Brock trekked up to me, seriousness on his face. He nodded solemnly, his gun already prepped in his hands.

I peer over to Scotty, frowning to see him move up to join Jaren and Kryoz.

"I can help out too."

I nodded, taking one last glance at Brian, sending a prayer before guiding Brock down the hallway Jon had escaped through.


"Where do you think he went?" I pant, chasing after Brock as he sprinted down the corridors.

His legs seemed determined to reach his target while mine failed to catch up.

"The roof most likely. He must've taken his stuff before going up there, he isn't ready."

"Ready for what?"

"Jon has a helicopter on the roof, we need to get him before he takes it."

I pant like a dog, groaning as Brock slides down a corner and runs up a flight of stairs.

If I kept this up I wouldn't have enough energy to face Jon!

My mouth was dry as I gasped for air, making up the last step up the stairs into a small room with a door.

Brock tries the handle to which it is locked.

The man growled, kicking it with his feet before taking his gun and shot the handle off.

He kicks the door again and it swings open, revealing the roof of the building.

The harsh wind blew me back as I stepped onto the concrete. Sunrise was beginning to rise above the trees of the forest surrounding the building and illuminated a large chopper sitting idle on the landing pad.

Brock growled as he found Jon tossing his bag into the back of the aircraft.

Brock fired off a shot, dinting the chopper door.

Jon jumps, swinging around to face us and fires a bullet from his pistol.

We both run for cover behind the electric  generators.

Tension hung in the air as Brock leaned over firing shots to the man.

Jon dispensed his bullets dumbly until I could hear his magazine go empty.

Brock smirks, jumping from his spot and fires his mag into the other man.

I soon join him. Jon dashes down from the pad and hides behind a generator.

Brock's jumps to his spot, confusion on his face as Jon had disappeared.

"Brock look out!" I shout, aiming my gun as Jon appeared behind the man.

He began to choke Brock, taking his gun and threw it to the side before facing me, using Brock as a shield.

"Take the shot! Don't worry about me, kill this bastard!" Brock hisses, clawing at Jon's arms around his neck.

"Yeah, little Ev~ take the shot!" Jon mocked, his blue eyes glowing in the dim light.

My hands were too shaky to aim at the wicked man. Instead, I ran up to him and struck his face with the end of Brian's rifle.

Jon howled in pain, releasing Brock from his grasp. Brock fell to the ground, gasping for air.

Jon glared at me with animalistic rage, his nose running with blood.

He knocked the rifle from my hands, letting it fall to my side before taking something from his belt and stuck it into my side.

I felt a sharp pain but I was in too much of a frenzy to care. I land a blow to his stomach, my weak state not doing much as strikes me over the head and tightened
his hands around my throat.

"You just had to get in the way of everything! My future was supposed to be glorious, but you've ruined everything!" His eyes are filled with rage, his teeth baring as he grins darkly.

My lungs ached for air as my windpipe was squeezed tighter and tighter until Brock swung at him.

I was released from my restraint but couldn't catch my breath as Jon fumbled backwards near the edge of the roof until he tripped over the small barrier.

I leapt forward, my body hitting the knee-high wall just in time to grasp his forearm.

"Evan what are you doing? Drop him!" Brock shouts behind me as I struggled to not be pulled down with him.

Jon glares at me, puzzled. His eyes shone with fear as he grasped my arm with both hands.

I didn't know why I was preventing this man's death. He was Brian's brother after all, how could I? I save lives not take them, even if they are mentally unstable.

Besides he was not mine to kill.

I groaned in pain, feeling the muscles in my arms ache as I heave him up until his hands reach the small barrier.

I fall back as he drops back safely into the roof area. He rapidly stood up, glaring at me with crazed eyes.

I slightly smiled before it was wiped off my face with his fist. I dropped to the floor and watched Brock leap at him, taking his head into his arms.

Brock landed harsh blows to his face before being elbowed in the chest. Brock cringed at the pain but kept his grip before Jon forced his opponents head to hit the metal beams of the helicopter pad. Brock dropped down, grasping his head pain.

Jon scampered away, onto the launch pad and readied the chopper. He glared at Brock mockingly, tossing something at him with an inaudible sentence.

The blades sliced the air as he jumped into the driver's seat.

I attempt to catch up to him but gasp at a horrific pain in my side. I glance down at the pain and squeak at a knife stuck in the side of my waist.

I huff in pain, the adrenaline of the fight had made me oblivious to the puncture. Now, I could feel every inch of it.

I stayed still on the floor, unable to move and could only watch Brock hobble off the floor and weakly pick up his gun.

The chopper's blades were now a blur as it lifted the aircraft off the ground, taking Jon with it.

Brock lines up his gun and shot the last of his bullets into the chopper.

Black smoke blew out from the back of the chopper but the rest stayed intact. He shot one last bullet before dropping to his knees, screaming a cry of misery.

He must've picked up that object Jon threw at him. It was a pretty silver necklace with a locket and picture.

I held my side, feeling blood seep into my clothing as I attempted to control my breathing.

I would be fine if I keep the knife in for now. However, my heart raced twice as fast as I realise a wound like this would need stitches. Stitches I would need to sew it myself.

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