Glimmer not now!" The tall girl yelled without taking her gaze off of those beautiful mismatched eyes.

"Where does it hurt?" Adora whispered calmly, still staring deeply into Catra's eyes.

"Everywhere.." The feline whispered back before glancing up at Glimmer and attempting to stand.

"Catra what are you doing!" Adora said, helping the girl to her feet.

"I'm fine. I don't need help" She said pushing Adora off of her and bracing herself against the wall. Catra was breathing heavy but she managed to walk over to the couch that sat in the living room.

"Glimmer, go grab Bow. I think I'm going to have to drive you guys home" Adora said with an 'I'm sorry' look at the pink haired girl.

"Fineeeeee, but you owe us a real sleepover once your foster demon calms down a little bit okay?" Glimmer said as she turned back to the room to get Bow. Adora glanced over a Catra before shrugging.


Dropping her friends off didn't take too long, they lived relatively closeby. The problem was that all Adora could think about was Catra falling. She had to get her friends out of that house because she knew Catra wouldn't drop her 'I'm invincible' front if they were still there. Maybe, just maybe if it was just Adora, she'd be more cooperative in getting taken care of. The blond girl had finished dropping off her squad and opened the door to her house before quickly making her way over to the living room couch.

"Catra." She said kneeling by the couch and looking at the girl who was now laying outstretched across it.

"Hey Adora." There was a bit of a smirk in her lips as those words slid out. She adjusted herself on the couch and made another pained face.

"Hey hey, stop moving around so much. I'm gonna carry you upstairs okay?" Adora spoke slowly and Catra's eyes were now glued on her. Is Catra blushing right now?

"You don't hav..." She started to speak quickly looking away from the blond girl.

"I want you to be comfortable, I'll let you sleep in my bed. You seemed to love it anyway." Adora giggled looking at the feline who was now desperately trying to avoid eye contact.

"Plus I think you love the Idea of me carrying you upstairs." Adora spoke now almost laughing.

"Why in the hell would you think that!" Catra said louder now as Adora grinned even wider at her.

"Your tail gave you away. As soon as I asked to carry you... it started swaying." She giggled again. Catra was a bright shade of red before burying her face into the couch cushion.

Adora took the opportunity to scoop the feline up in her arms and started making her way towards the stairs.

"What's that smell by the way?" Adora said looking down at the girl who was now curled up in her arms.

"It's.... uhh.... It's weed." She spoke looking away from Adora.

"Ohh." The blond said before going completely silent the rest of their way up the stairs. She gently laid Catra down in the bed before helping her sit up. Catra looked completely zoned out as Adora helped her out of her Flannel. The feline girls eyes were slightly glossed over and a little bloodshot, the drunkenness was also still very apparent. However something Adora didn't expect now jumped out at her. This was the first time she'd ever seen Catra's arms.

The girl had distinct scars lining her wrists, there had to be dozens of them on each arm. Catra must have noticed the look on her face because the feline spoke.

"Fuck. I didn't want you to see that. Don't fucking ask me about it." Her voice was now venomous.

"I won't... I'm sorry." Adora tried to look anywhere but the scars she'd now known littered  Catra's arms.

"You don't need to try so fucking hard you know. Obviously you've seen them. Avoiding looking is almost worse than looking." She spoke slowly, glancing away.

"Okay." The blond girl nodded. Catra was really complicated, Adora wished the girl had lived an easier life. She never really understood what would cause someone to want to hurt themselves but she'd always had life pretty good.

"Living here can't get much worse huh. You already think I'm some crazy fucked up problem child that cuts herself." The girl's voice was basically defeated at this point. It hurt Adora's heart to hear Catra talk about herself like that literally physical pain in her chest.

"No no no, I'd never think about you like that. I promise. Sure you've probably been through a lot, but I'd never let it define who you are. You're amazing Catra." The taller girl's words were sincere. Adora was just worried the feline wouldn't believe her. To her surprise the smaller girl rolled over in the bed so she was facing Adora. Her eyes glossy. She looked as if she was holding back tears.

"Why are you so nice to me?"

Sisters? (Catradora)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora