Chapter 16

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Today the picture of Cantonville High is different. The halls , corridors and the front lawn , garage and the backyard that has the basketball court are almost empty. Except a very few students that can be counted on my fingers , who are either going to their class or to washroom .

I find Ian leaning against the wall beside the door of his classroom , his nose deep into his book.

" Are you going to tell me about the plan now ?" I startle him. He's alone here. I look around for his two minions , but they are nowhere to be found. By now I've learnt their name . Ryan Fox and Daniel Ferguson.

He places his hand on his chest and takes a deep calming breath . " You scared the shit out of me Anna !"

I resist the urge to roll my eyes. I don't have time for this. The exam for the first semester starts today and here I'm wasting my time on wondering what could possibly be Ian's plan instead of going through my notes one final time.

" Now Ian , I've waited as you've told me. If you don't tell me what's your plan is ____" . He cuts me off .

" My plan has already been executed." He drawls lazily , eyes on the book . I snatch his book away from him. " What ! And you didn't even think that you should have told me first. "

He looks unimpressed. Probably because I've snatched his book away from him . He holds up his hand , palm facing up . " My book first. "

" The plan first. "

He rolls his eyes. " Fine. "

My heart is racing thousand miles a second. I can't tell if it's because of the fear of exam or the cheat paper hidden under Sebastian's desk. I chuck half of my water bottle in one go.

Ian's seat is not in this room. Neither is Cath's. I catch Ryan Fox's eyes , who's sitting two rows over from me , three benches ahead of Sebastian. He gives me a knowing look .

He knows about Ian's plan. Perhaps he's the one to hide the paper under Sebastian's desk. I check the wall clock over teacher's podium . Ten minutes thirty seconds before the final bell . Mrs Barnes is checking the number of question papers thoroughly . After that no one can go out of the exam hall until the exam overs.

I steal a quick glance at Sebastian . He's frowning at something under his table. I don't know what. My stomach flips. Has he seen the paper.

He bends down to pick up his pen . Good God ! This tension is unbearable.

I sit gripping the edge of my chair like it's the only thing keeping me up . My mother's words from three weeks ago reverberates in my mind the most we can do is ask ourselves are we strong enough to bear the consequences of our actions . More importantly is this what we want .

Am I strong enough to bear the consequences ? Can I see Sebastian getting thrown out of the school for something he never committed. If that happens , I'll be responsible for it. 

We do things hoping for one outcome . But then the consequence turns out to be something we didn't foresee .

It's not the first time these words have crossed my mind. These words keeps going round and round my mind like a merry go round . I don't want Sebastian to get expelled. That'll be too painful . Worse than seeing him dating Cath. This outcome is not what I want .

Two minutes to the final bell . Suzanne Haynes enters the hall like a show stopper of a couture show. Ryan winks at her , she rolls her eyes. She looks briefly at me while making her way to her seat , which is behind Sebastian . The seats are arranged alphabetically .

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