Chapter 13

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I remember clearly that I took the left side last night. But as of this morning , I am laying on the right side of the bed. Anna's side of the bed. And it's only me in my bedroom .

I find Anna sipping coffee sitting behind the kitchen counter . She looks up from her phone as she hears me . I notice she's dressed in the same black spaghetti strapped lacey dress from last night. The one that reminds she had been to a date with Alec . And I've no reason to dread over it .

Anna puts her phone , face down on the counter and stands up as I make my to the kitchen counter. " Want a cup a coffee ?" She asks . I nod and rub my hands all over face as she turns away to make me a cup of coffee .

I force my eyes wider . Sleep seems a little too stubborn today. " Here . " She pushes the mug towards me . I settle on one of the stools opposite from Anna.

" Have you found any sponsor yet ?" She asks casually . So I reply casually " I have made a list of some possible sponsors . I'll email them one by one today. " I take a sip of my coffee , that she has prepared for me . It feels good to have someone to make you coffee every morning.

Anna finishes her coffee before I'm half way through mine . She says as she washes the mug in the sink " George emailed me about the family that had filed the report. " She places the mug neatly back to it's place and looks at me while wiping her hands in a paper towel. " What are you going to do about them ?"

I don't know should I feel relieved or disappointed that she chose to avoid any conversation about last night. I finally decide to with the flow. " I will make George investigate about it. "

By now Anna is already picking up her purse and phone from the kitchen counter. " Are you leaving already ?" I know the answer to that. But I don't know what else to ask.

" Yeah. "

" What's the rush ? It's Sunday . Your mom's school is off . I was thinking if we could have lunch together. " That's a wishful thinking . Anna smiles and shakes her head. I hate that smile , it's a smile people gives when they are trying to refuse you mildly . " The school is off . But the club is on . She has to be in the club before nine . Which means I've to return home by 8:30. "

She collects her coat from the couch . My eyes follow her like a camera. She pauses at the door and I find myself fidgeting . " See you tomorrow at office then. "

Suddenly tomorrow feels too long . Too late to see her again . I say before thinking " What are you doing tonight ?"

That sounds too eager , too desperate . So I quickly add " if you are free then we can have a movie night together. I haven't have one since a long time ." That's true and I make sure to pour as much melancholy as I can in the last few words .

Anna wets her lips. " I am free tonight . " An automatic smile spreads across my smile. It hasn't happened to me in a long time. This automatic smile thing. It's a smile that comes from inside , as if my insides are smiling too.

" I'll pick you up from your house . So that you don't have to worry about going back home before your mother's school starts. " She contemplates it for a second before nodding in a doubtful way .

" Are we talking about spending the night here ?" She asks cautiously . It's more like me talking about it . I've no idea what she's thinking .

" Yeah ! That will be fun . I'll pick you at seven ?" I ask hopefully .

" That's okay , I guess ." I release a breath , I didn't even know holding . What's happening to me ? She fishes out her keys ." Bye Sebastian . " She grins at me . I like that grin on her.

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