- Mirror Meetings -

Start from the beginning

"Your mirror?? What did you see??" Both second-years were absorbed now completely forgetting about the net.

"I saw a boy. He was taller, he had pudding-like hair and bright golden eyes!" Hinata explained make hand-motions. "He disappeared when I wiped the mirror though..."

"That's just your overactive imagination." Tsukishima snickered.

"No! I'm being serious. I saw someone in the mirror that wasn't me." The shorter defended.

"TANAKA, NISHINOYA!" Daichi yelled. "I thought you taking down the net?"

The second-years gulped and immediately went back to the net.

"You'll have to show us the ghost sometime! Or maybe take a picture or something." Tanaka suggested. "Nishinoya exclaimed while helping Tanaka.

"If there even is a ghost." The blonde nearby said which earned a "Tsukki!" from Yamaguchi.

Hinata huffed and speedily tidied up. Once the gym had been tidied away the group split up to walk home. Hinata grabbed his bike before walking with Kageyama.

"Do you believe in ghosts Kageyama?" Hinata asked had they had a slow walk.

"Yes you dumbass. I think their real." Kageyama replied.

Hinata took some time to think then.

"Hmmm, there's some sort of spirit in my mirror and I'm not sure what to do."

"Smash the mirror." The setter suggested. "Easy solution."

"My mom would kill me." The shorter shrieked.

"Then deal with the ghost."

Huffing they made it to the cross-roads. Saying a quick "Bye." to Kageyama, Hinata got to cycling back home.



Once home he headed straight to his room and chucked his stuff on the ground before flopping onto his bed.

I really want to play volleyballllllllllllll.

Hinata whined in his head. Getting up from his bed he grabbed the volleyball off the floor and headed out into his small garden. His thoughts had become clearer now, it was probably just his imagination that he saw someone, however he couldn't get how beautiful that person looked. Blushing the boy chucked the ball into the air and practised his receiving.

Only a small amount of time passed by before his sister dragged him in for dinner. His mom telling him to take a shower once he was done eating since he still hadn't changed from his school clothes.

Once his meal was finished he excused himself and headed back to his room. Picking up some clothes and a few towels he headed to the bathroom. After entering the bathroom he placed everything down and went straight the mirror it was clear, no steam, no random person, just Hinata.

Sadly it seems that beanpole was right.

Hinata thought begrudgingly. Shaking off the thoughts of the mirror he started to get ready to go in the shower.


Hinata got out the shower and covered himself in towels. After drying his hair he looked towards the mirror, it was steamy of course. Grabbing a dry towel he started to wipe away at the mirror forgetting all about the last time he had wiped it.

When all of the steam was wiped off he was once again met face-to-face with someone else causing Hinata to jump back.

"Huh?!? The ghost again!" Hinata readied his fists. "You wanna fight ghost?!" He had completely forgetten his was half naked.

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