- I love you - Prince Au -

Start from the beginning

"Shoyo." Kenma said seriously. "You can't leave...I...I gave you an order."

Hinata then realised he wasn't getting out of this and sighed. "Sorry your majesty." Bowing he stood beside Kenma's chair much to the pudding head's dismay. Signalling for Hinata to sit, the conversation between families became silent as they switched to a more serious topic.

"Kenma, Tetsuro we have been discussing this for awhile now and we think it would greatly help both of our kingdoms." The queen started. Kenma didn't like the sound of this already.

"We have proposed that since you two get along so well to have you both be wedded when you are able to. An arranged marriage!" Kenma didn't like this.

Nothing was said as the news sunk in between the teens. Kenma was shocked, Kuroo had gone silent and Hinata had become tense. Both Kenma and Kuroo didn't think of each other like that. They were more like brothers so the thought of an arranged marriage made both fall silent.

"Oh! And we will be hosting a celebration tonight. To celebrate this wonderful arranged marriage." Before anyone could object The Queen invited the adults to a walk in the garden to let the news settle. "Lets head to the gardens we planted some new plants a while ago and they are coming into bloom."

"This is ridiculous." The pudding head whispered breaking the silence. "We weren't even asked."

"I agree. I had no knowledge of this whatsoever." Kuroo added scratching the back of his head. "This is kinda awkward."


Silence again.

"I have someone else in mind for me. No offense obviously Kenma."

"None taken. So do I." Kenma whispered blushing slightly.

"Well I know that." Kuroo smirked looking between the knight and the prince. "It's quite obvious that your more than friends. Lovers maybe? A secret relationship? Hmmmm?"

The other teens in the room blushed furiously.

"Does the Queen know? Hmmm?" The rooster head kept asking. "When did this start?"

"Ahem, well its quite obvious you like someone as well!" Hinata blurted out trying to change the subject.

"Oh? Who do you think it is then Shrimp." Kuroo challenged smirking. "I'll let you have two guesses."

"Yaku? Your personal knight?" Hinata guessed thinking of the people surrounding Kuroo.

"Nope. Completely wrong. He and Lev have a little thing going on." Kuroo replied. "I wasn't suppose to say but oh well..."

"Is it that blonde knight?" Kenma butted in. "The one that trains here."

"Oh? Pudding head might be on to something here!"

"Wait...Tsukishima?! That stuck-up jerk??" The shorter asked loudly.

"Ding ding ding." Kuroo laughed. "Now that we have established relationship statuses we can-"

"You arn't even in a relationship Kuroo." Kenma pointed out.

"Its a work in progress!" Kuroo huffed embarrassed "I'm planning on asking him out!"

"He's a prickly one." Shoyo commented. "Plus i think he likes Yamaguchi."

"Don't crush my hopes and dreams just yet!" The tallest whined. "I may still have a chance!"

"Mm." Was the only reply from Kenma.

Sighing Kuroo changed the subject. "Now that we have established relationship statuses and crushes we need to talk about the important topic. The arranged marriage."

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